the nerve of some people

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People just dont want to forget and I get that but if you force me to talk about something that I avoid just drop it

Me getting mad at you is the last thing you want to do

Then people'll get guilty and make me guilty too

Just dont do that

Ive had to experience that guilt on guilt with a person for 3 years straight

Im trying to convince myself that its their fault why they are feeling that certain way

If I had an iphone, I'll use the eye roll emoji every single time you do something stupid or annoying

Why talk about it to him ?

I'm sure he misses school as well as you do :)

Im so fucking bored, ill get pissed easily

Cuz im not doing anything

This book is like my twitter
And people who i rant about
Can't read it or cant involve other people

Anyways, I'll update soon

but for now

I'll just get pissed for a whole day


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