Update (sorry for not writing alot)

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first things first,

let us celebrate Mother Mary !

then the second is

sorry for not writing much, 

these past few days have been taking a toll on me, physically and mentally. 

I just got my first sem grades and so far they're pretty good, I got 80 in my math which is good. I'm satisfied with my grades and such.

I got rewarded by a new sketchbook and the first i thing i drew was Flame Princess X Finn and it somehow reminds me of me and Yuri... fuck... memories take a huge toll on me especially when my happy pill is off being strange and suddenly distant...

Fuck...I miss Yuri...and Kuro.... but meh 

i'll try and not focus on them too much and shit but gawd, will someone atleast give me like a hint as to why Kuro is being such a fucking distant lil shit. It's out of nowhere and so sudden !

Last night, My paranoia kicked in and that led to me having a breakdown with the side of hyperventilating, the good thing was I manage to stop myself from further losing oxygen and manage to convince myself everything is fine and dandy 

Oh how ironic for a fucking Peer counselor and a future psychologist -sighs-

i feel like something bad is gonna happen...maybe it'll turn out to be good...i dunno anymore 

so yeah umm 

short update and such 


i'll make it up in the next chapter 

Shiro, out 

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