me too lazy to think of a title (>.<)

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"I know you know that I like you but that's not enough so if you will please fall in love I think it's only fair there's gotta be some butterflies somewhere"-^Would you be so kind by Dodie^

soo halluuu 
I just spend the rest of my day with Kuro and friends but oml IS ROSS AND LOEND SOME STUPID IDIOTS ! 

first, while walking to the said place, the two idiots stopped walking while me and kuro are still walking. IT WAS SO AWKWARD AND A FRIEND OF MINE WAS WALKING BACK TO SCHOOL AND SAW ME WITH HIM AND SHE THOUGHT ME AND HIM ARE DATING (ASDFGHYTRESDXCVB)

secondly, the two idiots left me alone with him cuz they were ordering and such andd uuughhh i kent anymore 

oh and while walking the brothers home (kuro and ross) I started to feel sick and wanted to barf my guts out cuz apparently you should not drink a mcfloat straight without stopping or else your stomach's gonna be all fucked up. 

I put my hand over my mouth and leaned forward a bit while walking. Kuro suddenly was beside me and asked if i was okay for like two times and i said i was fine and he just stopped bugging me but 

HEE WASS CCONNCCERRRNNNEEDD  and also well... he's been nice...and uuuUUUUGGGGGHHHHHhhhhhhh 

mah heart 


why you may ask cuz 

there's a guy who likes me and then there's kuro 


"the one you love or the one who loves you"


im not dealing with the answer 



i just jumped into some group of friends drama just out of nowhere. I told Aria about it and she told me to stay away from it and i think i should but they're my friends and i dont want them to fight even though its none of my business but still ! i dont like conflicts between friends 

so yah, sums up my friendship with others lol 


thasss all 


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