Quiet (soon to be noisy) Wednesday

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So that's why nobody is talking to me today cuz of the movie showing. . .KURO WONT EVEN MESSAGE ME GAWD FRIKIN DAMMIT

okai okai so the song up above is quite great cuz it makes me belt out Juliet Simms part cuz holy hell it'c catchy. 

Anyways, my girl cousin is coming here soo like this evening and i found out a little secret frm my little sister, okai so !

I was in the bathroom, taking a shower and btw i took long in the shower cuz of water interruption and its annoying AS FUCK anyways, there was this boy who is working for my family as like helper or like a maid, he's called J, cuz that's what he wants us to call him instead of RJ, which is his real name, okai so, ever since we came home here in our province, this boy has been stealing glances, always staring at me, always smiling whenever we make eye contact with each other.

and so my sister is always questioning him whenever she caught him staring and did i mention she is just 7 yrs old ! She would say "Why are you always staring at my sister ?" and i would just laugh it off as like a joke but then when i was done showering, my sister is always calling me. "Ate LEI ! ! !"  and i keep saying "WHAT ?!" (ate  is like a respectful saying of the word older sister). She went near me and told me to keep my mouth shut and not tell our parents and other older relatives (i wouldn't tell them shit cuz i dont want to). I insisted her to tell me and she told me that J has a crush on me and of course i pretended to look shock but on the inside i was relieved somewhat and totally internally screaming 'KNEW IT' bbbuuutttt that's kinda made a sorta problem, i mean the dude is nice and fun to be with and its like contradicting with my emotions for Kuro.

But i dunno, maybe the rest of the vacation might change my mind, 


Since some of my close relatives were giving sympathy cuz of the bday situation, my uncle, who is my father's brother, invited me to go with him and his family along with my sister to a overnight stay at a luxurious hotel at a faraway city which is like a 4 hour drive from here which will be fun, i think, but yeah 

that is all for now 


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