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so it's examination week and we had one day to finish our projects and guess what, THE MAYOR SUSPENDED CLASSES, LIIIKKEE FFUUCCKKK, it made me want to scream the fuck out since I NEED TO FINISH THAT FUCKING MANUSCRIPT PRAYER SHIT FOR ART. I ONLY FINISHED THE FIRST FUCKING LETTER. I CAN'T EVEN. 

but then something good came out of this day, as you look at the photo above, look closely at the other team's mvp... THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, AFTER COUNTLESS ATTEMPTS TO DEFEAT HIS ASS. I FINALLY DID IT. I BEAT HIS ASS IN A 1V1 (if you don't count the AI's). after the match, he congratulated me and was proud and said i was getting good at playing. 

It made me smile like a mad man after we played but then we did another 1v1 and i lost terribly, once again since before we played another match, he said "I won't go easy on you anymore" and of course, I begged for fucking mercy which he ignored and proceeded to wreck me (that sounds horribly wrong, holy shit, i am so sorry) mercilessly. 

I also just got my braces adjusted and holy shit, it hurts so bad, i have like 3 layer of shit on my teeth, one is a layer of metal wire, the next layer the the wire to keep my teeth in place and the last one is rubber 

and HOLY SHIT DOES IT HURT, when i speak, my teeth sometimes clash and that fucking hurts, oh and i also can't eat properly, the only things i can eat are oatmeal, noodles, and soup. BUT I HAVE THE EXCUSE TO EAT A SHIT TON OF ICE CREAM SO ITS A WIN WIN SITUATION.


i have like 2 one-shots coming yur way. One is like a song lyric type and the other one is an AU 

so yahh 

thas all for now


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