To: Everyone (Available)
Q: If you had to choose one person to go out with, who would it be? It also has to be outside of your fandom >:)
Sherlock Fandom:
Sherlock Holmes: hm... I have no Idea who would I date...really, because Im a sociopath, high functioning sociopath.
John: *Smiles* really, Sherlock? Not even one out of the billion fandoms of the universe?
Sherlock: No.
John: *Raises eyebrow*
Sherlock: Dont judge, not her....Probably Loki. Yeah, Loki, im pretty sure of Loki Odinson! I would be his Foul Beast!
John: ... okay...Then Khan! Even though, he's a bit evil in StarTrek, I would go out with him.
Sherlock: Yeah, yeah. Benedict Cumberbatch, a very sexy actor!
Mrs. Hudson: Yes, I do agree with sherlock. ah...Benedict Cucumberbatch.
John: It's Bartonlots Cucomhatch, Benelitch Crissytash, Bennykate Crumblethat...
Sherlock: Benedict Cumberbatch. So, Ms. Hudson who would you date?
Mrs. Hudson: Thor of dreamy...
Irene: hm... Im interested in aliens too, I would date the clever funny smexy Doctor.
Sherlock: ... pfft, the Doctor isnt as clever as me.
Irene: I dont care.
Moriarty: Magneto! He is mine! WE COULD CONQUER THE WORLD TOGETHER!!!
Sherlock: Very nice.
Molly: Leopold Fitz from the AOS fandom, He is so funny and clever...
John: I ship fitzSimmons. Deal with it.
Sherlock: What about you, George?
Greg: It's Greg.
Sherlock: Whatever.
Greg: I actually have no idea. Probably Sally Sparrow, very clever and pretty and---
Sherlock: I am not surprised...
Elsa: Who would I date? hm...
Anna: Oh! I know whose mine...he's from the Mulan fandom...what's his name?
Olaf: Shang Li.
Anna: Yes, yes! Shang Li.
Kristoff: Really? Why?
Anna: Remember one of his songs, he was like, "Let's get down to business, to defeat, the Hans"
Kristoff: Oh, that's why...
Elsa: Jack Frost. He's not really apart of out fandom.
Anna: But besides that, since you guys are engaged and already together. Who?
Elsa: Hmm...
Olaf: OH! I WANT TO DATE BARNEY!! HE LOVES HUGS!! AND HE LOVES EVERYONE...except the people who shot him with a shot gun...
Frozen fandom: ...
Kristoff: I have no idea, because I love Anna.
Anna: Aww... <3
Ask Fictional Characters
RandomSo, you can ask any question to any fictional characters from Fandoms like Frozen, Hunger Games, Adventure Time, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Avengers/ MARVEL, Avatar, Divergent Etc. JUST PM (PRIVATE MESSAGE) ME PLEASE Because it's hard to read all of the...