Sherloki clothes mixup

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To: Loki

Q: I dare you to steal all Sherlock's clothing (Coats, scarfs, tuxedos) and hide them, then dress up as Sherlock to meet him. And say "TAH DAAAH" 

Loki: *Creepily laughs* Yes...I shall impress my foul beast... Hehe hehehehehheheheh HEHEHEHEHEH MWHAHAHAHAHAHA *Coughs Coughs* I was better at this in New York *Sighs* Let's do this thang! Thing! Thang...thing...thing...what an odd word... thingggg ...thhhhh ....Innnnn ...GGgggg .... Thing...Thing....thing... MWHHAHAHAHAH!!! Better! THE GAME IS ON!!! HA! I sounded like Sherl when I said that! THE GAME IS ON! *watches Game of Thrones* Procrastinating....the best way of living...except world domination---Oh MY ASGARD!!! Eh, I saw that death comming like that one...and that other one...and that one in the wedding, and the other one in the wedding (A/n: I dont watch Game of Thrones but my classmates do, they talk about it all the time...) Okay, seriously, I should...wear Sherlock's clothes now...

Thor: Is this what you do when you are alone? 

Loki: What?

Thor: Do you creepily laugh, fail at the last laugh, easily get distracted by a word, procrastinate, then do what you are supposed to do?

Loki: Now go away, you Oaf! I need to wear Sherlock's Clothes!

Thor: Okay! And happy wedding, Brother! *Leaves dramatically with cape*

Loki: What?!? First of all, I am NOT your brother! And second, WHAT WEDDING!?! *Sighs* Let's try to wear Sherlock's clothes! Wait...I could just shapeshift... But I have to wear Sherlock clothes...okay, the Mortal way...*wears a jumper, a sweater, trousers* TA DA! *Looks at the mirror* hm...something isnt right...

John: Why are you wearing my clothes...?

Loki: ...Oh...I thought this was... oh....

John: what the---

Loki: YOU SHALL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!! *Rips off clothes and jumps off the window* 

John: ...those abs tho.... *Leaves*

Loki: *Shapeshifts with clothes on* *Knocks on 221B* *Sneaks in Sherlock's closet* *Wears Sherlock's clothes and hat* AH! It fits perfectly! But I just need to curl my*Curls hair* SMEXY!!!! I need to take I selfie!!! *Selfie* AND POST IT ON TUMBLR AND INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK!!!! AND SHOW IT OFF TO TONY STARK!!!! *Does so* A billions hits in one minute! My army of fangirls are growing stronger...HEHEHEHEHEHEHE HEHEHEHEHEH MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Sherlock: *Enters room* Loki...

Loki: TA DA!!!!!

Sherlock: *Frozen*

Loki: Oops... *unfreezes Sherlock*

Sherlock: What?!?! YOU ARE WEARING MY CLOTHES!!!

Loki: I know, I know, I look  lovely...and very sexy...

John: *comes in drinking tea* 

Sherlock: *Looks at John* 

John: What? I didnt do this! And he wore my clothes first! So BWHA! *Leaves*

Sherlock: Loki....You are wearing my coat, my scarf, and you have my hair...

Loki: I am barrowing and Im also wearing your pants.

Sherlock: MY PANTS!!! IT MUST BE BURNED!!!!!! 

(A/N: Just incase you guys dont notice or anything, Pants is undergarments (underwear/underpants)... I am very careful with my words...)  

Loki: You just got Loki'd....And relax! ...fine, Foul Beast, I shall remove it... *Shapeshifts naked* There. Done.

Sherlock: ...You have no clothes on, Loki.

Loki: I know. WHO DA MAN!?!

Sherlock: ...

Loki: ...

Sherlock: but your abs will suffice.

Loki: *Sighs* *Wears his own clothes* Better.

Sherlock: Your hair...

Loki: Nah, Im just going to keep it like this...Bai! Loki out!! PEACE!!! *Leaves*

Sherlock: ....


Hi, guys! Im packing to Japan... :( But I will try my best to answer as many questions before I leaves which is in two days. 

Random fact: Im wearing a black shirt and thinking of alpacas.

Q: What kind of music do you like? Pop? Soul? Rock? Metal? Etc?

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