To: Loki
Q: I dare you to steal all Sherlock's clothing (Coats, scarfs, tuxedos) and hide them, then dress up as Sherlock to meet him. And say "TAH DAAAH"
Loki: *Creepily laughs* Yes...I shall impress my foul beast... Hehe hehehehehheheheh HEHEHEHEHEH MWHAHAHAHAHAHA *Coughs Coughs* I was better at this in New York *Sighs* Let's do this thang! Thing! Thang...thing...thing...what an odd word... thingggg ...thhhhh ....Innnnn ...GGgggg .... Thing...Thing....thing... MWHHAHAHAHAH!!! Better! THE GAME IS ON!!! HA! I sounded like Sherl when I said that! THE GAME IS ON! *watches Game of Thrones* Procrastinating....the best way of living...except world domination---Oh MY ASGARD!!! Eh, I saw that death comming like that one...and that other one...and that one in the wedding, and the other one in the wedding (A/n: I dont watch Game of Thrones but my classmates do, they talk about it all the time...) Okay, seriously, I should...wear Sherlock's clothes now...
Thor: Is this what you do when you are alone?
Loki: What?
Thor: Do you creepily laugh, fail at the last laugh, easily get distracted by a word, procrastinate, then do what you are supposed to do?
Loki: Now go away, you Oaf! I need to wear Sherlock's Clothes!
Thor: Okay! And happy wedding, Brother! *Leaves dramatically with cape*
Loki: What?!? First of all, I am NOT your brother! And second, WHAT WEDDING!?! *Sighs* Let's try to wear Sherlock's clothes! Wait...I could just shapeshift... But I have to wear Sherlock clothes...okay, the Mortal way...*wears a jumper, a sweater, trousers* TA DA! *Looks at the mirror* hm...something isnt right...
John: Why are you wearing my clothes...?
Loki: ...Oh...I thought this was... oh....
John: what the---
Loki: YOU SHALL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!! *Rips off clothes and jumps off the window*
John: ...those abs tho.... *Leaves*
Loki: *Shapeshifts with clothes on* *Knocks on 221B* *Sneaks in Sherlock's closet* *Wears Sherlock's clothes and hat* AH! It fits perfectly! But I just need to curl my*Curls hair* SMEXY!!!! I need to take I selfie!!! *Selfie* AND POST IT ON TUMBLR AND INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK!!!! AND SHOW IT OFF TO TONY STARK!!!! *Does so* A billions hits in one minute! My army of fangirls are growing stronger...HEHEHEHEHEHEHE HEHEHEHEHEH MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Sherlock: *Enters room* Loki...
Loki: TA DA!!!!!
Sherlock: *Frozen*
Loki: Oops... *unfreezes Sherlock*
Sherlock: What?!?! YOU ARE WEARING MY CLOTHES!!!
Loki: I know, I know, I look lovely...and very sexy...
John: *comes in drinking tea*
Sherlock: *Looks at John*
John: What? I didnt do this! And he wore my clothes first! So BWHA! *Leaves*
Sherlock: Loki....You are wearing my coat, my scarf, and you have my hair...
Loki: I am barrowing and Im also wearing your pants.
Sherlock: MY PANTS!!! IT MUST BE BURNED!!!!!!
(A/N: Just incase you guys dont notice or anything, Pants is undergarments (underwear/underpants)... I am very careful with my words...)
Loki: You just got Loki'd....And relax! ...fine, Foul Beast, I shall remove it... *Shapeshifts naked* There. Done.
Sherlock: ...You have no clothes on, Loki.
Loki: I know. WHO DA MAN!?!
Sherlock: ...
Loki: ...
Sherlock: but your abs will suffice.
Loki: *Sighs* *Wears his own clothes* Better.
Sherlock: Your hair...
Loki: Nah, Im just going to keep it like this...Bai! Loki out!! PEACE!!! *Leaves*
Sherlock: ....
Hi, guys! Im packing to Japan... :( But I will try my best to answer as many questions before I leaves which is in two days.
Random fact: Im wearing a black shirt and thinking of alpacas.
Q: What kind of music do you like? Pop? Soul? Rock? Metal? Etc?
Ask Fictional Characters
RandomSo, you can ask any question to any fictional characters from Fandoms like Frozen, Hunger Games, Adventure Time, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Avengers/ MARVEL, Avatar, Divergent Etc. JUST PM (PRIVATE MESSAGE) ME PLEASE Because it's hard to read all of the...