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•First person•

I walked to class, mentally pulling my hair out. I couldn't stop thinking about him! Why is this dude everywhere all of a sudden? He's in the same school, same class and now he is my neighbour! How could this get any worse.

As I approached the classroom, many people gave me stares and nudged back to make way for me. However, I was suddenly even more mad when he was sitting in my seat again! I gritted my teeth and balled my fists as I walked over to him, sending him death glares.

"Get the fuck out of my seat." I warned him. My blood boiled, as all he did was laugh in response.

"Sorry Hana, but incase you weren't listening yesterday, it's my seat now."

"You son of a bitch." I said, raising my hand. But he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. I widened my eyes at his action and froze for a second. He glared right into my eyes and pulled me closer, despite the amount of people watching. He moved his gaze towards my lips and leaned closer, but I pushed myself off of him.

"Don't touch me, fuckboy!" I shouted at him before storming out. I marched through the hallways, as the students stared at me and made a path for me. I decided to go the rooftop to get some air and sat down on the almost broken bench.

"Fuck you Hwang Hyunjin. Why the heck are you so annoying?" I huffed, before lying down on the bench and plugged in my earphones listen to Nicki Minaj - Fly. Unknowingly, I fell asleep.

A couple of hours later, I awoke noticing my head was resting in someone's lap. I gasped and quickly got up to see who it was.

"Why are you always following me, fuckboy?" I asked, annoyed at him.

"Chill, I just wanna get to know you." Hyunjin smirked.

"Know my ass. I don't have time for your bullshit."

"Why are you so cold?"

"Because that's just the way I am."

"Can't we be friends? I mean we are neighbours and classmates."

"Why would you wanna be friends with some moody bitch like me?" I laughed.

"Because you're hot."

"I don't have time for your shitty excuses, fuckboy. Don't talk to me ever again." I simply spoke, leaving him on the rooftop alone.


After a tiring day at school, I greeted my mum and headed straight to my room, chucking my bad aside. I sat down at my desk and grabbed a pen and my notebook.

I huffed and start writing random stuff down such as:

Hwang Hyunjin, you hot asshole, why do you have to piss me off all the time?
Fuck you. I hate you.

Whenever I'm moody or emotional as such, I like to write down my thoughts onto my notepad and create a rap. To be honest, I really enjoy rapping and love music myself.

I see music as the key to diversity and individuality. I feel like through music, we can implicitly interpret our opinions and thoughts just by writing simple lyrics. Every lyric, note and instrument tell a different story to represent our unique selves.

That's why I love music and dream of being a famous artist one day. My mum however, strongly opposes that idea and screams at me every time I mention it. Ever since my Dad left us, she hates the idea of me becoming a singer and so I'm always stuck in the house, studying.

My dad was the one who really inspired me, as he was a singer himself. He shared his love for music, which inspired me to make my own music and start rapping.

I dazed off for a couple of hours overthinking, but as soon as I placed my pen onto the paper, I heard a knock from my balcony door. I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion and headed towards my balcony.

"How the hell did you get here?" I whispered at him loudly.

"I wanted to talk to you because I feel lonely." He pouted.

"You idiot, didn't I say I didn't want to talk to you?!". I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah bu-" I cut him off by tiptoeing to cover his mouth and hush him.

"Shhh I think my mum's coming." I whispered at him. If my mum saw a boy in my room she would go mental at me. Unfortunately, I had no other choice but to let him hide inside my room.

"Quick, fuckboy. Get under my bed." I told him, pointing at my bed.

He nodded and slid his tall self under the bed just a second before my mum had walked in.

"Hana? It's 11PM. Why aren't you sleeping?!" My mum exclaimed.

"I-i-i'm sorry mum, I was just uh studying." I stuttered.

"Oh? Okay I thought I heard something from your room but just get changed and go to sleep."

I nodded in response before locking my bedroom door. "Phew..."

I decided to listen to my mum and got changed. I got into my pyjamas and took off my bra, chucking it onto the floor because i'm badass like that. (lol)

I heard a whistle come from under my bed. Shit. I totally forgot that Hyunjin was still here.

"Who knew that this moody little bitch would be so sexy?" I heard him say as he got out from under the bed, wriggling his eyebrows. I facepalmed and mentally screamed. "Sad, I didn't even get a glimpse of all the details." He added.

At this rate, I wanted to absolutely kick him in the balls and send him back to hell. "Fucking pervert. Get out." I growled.

"Fine. But also, push-ups? Pahahaha"

"Shut up! They're a D cup..."

"Ow okay."

"Why are you still here? Get out mate!" I quietly yelled pointing at the balcony door. He followed my commands and eventually left.

What an idiot.

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