0.29 (Part 1 final)

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Hyunjin walked into his room, that echoed loud sobbing. He twisted the handle, slowly opening the door. Seeing Hana practically collapsed onto the floor he rushed to her, trying to help her up.

"Hana... Come on we have to go." He spoke in a soft voice.

"I don't want to!" Hana screamed back at him.

"You have to make an appearance there..."

"I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, what's the point?!"

"You can if you atleast attend!" Hyunjin argued back. Hana paused for a second and wiped her face. She weakly got up - her fragile legs trembled.

"Only because of you." She sniffled.


The couple arrived the as a loud silence welcomed them: not even the silent cries were audible to Hana. Everyone was dressed in pitch black with devastated expressions plastered on their faces.

Struggling to hold back the grief, tears began to fall steadily, silently down Hana's immobile face. She felt bruised, weak and empty inside, almost to the point where she could feel her heart bleed with remorse. The words of the minister and never ending speeches at the service brought an overwhelming flood of tears to her already bloodshot eyes. The well spoken words and tribute to her life and loves, were heard by the people dressed in black.

Hana watched the casket lower into the grave with her tear strained eyes, feeling completely teared apart. Her tears kept falling out thickly, as grief tore at her insides like a tornado.

Suddenly, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder, being pulled next to him. Hyunjin gently rubbed her arm as Hana's tear flooded out uncontrollably.

"Shhh, don't forget she loved you." Hyunjin told her.

"I- I- I- can't let-" Hana's voice got stuck in her throat. Once the casket was fully lowered into the grave, she felt every part of her body feel numb. She had the urge to just leave. "I- want to go- early." She said in a cracking voice before walking off. Hyunjin considered chasing after her but decided to let her be.

She was already broken. He didn't want to break her even more.


Walking mindlessly in the freezing rain as her tears combined with every droplet, Hana's lifeless legs carried her through the dark, empty streets. Every memory of her mother, haunted her and followed her every step.

Voices kept echoing in her mind, as she screamed internally attempting to block the negativity. Her walking quickened, trying to get away from all the guilt and regret. The rain poured heavier as her feet led her to almost run. Her eyes became teary, as the world turned into a blur. The street lights that shone brightly, dimmed in her vision.

Running faster, her breathing became more heavy, almost desperate for a gasp of air. Only sounds of panting were audible in the empty streets. Suddenly, Hana felt her body completely fall onto the wet pavement. She winced as she tried to get up, as blood started to drop out from a deep graze on her knee.

"Hana you fucking fool, you can't be like this forever." She laughed to herself. Immune to the stinging of the wound, she continued on walking.

As she approached Hyunjin's house, she stopped for a bit. She exhaled as a warm tear left her puffy eyes. Instead of going home, she went to the house next door.

The door creaked open as the emptiness of the small house welcomed her. She took her time analysing every small detail of her surroundings. The voices still echoed clearly in every hallway.

As she explored further, reminiscing the place her mother stayed in, she stumbled across a specific room. Switching on the dim lights, she carefully took her time zooming into every object inside the room.

She explored every corner of the tiny room until she noticed a small box in the darkest corner, next to the single bed. Hana furrowed her brows in confusion and picked up the unusual box. She opened to see a small note written in messy handwriting. It read:

Hana sweetie, I was hoping for you to stumbled across this note. I actually want to apologise for leaving without saying goodbye. I was unsure of when I was leaving. Anyways how are you? Are you well? What about you and Hyunjin? Are your kids doing well? To be honest, I dont know when you would've received this note, but I wanted to know how you and Hyunjin are doing. Frankly speaking, after you left, I was truly damaged but was happy for you to make your own choices. You probably hate me don't you? But I just want to tell you sincerely that I love you so much. Even if you do hate me, I would've waited for you even if I was the first one to leave. I just hope you are doing well and following your dreams. I hope this music box would help you in any way. I saved up a lot for it. Anyways. I'm sorry. I love you. Goodbye~

Hana covered her mouth with her hand. Her lips and chin trembled, unable to utter a word. She looked at the music box with teary, glassy eyes and analysed every intricate detail of it. From the small balerina figure to the blurry mirror that reflected her expression.

She got up, stumbling backwards until her back hit the wall. Disgusted with herself, she decided to run off and out the house.

As she exited the house, she bumped into a tall figure.

"Hana! I was looking for you everywhere!" Hyunjin grasped her arms tightly. Not saying a word, Hana aggressively shook his arms off and ran off. The music box in her hand, slipped out and fell onto the pavement.

She quickly ran, while crying and screaming, letting out all the grief she was holding back. She ran to wherever her feet and mind let her to.

Unfortunately, her mind and feet let her to a tragic decision.

An hour later of running across the city, she made it to the park, near a long river that flowed quietly. Hana closed her eyes and refrained herself from completely falling in. Tears kept falling as the instability of her mental state, lead her to confusion, unsure of what decision to make.

"Hana, for fucks sake choose!" She screamed out loudly.

"Do you want to live or die?" She questioned herself. "Answer yourself for god's sake and make up your mind!"

Almost going mad, she pulled her hair harshly until she felt herself slip. As she felt her body fall back, she closed her eyes and allowed for fate to decide for her.

Unfortunately she was unable to say farewell to her love.

End or not? 🤔🤷

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