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"I love you but not in the same way as before." Hana stated with a serious expression. Hyunjin's jaw dropped as his eyes became teary. "I'm sorry." She apologised to him sincerely.

"I-It's okay... I understand." Hyunjin stuttered, trying to force the words out of his mouth. He timidly smiled and scooted further away from her, just in case she felt uncomfortable.

After a few hours of silence, the atmosphere was dramatically awkward. They did not even say a thing after that short conversation. At least they were on good terms, however.

During the time they were stuck in the elevator, Hyunjin was on his phone and Hana fell asleep. Due to the fact that Hana was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, he started to worry if she was cold. Being the good friend he is, he took off his denim jacket and put it over her, carefully so she wouldn't wake up. He then continued to go back to his social activities, at the same time hoping someone would let them out. It was becoming more chilly.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, there was banging on the elevator door. Hyunjin was quickly alarmed as Hana was awoken. He quickly got up, relieved that they weren't gonna die.

"Are you okay?!" The person outside yelled, banging on the elevator.

"Y-y-yes!" Hyunjin replied shivering. Hana slowly got up; her eyelids struggling to open. She stumbled towards the door, next to Hyunjin.

"We will get you out don't worry!" The person then shouted again. Hyunjin gulped a lump of cold air and just hoped to get out as soon as possible. At the same time, Hana stumbled closer to Hyunjin leaning her head against his muscular arms.

Her eyelids still felt heavy, as she was shivering continuously. Hyunjin turned his head to see that the girl was losing consciousness.

"S-s-sir! C-c-can you p-please hurry u-up!" His words stuttered as he was shivering too.

"Don't worry! Just a bit-" The elevator door broke open. At the same time, Hana collapsed into Hyunjin's arms, her eyes completely closed.


Who knew what time it was but as Hana awoke, she noticed that she was in her bedroom. The clock displayed that it was only 4AM and Hana got up. Opposite her bed, she saw Jaeyoung sitting on the couch, practically asleep.

Hana got up, got out of bed and headed towards him. She sat next to him and sighed. Jaeyoung flickered his eyes opened, noticing her presence. He let out a cough before shuffling over a bit.

"What are you doing here?" Hana questioned him, tilting her head slightly.

"Oh uhh... I just wanted to talk to you about something." He explained.

"To talk to me? Don't you have business to deal with? Besides, you talk to me everyday on the phone. What's so important that you have discuss with me in person?"

"I feel as if this isn't something I should tell you over the phone so..." He said scratching the nape of his neck.

"Well?" Hana said, raising her brows.

"Has your father told you about... The marriage?" He asked her.


"I just want to know if you're comfortable with it."

"To be honest, I don't mind because I really like you yet it is so sudden." She replied shyly, briefly confessing her feelings. However, those feelings weren't true in the way of true affection.

"Y-you like me? What about that Hyunjin guy you kept mentioning last time?"

"He's..." Hana paused, taking a deep breath. "A really good friend." She added. "But I really like you and I don't mind at all."

"A good friend? But so am I." Jaeyoung replied quite bluntly, annoyance clear in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Hana was quite confused at his sudden change of tone.

"Why- what made you agree to this proposal then?" He asked her with a serious expression.

"I-I-I like you..." She bit her bottom lip, confused due to his callous response. Jaeyoung sighed and threw his head back. "What made you agree? Do you like me too?" Hana questioned him.
Jaeyoung opened his eyes and responded with all honesty.

"I don't."

Nostalgia? 🤔 *Cough chapter 18 coughs intensely*
I'm so sorry for updating so late and making a short chapter! I have been so busy revising but I will try and make time to write chapters for you!
Aside from that, what is your opinion on this? It was my first time using acrylic paint let alone painting on glass. Are you able to identify who it is?

 Are you able to identify who it is?

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Ignore my short fingers.

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