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After hearing his words, Hana didn't know how to react. Yes, there was sadness but it didn't seem sincere. She didn't feel anything after he had stated that. Of course she had heard the exact thing before, but it didn't hit her as hard. Were her feelings for him still present?

"I'm Sorry... I like someone else." Jaeyoung bit the bottom of his lip, feeling apologetic. His cold aura vanished.

"You like Helen don't you? I understand but can you please agree to this proposal for the sake of my dad's company? You don't have to have feelings for me. This whole marriage could be meaningless." Hana seemed desperate for him to agree.

"There is no point for us to get married when we don't have any sincere feelings for each other. I can't and won't accept your feelings of affection." He stood up, walking out the room.

As he walked downstairs, his phone rang. After seeing who was calling him, he had the sudden urge to immediately answer.

'Heyy Helen.'

'Hi Jae, Is Hana alright?'

'She's okay but how are you doing?'

'I'm alright. When are you returning?'

'Ah, tomorrow hopefully.'

'Oh... That's a shame.'


'I'm coming to Korea in a few days and I was hoping for us to do some
activities together since you are there.'

'Really?!- I mean, It's fine. I will delay my flight so we have enough time
to hang out together. '

'Jae, you really don't have to. We can always travel another time.'

'No, we can't. I need to ask you something important anyways.'

'Not now. I have another call to take. Bye!'

Just as Jaeyoung was about to say his goodbye's, Helen had ended the call. He let out a heavy sigh and left the house.


Hana plopped onto her bed and kept thinking about the engagement. She was confused on how to feel about being rejected by the guy she liked or at least thought she liked. Many questions crowded her mind. Should she decline and allow for her dad's company to die down or continue to chase after Jaeyoung?

But the thing is, she didn't want either of those. So because she was conflicted on whether she should agree or not, she decided to call a good friend of hers.


Hana, once again suffering in her 6 inch heels, struggled to walk to the elevator of the company building in order to get to the rooftop. As she was stumbling, she fortunately had a fateful encounter with one of her good friends.

"Yeseul? Bang Yeseul?" Hana exclaimed, surprised after seeing her friend after ages.

"Oh my god, Hana my babyyyyy where have you been!? I'm so glad you're not dead oh my gosh!" Yeseul was shocked and squeezed Hana in a tight hug. Still being the child she is, she fake cried and exaggerated way too much. "WHERE. HAVE. YOU BEEN?!" She yelled at her. Hana was startled and widened her eyes.

"On the other side of the fucking world, Jesus. You're acting as if I died and suddenly reincarnated into a beautiful woman. Your girl glo-ed up." Hana stated confidently, flipping her hair. Yeseul rolled her eyes and chuckled. "You've always been so sexy what you saying????"

"Heh Thanks. But. What are you doing here?" Hana asked her, this time with curiosity.

"Me? I'm a vocal teacher." Yeseul said proudly. While she was unable to become a singer, at least she can do a job which involved that aspect. And she was happy.

"I'm glad you're doing what you love." Hana smiled, as she got a notification on her phone. She read the text message and looked back up. "I'm sorry I can't chat for longer. I have someone to meet." Hana apologised, pursing her lips.

"It's okay. We can meet up sometime again and actually have a conversation and catch up."

"Yeah I'm so sorry but I gotta kris. Bye!" She waved at her, before stumbling in her heels once again.

As she got into the (H)Elevator, she soon made it to the highest floor. The rooftop, where everything was so green and spacious.

Walking towards one of the tables, she saw a guy sitting on the chair, alone staring into space. Hana let out a fake cough, making him turn around.

"Oh Hana! Finally!" The guy said in excitement.

"I actually thought you wouldn't come to meet me because of schedule but thanks for sparing some time, Seungmin."

"No problem but what did you want to discuss?"

"Basically..." Hana then took a deep breath before starting her rant. "You see JYP is currently struggling financially, so my dad asked me to get married to Jaeyoung in order to resolve that. So I agreed but unfortunately Jae declined which didn't really negatively impact me even though I have feelings for him. But I don't know how to feel because I want to let go of this matter but then again I don't and now I'm just really stuck in this situation and have no fucking clue on what to do and how to resolve this shitty mess I got myself into." She heavily exhaled at the end of it.

Seungmin sipped on his Ice Americano and spoke.

"So basically have to get married but the guy declined and you apparently like him but you don't."

"Ye- what the fuck? Huh?"

"You don't like him."

"What do you mean? Of course I do."

"I can see through your idiocy and I can tell you don't like him."

"I don't know."

"You still like Hyunjin."

"Tch. No."

"You do."




"I swear you fucking do now don't deny."

Hana sighed and slouched on her seat.

"I do."

HanSeul reunion! Yay!

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