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"Hwang Hyunjin!" A yell was heard of a harsh male voice. Hana and Hyunjin both turned to see Mr Park's bitter expression. Alongside him was a teary and upset-looking Chaewon.

She made eye contact with Hyunjin for a second and immediately looked away. Tears were falling from her eyes but she was still infuriated.

Despite the fact that both her dad and Chaewon were there, she stood there clearly unafraid of what she would potentially face. Both her and Hyunjin.

Hana's dad marched towards the in large strides. He aggressively grabbed Hyunjin's arm and shook it off, breaking the entanglement of their fingers. He then grabbed Hana's wrist, pulling her away from him.

"I told you to stay away from her!" He pointed a finger at him, giving him a deathly glare. "You knew what would happen if you went near her, but you still did!" He yelled, raising his voice even louder at the poor boy who felt guilty. "So shameless of you to do this at such an event! Do you even care what she thinks?! How dare you ruin such a big da-"

"DAD!" Hana yelled, unable to hold the fury rushing in her blood. She shook her wrist off his grasp. "Do you care about what I want?!" She snapped.

"Shut up, you wretched child!" Her dad responded with a shout. Meanwhile, Chaewon stood to the side, silently laughing to herself, amused of the situation.

"Wretched child?! So you waited 6 years for a wretched child?!" She was enraged, disgusted at what her father called her. Hana's dad didn't respond but his bitter expression was still visible. "Well then. Prepare to say goodbye to this 'wretched child'. I'm leaving... With. Hyunjin." Hana said, lowering her voice. She took Hyunjin's hand, interlocking it with hers and rushed out of the narrow hallway.

They then made it to the main hall where everyone's attention was focused on Hana... And Hyunjin. At the same time, Jaeyoung had also noticed the couple rushing through the large crowd of people. He almost choked on his champagne, watching the scene. He furrowed his brows, angry and infuriated. Just as he was about to rush off about to catch up with them, he was pulled back by someone.

"Leave them be." Chan placed his hand on one of his shoulders. Jaeyoung hesitated to leave again but then stayed. It's best if he did.

Meanwhile, after pushing through massive crowds, the couple finally got outside but continued to run. They ran and ran, despite the fact that it was raining pretty heavily.

The rain poured onto them, soaking their clothes and hair. The freezing rain poured onto their face, but they still ran. As long as they were away. Far, far away. From all suffocation.

When they were out of breath, they stopped for a bit. Panting heavily, Hana laughed. She laughed out loud as tears began flooding from her eyes. Her wide, teethy smile was trembling as she looked up at the glowing moon. Her smile trembled to turn upside down, as she shifted her gaze and looked at Hyunjin.

She burst out in tears, wrapping her arms around his torso. She pulled herself close to him and leaned her head against his chest. She grasped tightly onto his cold and wet shirt and cried aloud. She cried and cried. She cried tears. Tears of joy, tears of freedom. As her tears dissolved into the fabric of Hyunjin's blazer, Hyunjin slowly lifted his arms and wrapped them around her waist.

"Hyunjin. I-I just did that." She choked on her sobs. "We can finally be together." She added.

"You did. And I'm grateful." Hyunjin finally spoke. "I'm grateful that the confident, rebellious, savage, intelligent and brave Hana came back. I'm so fucking grateful for your existence." He let out a soft chuckle, trying not to get emotional.

"That was so badass and sexy. The way you just yelled and rebel- Ouch!" He got disturbed as Hana punched his back. "I thought this was a serious confession." She said bluntly, blinking away her tears.

"Ey! I was trying to stay serious when that whole party was happening! You have no idea how badly I wanted to punch that son of a bitch you were about to get married off to!" He groaned, clenching his fist. Hana let out a soft laugh and remained in his embrace. The loud silence took over the atmosphere. Not even the loud pitter-patter of the rain was heard - it was muted. Everything was silent at that moment and it stayed like that for a good few minutes.

Although Hyunjin wanted to stay like that forever, he pulled away and smiled brightly. He looked down, slightly embarrassed, however.

"I don't really have it with me right now, but I want to do this at this moment before the world turns on us again." He scratched the nape of his neck slightly. "This moment. Your moment of freedom. I want to make this experience so much more meaningful to you."

He placed one knee on the wet pavement. Hana was utterly confused as to what he was going do and why he was in such a position.

Then Hyunjin took her hand and looked deeply into her hazel eyes. Hana felt a flame of warmth spread throughout her body despite the freezing cold weather. Hyunjin cleared his throat.

"Park Hana." He breathed, looking into her eyes softly.

He then spoke each of the following words with sincerity.

"Will you marry me?"



By the way, the WiFi has been cut so sorry for the late update ):

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