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The next day, Hana was back at school feeling more relaxed than she was a few days. She was feeling much lighter now that the frustration that weighed her shoulders down, was lifted.

"Hey guys!" Hana entered the hideout, seeing everyone else already practicing.

"Hana, you look so calm and happy. Did something good happen?" Jisung jogged towards Hana, swinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Idiot, of course I'm happy. Tomorrow we'll be performing again on stage."

"Why is that something to be so happy about? What if we get eliminated?"

"We won't. We are the best band right?" Hana spoke with pride, flipping her hair making the others laugh.

"I like your enthusiasm but let's not get our hopes up too high." Yeseul patted her shoulder. Hana nodded and they all begun practicing again.


It was time for lunch and the group sat together, like how they normally would've done. The atmosphere was great until Chaewon came and sat next to Hyunjin, who was sitting next to Hana. Hana rolled her eyes and sipped on her chocolate milk.

"So I heard you guys will be performing tomorrow for the second round of the competition?" Chaewon made a remark.

"Uh, yes but how did you know?" Seungmin asked her, trying not to sound rude.

"How would I not know? My Hyunbaby would've obviously told me." She clinged onto Hyunjin's arms pulling him away from Hana. Meanwhile, Hana just made a puking face and looked the other way.

"Uhm yeah, she's going to come too, to support us." Hyunjin held her hand.

"Yes, to support my Hyunjinnie baby." Chaewon faked a friendly-looking smile.

"Cute." Hana mumbled under her breath. She stood up and walked away, simply because the shit going in next to her made her cringe. Especially the girls', annoying voice.


"Let's hope everything goes well and we pass this round. After this one it's the last round before the quarter finals." Jisung assured as everyone cheered.

One by one they all stepped on stage and introduced themselves to the audience.

They soon began to perform a cover of BTS The truth untold, but a rearranged version.

After the performance~

Once the performance ended, all the teams headed backstage to wait for the winners to be announced.

"I hope we pass" Yeseul spoke in a quiet voice.

"Even if we don't, atleast we had the opportunity to showcase more of our talents on stage again." Hana smiled to encourage the others. Although, her heart still beated rapidly and prayed to herself hoping they would win.

"Hyunjinnie baby you did great!!" Chaewon squealed, barging into the waiting room. She ran up to Hyunjin and jumped into his lap, pecking his cheek. Hana looked away in disgust.

Soon, one of the staff walked in to call them back onto stage. Hana took a deep breath and exhaled, taking Yeseul's hand. She squeezed into it tightly as she was nervous for the results.

"And the team that will be making it to the next round is... DIVERSITY!" The host yelled through the mic. The team couldn't believe it as they all jumped in excitement.

"We won! Hana, we won!" Hyunjin shouted, picking Hana up and spinning her around. They both smiled and stared at eachother until Hana's gaze moved to meet Chaewon's. She let out a little fake cough so Hyunjin could put her down.

Hyunjin awkwardly smiled and scratched the nape of his neck.

Once they all got off the stage, Chaewon ran up to Hyunjin and hugged him tightly.

"So proud you won, Hyunjinnie!" She squeezed his torso, while the rest just watched and rolled their eyes.

"Did she forget we exist?" Jisung whispered into Hana's ear.

"Her existence is irrelevant to us anyways, let's go." Hana muttered, pulling Jisung's arm. The rest followed as they left, leaving the couple alone.


"Cheers to us!" Yeseul raised her glass as the others did so too.

Hana swallowed the liquor down in one shot as she was already used to the bitter taste.

It wasn't until after a couple of more shots until they were all completely drunk. Hyunjin however decided to sit out during the drinking, so he head to the kitchen to get some juice or water.

"Hana, why haven't you took your man back yet?" Yeseul slapped Hana's shoulder, making her almost choke.

"Stopppppp, I want crisps." Hana whined practically drunk. She stumbled towards the kitchen, seeing Hyunjin leaning against the counter top. It looked like he was on a call with someone.

Hana giggled and rushed over to him. She placed both hands on the counter top, trapping Hyunjin. Hyunjin widened his eyes and went back to the call.

"Sorry Chae... I'll call you later." He spoke through the phone about to end the call but Hana had already grabbed it, sliding across the counter top. After she did that, she placed her hand back onto the counter top before Hyunjin could leave. She then leaned in closer and stared into him deep.

"My Hyunjin." She slurred.

"Hana what are you doing...?" He spoke nervously. Hana chuckled and took her hands off the counter top. She then slowly brought her hands down to his belt. Hyunjin quickly looked down, and breathed heavily.

"Hana... What are you-"

"Shhh... I've always wanted to do this with you because I like you." She whispered seductively yet she seemed sincere. She then continued unbuckling his belt until someone had walked into the kitchen.

"You dirty children, what are you doing?" Yeseul furrowed her eyebrows. She headed towards Hana and grasped her arm, dragging her out the kitchen.

"Yeseul!" Hana whined.

Meanwhile Hyunjin who was completely dumbfounded about what had just happened, buckled his belt quickly.

He quickly took his phone to see it was still on. He gasped and quickly ended it.

What excuse could he make up now?

Sorry for the late update but Ive just suddenly ran out of ideas. Btw have you heard (G)-Idle Hann? It's such a bop!

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