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•3rd narrative•

After Hyunjin had dropped Hana off, she quietly snuck inside her house, opening the door that slightly creaked. Since she had been a few minutes late, her mother welcomed her with bitter a facial expression, as she greeted her with a sharp slap on the face.

Hana held her cheek that was already burning a crimson red. A warm tear streamed down her blood red cheek; her lips trembled.

"Why did you come home at this time?!" Her mum screamed at her in an aggressive tone.

Hana remained silent, being unable to control her thoughts and words. A flood of tears poured out from her eyes, as her palm still cupped her cheek. Unexpectedly, her mother sent another slap to her other cheek.

"ANSWER ME!" She demanded.

Hana sobbed, as she trembled her lips to speak a few words: her head still bowed down.

"I told you earlier for god's (Jihyo's) sake. I was at the library stud-" Her response got cut off by another slap once again from her mother.

"Don't talk to me in that tone and don't lie to me either." She threatened, pointing a finger at her. "You were with Hyunjin weren't you?" Hana went silent and nodded to admit to her mother before heading to her room.

As she entered her room, she shut the door; locked it and leaned her back against it as it slid down. She hugged her legs together and burst out crying. It wasn't just the physical pain she was feeling. She's sick and tired of her mum controlling her and wanted to give up on everything. How she had always wished for a special someone to comfort and love her. Someone whom she could relate to.

She continued to sob until she heared a knock on her balcony door. She saw Hyunjin through the clear glass, asking if he could come in. As much as she wanted to ignore him, she hesitatingly let him in but had her head down, trying to wipe her tears. Although, he was the one to cause this minor problem, she really wanted someone to comfort her despite that fact that she hated him to death.

Hyunjin frowned looking at the poor girl's puffy and blood-shot eyes. Without a second thought, he held her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay, let it all out." He softly whispered while brushing her hair. Hana dug her face deeper into Hyunjin's chest and soaked his shirt with her tears. "Calm down now and tell me what happened." He continued.

Hana pauses for a bit and narrowed her eyebrows at him. "You happened." She choked, punching his chest. Hyunjin faked an 'ouch' before sitting themselves onto her bed. He held her cheek and caressed it softly with his thumb, realising how red and swollen it was.

"Did your mum hurt you? Is that why your cheek is so red? Is that why you were crying?" He bombarded her with questions, receiving another punch on the chest.

"Shut up. This was all your fault." She began crying again, trying hard to hold her tears back. Hyunjin tried hushing her before coming up with a crazy idea.

"Come with me." He spoke softly, gently forming a smile. Hana looked at him, confused before she eventually caught on.

"Are you crazy?! I've gotten several slaps because of you and now you're just gonna get me more." Hana scoffed.

"Just come with me. Your mum won't notice a thing if you have your door locked. I want to show you something." He insisted.

"How are we gonna get out the house then, smartass?"


In all of a sudden, Hyunjin took her hand and went out on the balcony. He simply jumped down as Hana gasped.

"You crazy mother fucker. I ain't jumping." Hana crossed her arms and looked away.

"I'll catch you don't worry. I promise." He said sincerely.

Just like that, Hana had built up some courage and climbed down as Hyunjin held her waist for support. As she landed, she felt a bit flustered and looked away from Hyunjin's gaze. Once again, Hyunjin took her hand and walked with her hand in hand. The first 5 minutes were silent until they went a familiar direction.

"Isn't this the way to school?" Hana questioned him. Hyunjin hushed her continued walking. There was a warm breeze that softly brushed their skin. The moon glowed brightly, making the night sky so beautiful. For the next ten minutes, Hana looked up at the sky, admiring it's beauty.

Fortunately, they had reached the familiar destination: the school campus. Hana let go of Hyunjin's hand and folded her arms. She looked at him, giving him a confused and pissed off expression.

"You wanted me to show me the school? Mate, I see this almost every day." Hana rolled her eyes.

"Idiot not this. A place within school grounds. Follow me." Hana sighed and followed Hyunjin's lead. They approached the school's forest-like garden and took a stroll along the grassy path.

The grassy path had lead them to a small building. It was the same size of an average shed. Hana looked confused and furrowed her eyebrows.

"How come i've never seen this place before?" She curiously asked. Hyunjin chuckled lightly before giving her a response.

"To be honest, I found this place while exploring the school for a bit during my first week."

The two both entered to small building as Hyunjin turned the dim lights on. Hana's jaw dropped as she walked around the place. Although it was pretty dusty and old, the place was filled with musical instruments, microphones and stacks of music sheets. This new place to her felt like a dream.

One specific object had caught her attention and that was the piano. Hana walked towards the piano and sat down on the seat. She twitched a bit from the sudden cold touch of the piano from her finger tips. As she did that, she closed her eyes and relaxed before pressing the keys.

She played a piece and hummed along with it. Each key she pressed; each note played, left Hyunjin shook. Although Hyunjin didn't recognise the piece, he immediately fell in love with melody and stared at the hidden beauty in front of him. He awoke from his dazing off, as the melody ended and clapped, making the girl feel a spark of excitement. After playing her heart on the piano, Hana herself became much more calmer than before.

"That was a piece my father composed and used to play for me." Hana softly spoke, stroking the individual keys of the piano whilst gently smiling at herself. Hyunjin smiled too, seeing the soft side of her.

"It sounds beautiful... Just like you." Hyunjin told her, speaking the last line to himself. Hana looked at the boy who seemed please, as she sat down beside him.

"Yeah... My father was a singer during his times. He really enjoyed composing his music and sang ballads pretty often even though they're probably my least favourite music genre." Hana chuckled.

"Whoaaa that's so cool! What do you prefer though?" Hyunjin asked her.

"Me? I prefer rap to be honest." Hana laughed.

"I can see us becoming friends in the future then I guess?" Hyunjin grinned raising an eyebrow.

"I still hate you though. Don't think that just because we're friends, I like you or somewhat, okay?!" Hana scoffed, going back to her cold self again, yet she felt something warm in the inside somewhere near her heart.

'Why do I trust him so much?'

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