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Third Narrative•

It was the weekend and as usual (well ever since Hyunjin came), Hana would sneak out to hang out with Hyunjin and Seungmin. She went to her closet and pulled out a cute outfit, as they were going to a theme park.


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Once the group of friends arrived at the theme park, Hana jumped in excitement pointing at the rides. Hyunjin grinned like crazy, seeing the girl be so happy.

"Which ride do you want to go on first?" Seungmin asked the two.

"I honestly don't mind, I just want to get on a ride!" Hana responded, squealing.

"How about the smiler?" Hyunjin asked for everyone's approval. Hana nodded without hesitation, while Seungmin vigorously shook his head in disagreement. Hana frowned, unhappy that Seungmin didn't have the balls to ride something so simple.

(A/N I know this rollercoaster is in the UK, Alton towers to be specific but this ride is really fun and interesting so lol

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(A/N I know this rollercoaster is in the UK, Alton towers to be specific but this ride is really fun and interesting so lol.)

Eagerly, Hana quickly took Hyunjin's hand and dragged him along towards the rollercoaster. As they sat down, Hyunjin exhaled looking rather nervous. Meanwhile, Hana couldn't hold in her excitement and anticipated for the ride to go well and hopefully have fun.

Suddenly, it started, startling the two as they were busy preparing themselves. In an instant, the rollercoaster sped off and Hyunjin let out a scream. On the other hand, Hana was simply enjoying herself, laughing at Hyunjin and encouraging him to enjoy the ride too. Soon, Hyunjin decided to laugh along and held Hana's hand, raising their arms in the air. They looked at eachother and smiled until the rollercoaster ride eventually ended.

By the time the ride ended, Hyunjin chose to remain his hands, interlocked with hers. Trying not to show her flushed expression, Hana shrugged it off acting casual.

They eventually saw Seungmin, waving at them with a lollipop. Hana ran towards him, eager to tell him about how much she enjoyed the ride. Seungmin however, brought his attention to their hands which were tightly locked.

"I swear, you two are always holding hands or flirting with eachother. Bet you guys done it already too." Seungmin jokingly assumed. Hana and Hyunjin looked at eachother for a second before letting go of each others hands. "Are you guys dating or something?" Seungmin then added.

Hana paused and felt her cheeks burning up.

"Uh... We're just friends." Hyunjin claimed. After hearing that, Hana's positivity disappeared.

"Friends with benefits more like." Seungmin teased and Hyunjin smacked the back of his head.

"We ain't done any of that shit." He replied.

After going on the rides, the trio left the theme park to go and eat at the nearby pizza place. As they sat down, they straight away ordered their Margherita pizza.

The Pizza soon came and the two boys immediately dug in. Hana however, simply was not in the mood to.

"Guess what guys, I'm joining your school!" Seungmin muffled while eating his pizza.

"That's great." Hana simply responded, trying to form a smile.

"You don't seem too excited and energetic as before" Seungmin stated.

"I'm just tired." Hana sighed.

"But you're not too tired to eat pizza" Hyunjin interrupted their conversation. He then got slice of pizza and brought it to Hana's mouth. Hana moved away as she was not really in the mood to eat. Hyunjin hesitated and even acted cute just for her to atleast take a bite. He kept trying, until Hana eventually took a bite.

"Ooff if you're gonna act like a couple, you might as well go out." Seungmin complained but Hyunjin just gave him a disgusted look in response.

At this point Hana wanted to discard her feelings. He seemed disgusted, but for what reason? Maybe because he was just a fuckboy and only would've liked girls who were pretty and tall.

"I'm full." Hana simply assured them before leaving. She walked in a fast pace as she was angry, yet hurt. As she continued walking, tears formed and rolled down her cheeks.

She wasn't upset just because she was friendzoned or what. It was because it was the first time she felt this way towards someone. Not just anyone, but someone specific. Hyunjin was the only guy whom she felt easy with, despite how diverse they were. He was the only guy to change her of her cold character. Because of him, she had the potential to change. Maybe that's the reason why she liked him so much.

She kept wiping her tears away, not letting her weak side take over. Eventually, he managed to catch up. Hana felt someone hold onto her hand, as she stopped on her tracks. That hand felt familiar. She turned around to see Hyunjin tightly holding on. Embarrassed, she wiped her tears away.

"Why did you leave?" Hyunjin questioned her, panting. Hana kept trying to wipe her tears that kept falling and remained quiet.

"Why are you crying?" He then asked, fully concerned. He brought his hand up to her cheek and cupped it, while his other hand gripped on tightly to hers.

"I-it's nothing..." Hana muttered, trying to form a smile to assure she's okay.

Suddenly, she felt Hyunjin pull her closer to crash his lips onto hers. Hana was of course shocked and confused, but managed to kiss him back. The kiss was gentle yet passionate. They eventually pulled apart, but remained in each others embrace.

"Shush, you're mine now and I won't ever let you cry again." Hyunjin whispered into her ear.

Those words of his, seemed so sincere.

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