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"What the heck do you mean, it's because of me?!" Hana shouted at Seungmin, confused yet curious.

"Hana... Please calm down. I'm sorry I've said such a thing without thinking first." Seungmin apologised to the girl. Hana eventually calmed down and sat back down next to Seungmin.

"No. Don't be sorry. But is there something you want to tell me...? Something I don't know or can't remember." She looked into Seungmin eyes, desperate to know the truth. Seungmin sighed.

"Yes. Yes there is but I don't think it's the right time for me to tell you."

"Just tell me! I just want to hear the truth... For once." She looked deeper, with sorrow in her eyes. Seungmin breathed in, then exhaled.

"Fine. A while ago, me you and Hyunjin were friends. Hyunjin really used to like you, but you just never noticed him. Until one time, he confessed but you- stuff happened and you happened to end up in hospital and forgot everything and he-"

"Left because of me..." Hana spoke in a small voice trying to block her tears. Everything became quiet and so did Seungmin. He knew it wasn't the right time to tell her but she bared it. "But why did he come back?" She asked Seungmin.

"Because he... Wanted to start again." Seungmin answered truthfully.

"It really is my fault." She frowned.
"But I want to fix this with him, without starting over."


The next day everyone was back at school. Hana felt better and wanted to apologise to Hyunjin, so she searched for him in the school hallways. She eventually spotted him, on his phone with earphones in, leaning against the locker. She walked up to him but he had immediately walked away.

She tried catching up to him, but the bell rang alarming students that it was time for lesson. Luckily, they were in the same class.

As she entered her classroom, the lesson had already started. Hana sighed that she couldn't speak to him right now. As she was preparing her books, another student walked in.

She seemed new as Hana had never seen her in school before. She had silky brown hair that was tied into a high pony. Hazel brown eyes, fair skin and thin, pretty much non-existent pink lips. She walked up to the front and introduced herself.

"Hello, I am Kim Chaewon. Please be friendly to me." She simply said, ending with a bow. Hana raised a brow, as the girl sounded and looked rather familiar. Chaewon was placed in the seat next to Hyunjin, which was in front of her.

Hyunjin had looked like he was familiar with the girl as they already got along so well.


The bell rung once again as it was now time for break. Hana had put her stuff away, before leaving the classroom to follow and catch up with Hyunjin, who was with the new girl.

After break had ended, everyone headed back to their classrooms. As Hana entered, the first thing she noticed that there was hardly anyone in the classroom yet, including the teacher. She finally moved her gaze and walked towards the back of the classroom and noticed that there were two students having a messy make out session.

The two people were unfortunately Hyunjin and his 'friend'. Hana, trying to stay calm and not be awkward, walked to her seat.

While they were making out, Hana and Hyunjin accidently made eye contact. Hyunjin's gaze was bitter as he stared at Hana.

Trying to understand the fact that he's already moved on, Hana simply kept a straight face and shifted her gaze to somewhere else.


The school day had eventually ended and everyone had left the school to head home. However, Hana still didnt want to give up just yet. She felt the need to tell him so he understands.

As she was walking, she spotted Hyunjin by a cafe and ran towards him.

"Hyunjin." She said, panting but Hyunjin just ignored her.

"Hyunjin I reme-"

"Who is she, baby?" The girl spoke to Hyunjin, giving Hana dirty looks.


"Oh wait! You were his girlfriend right?" She chuckled. Hana stayed silent for a bit and clenched her fists.

"Come on chae, lets just head home." Hyunjin spoke as he took Chaewons hand.

However, Hana was still determined and wanted him to listen to her atleast once. Even if he did try hard to ignore her.

"Wait! Hyunjin! Please, I remember now" She yelled accross the street. Hyunjin stopped and faced her.

"I want to remember everything else and go back to being friends" She spoke with tears in her eyes.

"I don't."

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