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This chapter has some very soft and 'romantic' stuff. This is an important chapter so idk. It's literally just a Hana x Hyunjin chapter so enjoy xx

Hana's narrative•

Frustrated, I kept banging my head on my desk, confused with how I felt towards Hyunjin.

Every time he would come around, I'd feel a spark of excitement: my cheeks would be tinted a bright red and my lips would curve into a bright smile. The hatred I once felt turned into something opposite. Instead, I felt something much more passionate, though I didn't know why exactly I felt this way.

Whether it were his soft features or the way he acted towards me, my heart would flicker.

His rich black hair promised delicacy and finesse. Deep brown, chocolate eyes that were catastrophic and trapped twilight. He had pale skin which made him more develishly handsome. The main highlight were his lips: they were a light shade of pink. Not just plump but also kissable.

Just thinking about him like an idiot, made my heart beat crazy. This was a feeling I would've never felt before, so I couldn't keep my heart calm. Everyday, I would feel something more and more.

Almost dozing off, I heard a knock on my balcony door. I gasped as the person whom I was thinking about was right here at this very moment. I rushed and opened my door without hesitation. He welcomed me wide smile, making me blush like crazy. I could feel my cheeks burning up, as I tried to hide my face in embarassment. Why do I always feel like this during his presence?

Suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me, as he pulled me into his embrace. I widened my eyes. My heart began beating faster. Calm down he might hear it!

However, being in his embrace felt so warm. I timidly smiled and wrapped my arms around his torso. His muscular arms wrapped around my frail body, made me feel protected. I, for some reason really never wanted to break the warmth and comfort between us.

"What's the special occasion?" I laughed, in a casual tone trying to hide how flustered I actually was.

"We've been friends for a hundred days and I want to celebrate." He responded cutely.

"Really? Like this?" I questioned him with a soft laugh.

"No, not just this." He paused, releasing himself from the little hug. He eventually took my hand and walked with me to the balcony. He climbed down helping me too, although it was something I eventually got used to.

We walked in a direction we always do: towards the school. Once we had arrived there, he covered my eyes and led me inside our little 'hideout'. I silently followed, afraid of whether I will bump into something.

As we entered the hideout, the light switched on and Hyunjin removed his hands from my eyes.

I widened my eyes. Astonished. Lost for words. I analysed my surroundings, seeing balloons hung up even in places I couldn't even reach. There were banners that I didn't even knew existed, stating 'Happy 100th Day' and meme pictures of Hyunjin.

I soon shifted my gaze towards the main attraction; a heart shaped cake. This boy is so extra! What Is this boy celebrating? A wedding anniversary?!

Hyunjin managed to wrap his arms around my waist from the back, but I was too distracted. I turned around meeting with his smile.

"You did all this just because we've been friends for 100 days?" I asked him, tilting my head upwards and slightly frowning.

"Y-yeah... Don't you like it?" He uttered as his smile began to fade.

"I do but... How did I deserve this? I was so bitchy and probably the most average friend." I conveyed

"You're not average. You're fucking amazing." Hyunjin expressed. I felt a bit flustered after that compliment and looked away, moving towards the delicious cake waiting for me to devour it.

"L-lets eat the cake now!" I cheered, trying to sound more casual rather than shy.

He cut the cake, and took out a slice feeding me it as if I were a little kid. Of course being the fatty I am, I took a big bite.

We continued chatting and teasing each other the whole time, not being aware of how late it was. It was sad that our 100 day anniversary was coming to and end but I truly felt happy.

Each move, every word, seemed sincere. I'm unusually feeling something more and want us to be much more but...

How can two people, who are so diverse, fall in love?

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