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"You sure you'll get up yourself?"

"Yes, now go inside. You don't need to worry, I'll be fine"

"You sure?"


Hana said her bye's and goodnight's to Hyunjin as she snuck to her back garden and climb up her balcony. She managed to do so on her own and quietly entered her room.

When she entered, she unexpectedly saw her mum with an angry expression on her face. Hana was shocked that her mother had found out about her sneaking out.

"M-mum" Hana mumbled, in shock.

"What the hell were you doing out this late?!" Her mother screamed at her, giving her a tight slap right on the cheek. Hana held her cheek tightly as tears began to fall from the corners of her eyes.

She gritted her teeth and was burning up with fury.
"I was with my friends! Am I not allowed to spend time with my friends!?" She yelled back.

"Don't talk to me like that!" Her mum pointed a finger at her, warning her.

"And don't tell me what to do because for fucks sake I'm 18 years old now!" Hana shouted back.

"Fine, you're 18. I guess you're responsible enough to live on your own so get the fuck out of my house!" Her mum exclaimed.

"I'd be happy to." Hana stormed out of the house, wiping her tears away. The rain only dampened her cheeks more and drenched her.

"This is why I didn't want to leave you alone." A voice spoke from behind her. Hana turned around and tried to put on a casual-looking expression.

"What is it Hyunjin?" Hana asked him, trying to sound as if nothing at all had happened. Suddenly, Hyunjin grabbed her wrist and brought her inside his home. As soon as he did, he sat her down on the couch and sat beside her.

"Why are you always crying when I see you?" He questioned her, curious. Hana tilted her head up and put on a sarcastic-looking smile.

"Can I not cry?" She responded.

"Honestly, the first time I saw you, I thought you were some badass bitch because of your attitude and how you had the guts to try and punch me. That's why. I thought you looked like the person who wouldn't cry." Hyunjin then explained.

"Well, just because I seemed like some 'badass bitch', doesn't mean I don't cry."

"Why do you cry so often though?"

"Because it makes me feel better. It's an easier way for me to express my emotions. That way, they can simply flow out."


"Yeah 'oh'. Now nice talking to you 'honey' but I need to go- achoo!" Hana sneezed.

"No baby girl, you ain't going no where."

"But what abou- achoo!" Hana tried getting up, but Hyunjin got up too and picked her up, bridal style. He carried the not-so-heavy girl to his room and gently placed her on his bed. As he did that, he also pulled the blanket over her and then kissed her forehead.

"You can stay here." He told her, before turning the lights off and closing the door.


Hana woke up from the rays of the sun, illuminating through a small gap between the curtains. While her head still felt heavy, she managed to get up and rubbed her eyes, making sure she was full awake.

"Oh shit!" Hana was fully awake from a loud yell from outside the bedroom. She managed to get up to check what was the matter.

As she stepped outside, the smells of smoke hit her nostrils as she rushed to the kitchen to find out what was going on.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Hyunjin yelled. Hana widened her eyes and tried putting the fire out from the frying pan. She got a towel to try and fanned it to reduce the fire. She then got a cold jug of water and poured it over the fire which eventually stopped it.

Hyunjin wiped the sweat off his forehead and leaned against the counter, tired of trying to put the fire out.

"What the heck happened?! Are you okay?!" She asked Hyunjin, worried. Hyunjin nodded in response but then Hana saw a burn on his hand and quickly held it to see if it was okay. "You hurt yourself." She muttered.

"Nah, it's fine." He tried assuring her that he was okay.

"No it's not, twat." She scoffed, dragging him towards the bathroom and to the sink. She took his hand out and put it under cold running water from the tap.

"Have you got a first aid kit?" She asked him and Hyunjin nodded, pointing towards the cupboard.
"Keep your hand their for a moment" she then added and went to find the first aid kit. Once she did, she turned the tap off and headed inside the living room before sitting down on the couch.

She got a bandage from the first aid kit and gently wrapped it around his hand. Hyunjin winced in pain from the stinging burn.

"What were you even doing?!" Hana questioned him, finishing up wrapping the bandage.

"I was attempting to make breakfast... For you..." He mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck. Hana simply face-palmed due to his stupidity and how he had unfortunately failed.

"Well thanks but you don't need to do that yet if you only have the limited skills to cook." She chuckled.

"Fine, I'll try and get better at cooking and make you food everyday when we get married too."

Hana paused and thought to herself for a second.

If we're able to last that long.

Uff I'm so sorry but this was such a shitty chapter because I ran out of ideas. 😭😭 Also, I apologise for the late updates. I will try to update more frequently.

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