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Hyunjin laid down onto his bed, pulling his hair out in frustration. Why did it had to be her to make him realise that he was such a dickhead? Why does he suddenly regret being who he is now? Why does he regret his change, even if he thought it was for the better?

Tiredly, he got up from his bed and knelt down. He reached his arm out, searching for a box from under his bed. He pulled it out and opened it. Inside the box were many pictures.

Most were of him, Seungmin and her. There were so many. As he looked through them, he cried. Tears just fell down, uncontrollably.

With the pictures in one hand, he used his empty one to reach into his pocket. He pulled out a lighter and with the flame turned on (?), held it by the pictures.

"If you're gonna forget what we were, then I might as well do that too." He choked on his sobs.

"I want to burn you from my memories like how you erased me from yours."

"That way, you won't be hurting."


Flashback to middle school so when they were likeeee 14 idk.

"Hana, seungmin! I got us tickets for a Bigbang concert!" Hyunjin yelled while waving the tickets in his hands. Seungmin widened his eyes and his jaw dropped. He quickly snatched the tickets off Hyunjin and celebrated by himself. On the other hand, Hana silently continued walking on her own. Hyunjin, noticed the young girl avoid him and decided to catch up.

He crept up on her from behind and placed his arm over her shoulder. Hana was startled but shrugged it off.

"Hana what's the matter?" Hyunjin questioned the girl, slightly concerned. She stopped on her tracks and faced him, her smile upside down.

"I don't feel like going." She replied to him, before continuing. Hyunjin pouted and stepped in front of her.

"Why not?"


"Hana you can tell me. We've been best friends for years, I'm pretty sure I'll understand."

"Mum and dad are always fighting and I'm never in the fucking mood to do anything."

"Why don't we do a concert of our own to cheer your parents up. I mean if you can't go to one I guess you can do one of your own?"

"Really? You really think they enjoy it?"

"I'm pretty sure they will." Hyunjin smiled to the girl as he pulled her into a hug.

"Hey gu-"

"Seungmin, find someone else to go with to the concert okay." Hyunjin cut Seungmin off as he was about to speak.

Hana's house~

Hana opened the large doors to her house and headed towards the theatre room, queitly so her parents don't hear. Hyunjin followed as they silently carried the microphones and speakers to the room.

Once they finished setting up, Hana's dad walked in confused with the equipment.

"Dad?" Hana questioned. Hyunjin bowed to her dad.

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