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"Jae...?" Helen clicked her fingers disturbing Jaeyoung's thoughts. He shook his head lightly and fake smiled.

"I'm so happy for you two but I really have to go." He said, no emotion in his voice. Helen frowned, confused at his sudden dismissal as he left quite quickly.

As she watched him leave she felt some something sharp prick her feet. She looked under her table and saw a large bunch of red roses almost destroyed. She bit her lip finally getting an understanding of why Jaeyoung suddenly left.

"Helen?" Johnny waved his hand in front of the girl who was zoning out. "Let's continue with our dinner." He said. Helen replied with a simple nod, still feeling bad.


Heartbroken, upset but not. Jaeyoung was mad, angry, furious but had no idea, exactly what was the reason. He sat by the convenience store stairs, a green alcohol bottle in his firm grip.

He gulped large lumps of liquor down his throat, squeezing his eyelid's tightly.
"Jaeyoung you're so fucking stupid. Why are you unsure of your feelings, huh?!" He yelled aloud, breaking the disturbing silence lingering the empty streets.

He looked at the empty bottle, messing about with it as it slipped from his palms. It fell onto the hard, rigid pavement, shattering into a million pieces. But the reality is, it only fell into 3. He laughed as he watched the bottle shatter.

Coincidentally, Hana walked by and saw him. She tilted her head, confused and headed towards him, sitting next to him.

Realising her presence, he turned and met with her concerned expression. "You look upset. What's the matter?" Hana questioned him, looking into his glassy eyes.

"Why are you here?" Jaeyoung asked, looking away, shaking his head.

"Erm I was bored?" She replied. "You were drinking?" She raised a brow in which Jaeyoung replied with a 'hmm'. Hana was confused and rather concerned as to why he was so drunk.

"I'm sorry." Jaeyoung blurted out, startling Hana. "I'm sorry for hurting you the other day." He said with full sincerity, holding her hands tightly. Hana didn't know how to respond. She was grateful for his apology but upset as to why he was apologising, especially since she wasn't hurt in the first place. "The truth is... I don't really like Helen in that way and I realised I never did." He added with a sigh.

"T-then why did you oppose the engagement?" She asked him.

"Truthfully speaking, I don't know but now I realise... I do want to be with you." He chuckled.

"W-w-what do you mean?" Hana was taken aback by what he had just stated. Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled close to him as he placed his lips on hers. Shocked, Hana was utterly brought to confusion. She didn't know how to respond. Moments later, he pulled away. Hana covered her mouth, her eyes still widened.

"Hana. I really like you. I always have. I've just been unsure of my feelings. I want to be with you. I'm willing to accept your feelings and spend the rest of my life with you." Jaeyoung confessed, being completely honest about his feelings.

"Jae... I-I'm sorry... I don't know how to respond to this."

"We both like each other don't we?"

"Maybe I like someone else. I'm sorry..." She said, leaving straight away.

"It's Hyunjin isn't it?!" He yelled out, making her stop on her tracks. "I'm not gonna let go of you so easily! If I have to fight, I will!" He continued.

"I'm sorry but I already have a fixated choice on who I want to be with." She mumbled under her breath.


A few days later, Hana's dad wanted to talk to Hana, in his office.

Dressed formally, Hana entered dad's office where he sat there on his large office chair, busy with paperwork.

Hana let out a cough until he had finally noticed her.

"Ah Hana, you're here." He said.

"Yeah? What was so important that you had to tell me in your office and not at home?"

"You see... You have just come back to the family?"


"And you're 19 now, right?"


"Yes. Sorry. Anyways, I'm just hoping for you to start working now."

"As what?"

"Well... I-I-I really don't know. I just need your appearance here in the office now and then."

"Pfft I thought you were gonna give me a solo debut."

"The music industry is too harsh for you-"

"But you managed to get through it and look where you are now?!"

"Well for my case its different-"

"How different? You told me to follow my dreams and that's what I've been trying to do. You're exactly like my mum for god's sake."

"Hana! Don't mention your mum! I've been through this, and suffered too-" He stopped talking, noticing Hana had already left.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he sat back down.


As Hana walked out the office, she had made an encounter with Hyunjin. He noticed her frustrated expression and asked her what's wrong. Hana replied with a simple 'nothing', avoiding eye contact.

Hyunjin walked closer, about to put his arms around her until someone else had disturbed him. He moved his hands away but saw someone else's on Hana's shoulder, which made Hana flinch.

He looked up, meeting with an unfamiliar face.

"Who are you?" The tall guy, asked Hyunjin.

"Her boyfriend. Get your hands off her please." Hyunjin said, crossing his arms. The guy let out a laugh and raised a brow at Hyunjin.

"You? Her boyfriend? I think you are mistaken-ed." He stated.

"What the fuck are you doing Jae?!" Hana whisper-shouted at him, trying to escape his hold. However, Jaeyoung just pulled her closer and grasped onto her shoulder, tighter.

"Hana, who is this dude?" Hyunjin said, sounding quite annoyed.

"He's just-" Hana was cut off.

"I'm her fiancé."

This story has gone so boring I'm sorry 😭

Also, sorry for updating after so long but I have so much revision to do in such little time >< I have mock exams starting Tuesday and a lot of revision to do. Once my exams are over, I will try and update more often. I hope you understand TT

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