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Weeks later, everything soon went back to how it was before. Hana's health was starting to get better and her relationship with Hyunjin became more stronger.

As for the group, they made it to the semi-finals after passing the previous rounds. They were becoming a few steps closer towards their dreams. Now they were preparing for a performance that would help them, by using their efforts.

"Diversity, let's show the audience a memorable performance and hope we could continue." Hyunjin cheered as everyone jumped. Soon, the group were called up on stage to perform.

Nervously, Hana stumbled up the stairs as Hyunjin held her hand tightly. As they made it onto stage, they introduced themselves before starting. Once Hana stepped onto stage and began performing, all her anxiety went away.

As the performance ended, she would become more confident in performing.

"Even if we don't make it to the finals, just remember that we made it THIS far!" Hana encouraged the others, as they waited patiently for the winners to be announced. They still seemed to look anxious. "Then again, who said we can't make it?" She added, as everyone else nodded.

Later, one of the staff members walked in to call the group onto stage.


"I TOLD YOU GUYS WE'D MAKE IT!" Jisung cheered, jumping through the hallways.

"Lies. I was the one who told you guys while you were shitting yourselves." Hana punched Jisung's arm.

As they approached their classroom, their classmates cheered and applauded for them. The group felt encouraged as they joined in just for fun.

"Ey, congrats guys for making it to the finals!" Felix slung an arm over Hana's shoulder almost startling her.

"Thanks Felix!" Hana grinned, ruffling his hair.

"How about a party to celebrate? We can ask Changbin if we can have it at his house." Felix suggested as everyone else agreed.

"Did someone say my name?" Changbin interrupted the conversation.

"Yeah so you can tell your man to get away from my girl." Hyunjin remarked, slapping Felix's arm off. Hana silently chuckled as she continued to watch.

"Oi Hyunjin, I told you already I have a girl...Before you." Changbin snapped. Hyunjin jokingly raised his fist as Jisung held him back.

"Okay okay, we'll meet at Changbin's, see ya!" Hana took Hyunjin's arm, dragging him to his seat.

"Eh? Why are they raiding my place?" Changbin scratched his head, confused.

After class~

As everyone left to go home, Hana and Hyunjin were the only ones left in class. Once they finished packing up, they headed out until they were met with one person.

"Chaewon, can you get the fuck out the way?" Hyunjin sighed, annoyed at her presence.

"Aww Hyunjin baby, I just wanted to congratulate you for making it to the finals." Chaewon tried to reach to his hand but Hana slapped it away.

"Can you move out the way? We got stuff to do." Hana crossed her arms.

"Sure, but I just want to tell you that for the finals, good luck because my dad's one of judges."


"He's the CEO of one of the biggest entertainment companies, so we'll see how far you'll get into succeeding." Chaewon bragged. Hana rolled her eyes at how childish she was being and nudged her out the way.


Hana and Hyunjin arrived at the party, as Felix rushed to them with a cup in his hand.

"Hana, Hyunjin! What took you so long?!" Felix yelled over the blaring music.

"Stuff!" Hyunjin shouted. Felix mouthed an 'O' and raised his brows in response. Hana realised his expression and harshly nudged his arm.

They eventually headed over to a table where other friends were waiting and sat down on the couch. Changbin, being generous, handed them each a cup of soda.

"You came just in time, we were gonna play truth or dare. We know you love this game." Jisung informed the two that were late. Hana almost choked on her drink and put her cup down on the table.

"Heck no! You're gonna dare me to do some crazy shit or ask me random stuff."

"You mind if I join you guys?" Chaewon suddenly appeared, as Hana was about to leave. Noticing that Chaewon was here, she quickly sat back down in her space next to Hyunjin.

"Oi Felix, what the heck is she doing here?" Hana whispered to Felix.

"I didn't invite her, promise. But whatever, more the merrier." Felix smirked.

"Okay let's start. Whoever lands on six goes first." Changbin handed Hana the dice as she angrily snatched it off him. She shook the dice in her hands and chucked it onto the table. Fortunately, she landed on two meaning she was safe.

Next was Chaewon, as she chucked the dice. Unfortunately for her, she had landed on a six. Hana silently laughed as she picked to do a dare. Chaewon carefully picked one of the cards to do a dare and read it out.

"Kiss the person of the opposite sex..." She then shifted her eyes and looked at Hyunjin with seductive gaze. She then got up and headed towards Hyunjin, holding his cheek as he tried to move away. Chaewon leaned in as Hyunjin put his hand in the way, just so she wouldn't go for his lips.

"Orite mate, you're done now move." Hana pulled Hyunjin towards her and sat on his lap. Chaewon stomped her feet and went back to her place.

"Okay... Hyunjin you're next. Truth or dare." Changbin decided to continue with the game.

"Dare." Hyunjin easily responded, picking a card from the stack. "Drink..."

"How much?" Changbin raised a brow.

"A whole bottle wtf you know I can't tolerate that well. I'd be knocked out."

"Half then."

"Fine" Hyunjin sighed, taking the bottle of liquor and drinking it all in one shot. Hana hated to know what would happen next as she considered going home.

"We're gon-"

"Hana! I really need to talk to you!" One of her classmates interrupted her ask she was about to leave. Before Hana could leave, her classmate quickly dragged her aside. As she left, Hyunjin was remained knocked out from the drinking. The rest of the friends also decided to leave, just to leave him as he is.

Everyone left, but only Chaewon remained. While everyone was gone, she decided to take her chance and stir up some trouble.

"Hana..." Hyunjin kept mumbling, making Chaewon even more angrier.

"You won't even mention her name once you fall for me again." She scoffed.

Shortly, Hana had came back only to see Chaewon's lips attached to Hyunjin's.



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