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Hana sat down at her seat, tired after yesterday. She kept thinking about the competition and finding people to join her band. They needed atleast 5 people to join but Hana just couldn't think of who as she was never a social person.

While dazing off, she felt her hair suddenly being pulled by someone. She heard the person laugh behind her as she already assumed who it was.

"Fucking slag." The person sniggered, pulling her back further. Hana clenched her jaw, despite the pain she was feeling. She was pissed.

The person who was pulling her hair, eventually let go after pulling her from her seat. She faced her sending a slap to Hana's face. "You bitch, I told you not to hoe around." She threatened her but Hana didn't feel threatened. Instead she was pissed and ready to bitch slap the girl back to hell.

Hana smirked however and laughed in her face. "Me? Hoeing around? Says the slag herself. How hypocritical of you Bang Yeseul."

"SHUT UP!!" Yeseul exclaimed pushing Hana away, making her back hit the locker. Everyone stared and formed a crowd, pulling their cellphones out.

"You haven't learnt anything and won't ever if you let fuckboys, play you. You're still the same." Hana smirked.

"Shut the fuck up!" Yeseul yelled, walking closer towards Hana.

"No. Come any closer and I swear I'll do something I don't want to." Hana warned her but Yeseul still ignored her.

Letting her temper get to her, Hana raised her hand, but felt someone suddenly grip onto her arm. She turned to see who it was and her jaw dropped.
"Hyunjin?" She questioned him. He however, gave Hana bitter stare and furious expression.

"Hyunjin!" Yeseul exclaimed, squeezing his torso. "I don't know what's her problem! She was about to hit me!" She cried, pointing at Hana.

Hana rolled her eyes and huffed. "Fucking liar!" She shouted, clear enough for everyone including Hyunjin to hear.

"Hana just shut up and don't touch her!" Hyunjin growled, making Hana freeze and stare at him for a while.

"WHAT'S THE NOISE! EVERYONE GET BACK TO YOUR SEATS!!" Mrs Jung yelled. "HYUNJIN, YESEUL AND HANA! OFFICE NOW!" The teacher demanded. The three obeyed and headed outside the classroom.


"Why am I not surprised to see you two girls again." The headteacher, Mr Park sighed. Hana rolled her eyes and slouched on the chair, while Yeseul just simply narrowed her eyebrows.

"Also, Hwang Hyunjin. You are a new student, why were you sent here?" Mr Park asked Hyunjin, furrowing his brows.

"Well I'm not at fault so I don't really know..." Hyunjin responded.

"It's not my fault either!" Hana replied with full attitude.

"Yes it is! You hit me!" Yeseul claimed, looking upset.

"Oh shut up no one wants to hear your bullshit!" Hana argued back.

"ENOUGH! All three of you will be recieving a sanction! I'm expected to see you there after school." The headteacher shouted.

"It's just a detention so I don't mind." Hana lazily said.

"The cleaners won't be here by the way so bring a mop or two since you'll be cleaning the toilets. Also, don't even think about complaining" Mr Park added. Yeseul got up and began complaining.

"I just got my acrylics done yesterday!" Yeseul opposed.

"Miss Bang, if you don't do this sanction, I'm expecting to see you clean the whole school instead." Mr Park said, shutting Yeseul up.


The final bell rang, ending the school day. The other three individually arrived by the store room to take their instruments. After that, they met by the girl's toilets.

Looking rather annoyed, Hana went into the toilets and immediately began mopping the floor. She was still mad at Hyunjin for how he acted towards her today and looked down focusing on the cleaning.

On the other hand, Yeseul and Hyunjin were too busy flirting, letting Hana do all the work. Frustrated, Hana put down her mop and exhaled.

"Oi you two. Aren't you gonna clean?" She asked them, irritated.

"I haven't got anything to clean with." Yeseul made an excuse.

"Then go get a cloth or what from upstairs." Hana rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." Yeseul simply spoke before exiting, leaving Hyunjin and Hana alone.

The atmosphere was awkward for some time, but Hana eventually continued with her work. Hyunjin however just leaned against the wall and went on his phone for a bit. Sick and tired, Hana finally decided to take out her anger.

"Okay Hyunjin! Why the hell have you been shitty to me all day! I'm so-" Hana paused, watching Hyunjin just burst out laughing. "What is it, assface?!" Hana asked him.

"I can't believe you actually got upset." Hyunjin continued laughing.

"W-what are you on about?"

"Idiot I was just messing with you."

"You ass, don't talk to me."

"Noooo don't not talk to me!"

"No, you made me pissed off all day."

"If I date you, would you talk to me then?"

Hana became quiet with no response and froze.

"You would, wouldn't you?"

"Y-y-you have a girlfriend."

"I'm breaking up with her, she's boring."

"Typical fuck boy."

"I'm interested in someone else." Hyunjin grinned, moving his face closer to Hana's and staring right into her eyes. Hana felt her cheeks burning up for some reason. She stepped back from his sudden action.

"Y-yeseul isn't back yet. Let's go check if she's got the stuff." Hana made an excuse.

"Why are you so concerned about her suddenly?" Hyunjin questioned her, confused.

"Just let's go."

Hyunjin agreed and they both headed upstairs to the store room. As they got closer to the store room, they heard an soft singing voice from the room. When they arrived, they both stopped to hear the beautiful singing clearly. Hana tiptoed to peek through the glass and saw Yeseul happily singing BTS - butterfly.

The two friends both seemed quite shocked to see someone so devious, sing angelically.

"I think we found a new member"

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