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Weeks had passed and the group of friends began to get even more familiar with eachother. They would laugh, chat, hang out in their little 'hideout' place.

As of now, there was only a day or two before the actual competition so they'd see eachother more often instead of just school. During these few weeks, the friends also began to change too. Jisung was less shy and became more hyper, with his friends of course. Yeseul became more friendly. Instead of being more of a cheeky shit, Seungmin would actually be considerate during times. Hana became much more of a happy person, rather than cold. And Hyunjin, instead of playing around with girls' hearts, he actually really loved Hana.

While completing the lyrics, Hana watched the the sun go down. Hana really admired this time of the day. She didn't know why. Maybe because of how the sky looks so warm with rays of gold and pomegranate highlighted across the skies. Or how the day beautifully transitioned to a silent, glowy night.

Tired, she was about to dose off. However she was immediately awoken when she heard a knock on her door again. She knew exactly who it was and without a second thought she opened it, welcoming her love with warm arms.

Hyunjin ruffled her hair and then pecked her lips, soft. Hana had to admit, being in a relationship felt amazing.

"Come on" Hyunjin suddenly spoke, breaking the hug they were in.

"Where?" Hana asked.

"The others wanted to link up before the actual competition."


Hana watched the sea, lost in rhythmic percussion of the waves crashing against the rocks. She had her feet dug into the still warm sand. The breeze softly kissing her skin. Her eyes were steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays, before twilight beckoned the stars. Her lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that she is enjoying this beautiful moment.

While silently admiring the sunset, she heared Jisung suddenly cheer excitedly.

"A shot for good luck!" He raised a small glass. The others cheered along, as he poured the liquor in the other glasses.

"But we're underage." Hana opposed.

"Who cares! Let's make the most of our youth!" He encouraged, while gulping down a whole shot. Everyone else did so too, apart from Hana. "Who's up for another?" Jisung cheered once again. And like that, everyone did so too but not Hana.

Shot after shot, the others became more tipsy. They yelled, laughed, sang on crack and danced like maniacs. They were having fun as friends, even if Hana didn't take a drink.

Some time later lol~

"Tonighttt leeets get soOme-" Yeseul slurred. Of course she was drunk, everyone was. Especially if she was singing One Direction.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Seungmin yelled. The group of friends all sat together on the mat. "Jisung you go first!" Seungmin continued.

"Okay. Hana truth or dare." Jisung pointed at Hana.

"Dare..." Hana responded with a sigh.

"Okay. I dare you to take 5 shots and sing a song since you've been quiet all night."

"Heck no! I'm not getting my ass in trouble!" Hana immediately denied.

"Okay then three." Jisung raised a brow while pushing the shot glasses towards her. Hana exhaled and swallowed a lump of air. She nervously picked up the glass and quickly took a shot of the bitter substance. She scrunched up face, disgusted at the taste.

"Come on two more left!" Yeseul shouted.

Quickly as possible, Hana gulped down the last two. The vile taste slipped into Hana's mouth, making her want to regret even coming here.

"Yay! Now who's next for truth or dare?" Jisung shouted, drunk. "Ah, Hyunjin. Truth or dare?" Jisung questioned him, making him almost choke on his fruit kabob.

"Um, truth." He then responded.

"Orite then. Have you and Hana had sex yet?" He asked, causing Hana to widen her eyes and almost do a spit take.

"No..." Hyunjin calmly and truthfully responded.

"I swear you've fucked every other girl in the school, so why not Hana especially if you've been going out for a whi- OW!" Jisung was interrupted when Yeseul punched him on the arm.

"Let's go home now." Yeseul dragged Jisung while meeting with Hyunjin's gaze. To avoid anything awkward, Yeseul moved her gaze and walked off. Seungmin decided to follow too, leaving the others on the beach.

Hana remained silent and just watched the night, despite the fact that Hyunjin was still here. Hyunjin moved closer so that she could feel his presence.

"I'm sorr-" Hyunjin was cut off.

"Why are you apologising?" Hana chuckled, facing him.

"I-i-i really don't know..." Hyunjin replied.

"It's not your fault that we havent had it yet, it's mine since I'm keeping you waiting." Hana then explained, whilst laying down on the mat.

Hyunjin's lips curved into a smile. He silently watched Hana stare into the beautiful night sky. He was lost in her beauty as the moon glowed, highlighting all the delicate features on her face. He stared deep for a while, completely lost. He knew he was in love and that she was irresistible.

He moved close and hovered above her, making Hana widen her eyes from his sudden action. Slowly, he brought his hands up to her cheek and gently cupped it before leaning in close enough for her to smell his scent and to feel her lips on his. He then brushed his lips against hers, as a tease. Hana wanted to move away but was intoxicated by his touch.

She then brought her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. The soft kiss turned into something much more hot, fiery and demanding. Hyunjin felt the warmth spread throughout his entire body and was addicted to her lips. He couldn't bare not to be with her and could barely breathe if she wasn't around.

While Hana was distracted, Hyunjin slowly, brought his hand up to thigh and gently making his way further under her skirt. Hana flinched from his sudden touch and paused, parting her lips from his.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm ready yet." She muttered.

Hyunjin, immediately got up, regretting his actions and apologised. "I'm sorry, I should've asked you first..." He scratched the back of his head.

"It's okay..." Hana assured him with a smile. As much as she thought she wasn't ready yet, Hana still loved the way he touched her. It felt magical.

She was still desperate for his touch.

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