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Hana's narrative•

"Shush, you're mine now and I won't ever let you cry again." He whispered into my ear.

"Stop fucking lying!" I yelled while banging his chest, aggressively.

"Ow! Stop hitting me, I'm being honest!"

"That sounded too cringe-y to be true."

"How else do you want me to confess?"

"By being straightforward- wait what confess-" He cut me off by pecking my lips. "W-what was that for?" I stuttered, moving away from him.

"You said I should be straightforward." Hyunjin snapped back.

"Yeah but you already ki-" He cut me off again with his soft plump lips.

"How many times do I have to kiss you just so you can shut that pretty mouth of yours?"

"Y-yeah but we're in the middle of the fucking street." I argued back until he pulled me into a hug again, squeezing me tightly. I tried slipping out of his arms but he just kept hugging me tighter.

"Hana!" A voice yelled from afar. It was Seungmin. He was running towards us. As he approached, he raised a brow and let out a laugh.

"I'm still curious. Are you dating or not?" He asked, while staring at us. I felt embarrassed, as Hyunjin wouldn't let me go.

"Yeah we are." Hyunjin responded to him being straightforward. I paused and went back to overthinking. Does that mean we're certainly an actual, real, confirmed, verified couple?


I woke up, prepared for another tiring Monday at school. I couldn't sleep all night because I kept thinking about the fact that we were actually...dating? I got ready as usual and head outside before waving a goodbye to my mum. As I stepped outside I saw Seungmin waiting by my door, smiling.

I was confused as to why he was in the same school uniform but eventually remembered that he had transferred.

"I'm here to walk to school with you if you don't mind." Seungmin informed me. I nodded in response as we eventually headed off to school. While I was walking I felt someone snake their arms around my waist, stopping me on my tracks. Surprised, I turned to the side and saw Hyunjin.

"You guys decide to leave me and walk off on your own?" Hyunjin complained.

"Yes you useless piece of shit." Seungmin jokingly replied.

"Oi what you tryna do? Steal my girl?" Hyunjin teased back. Seungmin just rolled his eyes and continued walking to school. Meanwhile the two of us followed while Hyunjin kept flirting. Honestly, how do people put up with this?


3rd narrative because 1st person narrative pisses me off•

The bell rung, alarming students that it was finally lunch time. Seungmin, Hyunjin and Hana all headed towards the canteen to eat. On the way they saw Yeseul wondering around on her own.

Hana stopped for a bit and told the other two that she'll catch up.

"Why are you hanging out alone?" Hana questioned her, looking confused as she was usually the popular girl who would have several thousand friends... On social media though.

"I'm a shitty person, so I think it's best for me to stay more independent" She bluntly responded.

"I was the same but you know sometimes it's boring being all on your own." Hana tried encouraging her to become more friendly. "Now come on let's go eat." She linked arms with her, going to the canteen.

When they got there, they saw Seungmin and Hyunjin already eating as they head over to join them.

Hyunjin and Yeseul were awkward at first but began to interact more once the group of friends became familiar with eachother.

"Oh by the way, the band thingy is starting within a month and we need 2 more people quick!" Hyunjin reminded Hana.

"I think I've found one more person." Hana nudged Seungmin. Seungmin was lost and looked at Hana, confused.

"Me? I guess I'd be happy to." Seungmin agreed. The group cheered and continued laughing with eachother.

However in the corner of her eye, Hana saw Jisung sitting alone. It seemed as if he was writing something. Just then Hana had immediately found the 5th member of her band.

"Han Jisung!" Hana yelled from across the canteen. The squirrel-looking boy immediately looked up, with a frightened expression. After a couple of more calls, he had figured out that Hana was calling him.

Hana smiled, signalling him to sit with the rest of the group. At first Jisung, humbly denied but a few minutes later, agreed. He sat down and greeted the others before nervously sitting down.

"Jisung, do you want to join our group?" Hana asked, hoping for him to accept. It took some time for him to think of a response. Hana looked at him with him with pleading eyes and tried convincing him.

"Okay" He mumbled, but audible enough for the others to hear. Hana jumped in excitement, feeling another unusual feeling.

"But what group name should we decide on?" Hyunjin asked.

"Diversity" Hana simply answered his question. Everyone looked confused as to why she chose such a name. "It's random but kinda not because we came together as a group despite our individual personalities. Like for example, I was some cold bitch, Yeseul was a bitchy bitch, Seungmin is a fucking cheeky shit, Jisung is a squirrel-looking, shy cutie and Hyunjin is some over excited fuckboy." Hana then explained. "Sorry had to be honest." She later on added as everyone else laughed together, even Jisung who was shy as fuck (A/N not really tho, this boy is hyper af lol)

Perhaps the strange feeling was joy. The joy and happiness to have friends. The whole time they laughed together, created a joyous atmosphere. A group of friends hanging out and chilling with eachother, brought comfort.

Is this how friendship feels like?

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