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Half asleep, Hana headed towards her classroom, walking incredibly slow. Not being aware of the people around her, she bumped into a familiar person. Hana was fully awake, startled as she apologised to the boy who dropped his sheets of papers. Attempting to be nice, she crouched down and helped the boy. She took a glimpse at the papers before handing them over.

The boy apologised back and took his leave only being stopped by a pair of small hands.

"Jisung, wait." She told him, as Jisung shyly turned around, avoiding any eye contact. "I-I-I want to b-become friends." She stuttered as it was the first time she had ever said that. Hana tried lifting the corners of a lips to form a friendly smile. "Will you accept?" She asked him, putting her hand out for a friendly shake. Surprisingly, Jisung had nervously shook hands and nodded whilst forming a timid smile.

The second bell rung, alarming the two that they were already late for the first lesson. As Hana entered the class, she saw Hyunjin and Yeseul making out making her feel angry rather than disgusted. She had no idea why she's feeling this way after what happened yesterday after school.

Shaking her thoughts out of her head, she ignored the couple and head towards her seat beside Jisung who was already sat there. Though they were late, the teacher hadn't arrived yet which meant they had a bit of free time.

Hana sighed and placed her head on the table, looking at Hyunjin's direction. She stared at the couple, burning with some sort of pain and jealousy. While they were making out, Hyunjin shot a glare at Hana, making her turn the other way.

Thinking about him, she dozed off...


Yawning, Hana awoke from her short nap noticing that everyone else had left except one. Right in front of her was Hyunjin smiling widely with his face inches away. She gasped but covered her flushed expression by turning away. Suddenly, she felt his warm fingertips at her chin, forcing her to face him.

"Lazy shit, it's lunchtime." Hyunjin informed her but Hana responded coldly.

"Idiot, go to your girlfriend. Why are you here waiting for me?"

"I wasn't waiting for you dumbass. The teacher told me to stay behind and wake you up." Hyunjin corrected, making the girl go red. "By the way, you snore cutely." He chuckled, making the girl go even more red. Embarrassed, Hana mentally facepalmed herself before going back to her usual self.

"Whatever. I'm awake now so you can go."

"But I'm hungry..." Hyunjin pouted.

"What should I do? Go eat with ya girl!"

"I want to eat with youuuu"

"I despise canteen food."

"Then let's skip school and go out to eat instead." Hyunjin suggested, taking the girl's hand. They walked through the hallway hand in hand recieving many stares and whispers.

'I thought Hyunjin was dating Yeseul?'
'Yeseul is much prettier than Hana, why does Hyunjin bother to be friends with Hana?'
'Hana is such a hoe."

Hana however simply shot death glares and tried to ignore those hypocritical comments.

Hana and Hyunjin finally approached the school gates and stopped. She watched Hyunjin jump up to climb the wall as he encouraged her to do so too. Hana shook her head vigorously and crossed her arms.

"Come on you can trust me. I've done
this many times before so i'll help you." Hyunjin convinced her but she still denied.

After some time, Hana was finally convinced and agreed. Hyunjin jumped down to help Hana from below. He picked her up as she managed to lift herself up onto the wall. Hyunjin followed and easily jumped onto the wall again.

"Whatta nice view I had there" He smirked at the girl.

"Pervert." Hana simply spoke rolling her eyes.

"You ready to jump down now?" Hyunjin asked her. Hana lightly nodded as Hyunjin locked his hands tightly with hers. Bravely, Hana jumped down with him landing on both feet on the pavement.

"Am I alive?" She asked him with her eyes shut.

"Yes stop being so dramatic."  Hyunjin sighed.

The two strolled along towards the bus stop, still hand in hand. Hyunjin smiled to himself, staring at their hands. He felt something flare up inside, somewhere near the heart.

Once they arrived at the bus stop, the bus was already there as they entered and sat down beside eachother.

Staring out the window, Hana felt something weighing down on her shoulder and turned to discover that Hyunjin was calmly resting his head.

"H-hey! You have a girlfriend..." Hana stuttered.

"So? She's not here." Hyunjin told her, tilting his head slightly.

"Tch. Playboy." Hana scoffed before staring outside again.

15 minutes had passed and they had already arrived at the mall.

Even after all that, Hyunjin still had his hands interlocked with hers. He faked a cough making Hana turn her head to face him. Hyunjin looked down at their hands as Hana did the same. She gasped and let go of his hand.

"How long were we holdings hands for?" Hana asked him nervously.

"Since school." Hyunjin simply replied with a grin.

Hana smacked her forehead and walked off in a fast pace. Hyunjin quickly followed to catch up.


The two quietly munched on their food, while Hana tried avoiding Hyunjin's gaze the whole time.

After they ate, they walked around the mall for a bit until Hana stopped on her tracks. She stared at the poster on the wall whilst sipping on her milkshake. She seemed interested but she sighed.

"Battle of the bands? Is this since sort of music competition?" Hyunjin asked her, curious. Hana simply nodded, still staring at the poster.

"Enter the competition then. You want to be an artist right?." Hyunjin suggested, looking down at the short girl.

"I can't. This is only for bands. We don't have a band." Hana frowned.

"I can join your band..." Hyunjin spoke, making Hana face him looking confused.

"You? Since when were you so interested in music?"

"I enjoy rapping too." Hyunjin responded. Hana bursted out laughing however.

"You? Rapping? Or do you enjoy fucking girls being the usual fuckboy you are?"

"Hey! I'm being serious!" Hyunjin claimed.

"Fine but we need more people and a place to practice..."

"We can use that spare building I discovered and I could just find some people."

"whatever, we'll see what happens..."

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