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2 weeks later~

Hana inhaled and exhaled; breathed in, breathed out - nervousness trembling her body. She couldn't calm herself. How can things happen so quickly? She zoned out for a bit, lost in deep thinking. Her anxiety was creeping up on her.

At the same time, she was getting prepared; prepared to look pretty - getting her hair done, caking her face with make-up, slipping into a long white dress. All this just to have a ring of metal slipped onto her ring finger, by the person she didn't love. She wished it was someone else.

"Miss Park, you're ready." One of the beauticians said, placing her hands on her shoulders. Hana looked into the mirror.

She smiled

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She smiled. But the mirror only reflected a frown. What is this? Getting all prettied up for someone you don't even love.

"Miss, why are you so nervous? It's only a party." The other said, noticing her anxious expression.

"An engagement party." Hana tried to form a smile. "I'll have a ring on my finger. I'll be owned by someone else. But-" She paused with a sigh. "Never mind." She added, noticing her dad entered her room.

"Everyone's waiting downstairs." He informed. Hana nodded in response and walked out her room.

As she got to the stairs, she elegantly walked down. Everyone's attention was on her so she had try and force a smile. They all clapped and cheered for her arrival.

Everyone clapped except one. Hana was able to notice this person from afar. She had saw him from the corner of her eyes. At that moment, she had a sudden desire to care less about this whole event. She wanted to hug that person. To feel his warmth. But no, she was restricted to.

That person stood there with a complete blank expression, showing no interest, looking completely bored.

As she stared at the person, someone else had disturbed her view.

"Hey." He quite casually said, with a smile.

"Oh. Jae..." Hana responded with a mumble.

"Why do you look so down? This is our engagement." Jaeyoung said with a slight bit of annoyance in his tone.

"I'm sorry I just-"

"What are you looking at?" He noticed Hana's gaze shifting around the room.

"Hm?" She hummed. "Oh... Nothing. Just surprised to see so many guests here." She looked at Jae.

"Well, you want to dance with me then?" He grabbed Hana's waist, pulling her close to his body. Hana gasped and quickly pushed herself away from him.

"Not now. I gotta greet the guests." She rushed off.

As she walked in circles around the huge hall, she spotted that same person. Quickly, she followed him. However, she wasn't able to catch up as there were so many people. She couldn't quite get passed.

But she still managed to get pass and caught up with the person. She followed him through one of the empty hall ways. It was long and the lights were dimmed. God knows what he was doing exploring the large mansion of the Parks. He was walking in a fast pace and Hana struggled to keep up as her heels made her feet tired.

"Hyunjin!" She yelled out; her voice echoing loud enough for him to hear at least. Hyunjin paused but didn't turn around. Hana quickly rushed up to him, out of breath.

"What- are- you doing here?" She asking, taking pauses of breaths.

"I was just about to leave." He stated before walking off again. Just as he was, Hana grabbed his arm and pinned him to the wall.

"Answer me. What are you doing here?" She repeated herself.

"Don't you know? All artists and employees were invited too. Do you not want me here?" Her replied.

"No... I was just curious. I thought you wouldn't come because-"

"Don't worry I'm totally fine after we had sex and then you suddenly announced that you had a fiance."

"I want to explain."

"Explain what? I thought you would cancel this whole engagement and clear up this mess but no, you're still gonna be wearing the ring that someone else puts on you. You're still gonna be wearing that white dress to be someone else's bride." He ranted out of rage. Hana let go of his arms and took a step back.

"But I don't want to." She said in a quiet voice almost inaudible. "I want do everything with you but-"

"Was that night meaningless to you?!" He sounded infuriated, yet deeply hurt.

"Hyunjin, please! None of the memories I made with you were meaningless." She held his cheek, glaring right through him. "I want to stay with you but even I don't know how to get out of this." Tears began to fall from the corners of her eyes.

"You don't know how badly I wanna stay with you too." Hyunjin grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to his body. There was no space between them and within seconds, their lips were already attached to each other's. Hana felt all her emotions flood in all at once; pain, desperation, regret. She just wanted his redamancy.

While they were in their moment, they heard a loud yell of a male voice. They parted but stood there shocked and dumbfounded.

Well shit.

Mocks are over.

This book is also soon to be over. :(

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