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Today. It was the day of the competition and the group were very nervous. Hana's heart kept pounding as it was the day, her dreams would begin to come true. The thought of standing up on stage for the first time and doing what you love, really made her anxious as who knows what could go wrong.

Being on stage wasn't a bad thing but more of courageous thing, even if there were only a few hundred people anticipating for you to perform and succeed in ending it well.

"The next performers are... Diversity!" The host cheered through the mic, as the audience applauded. Just while walking up onto the small stage, Hana felt her anxiety creeping up on her. She held onto the mic tightly, as her hands were shaking: her other hand interlocked with Hyunjin's. Right then, Hana's gaze was fixed on one person. One of the judges. Now she was even more nervous.

"So, what song will you be covering for the contest?" The host asked us. We all looked at eachother for second, wondering who would have the guts to just speak through a mic. Just then, Jisung nudged Hana, telling her to speak.

It was silent for a few moments, but Hana eventually got the guts to hold the mic up to her lips and speak.

"We have actually composed a song ourselves." Hana nervously spoke, ending it with a timid smile. The audience all clapped, anticipating for a good performance atleast.

"Interesting, show us what you've got!" The host cheered, leaving the stage. Right now it was all up to them, to do well and succeed.

Hana took a deep breath and exhaled, praying all would go well and her anxiety could disappear.

Um skip to after the performance lol~

Once they had ended the performance, the audience cheered loudly and clapped indicating that they may have enjoyed it. The positive reaction had lightened the mood of the group as they believed that they would hopefully win.

"I think we did pretty well." Seungmin remarked.

"Hell yeah we did!" Jisung agreed, sipping down big gulps of water.

"I just hope we win for the first round atleast." Hana spoke up. The others all nodded and went back to having a break.

"Thank you so much for participating. You performed very well to please the audience."
One of the judges walked in, clapping. Hana's jaw dropped as she was seeing one of her inspirations, in person. The group all bowed to show their respect towards their senior. Meanwhile, Hana was still shocked to see one of her favourite rappers, in the same room.

"Park Hana?" The judge spoke, looking right at Hana.

"Y-yes... Kim Namjoon- I mean Mr Kim." Hana stuttered, still shook.

"I just want to compliment you on your rapping skills, which really impressed me. You have a great flow and mannnn those lyrics were so... Perfect." He complimented her, giving her a pat on the shoulder.

"T-thank you." She bowed to show her gratefulness. Namjoon smiled and shook hands with her.

"Oh and before I leave, I would love to have you feature in one of my songs in the near future. Of you would like t-"

"Yes yes yes yes yes! I would love to!" Hana jumped in excitement. Namjoon laughed at the young girl, before wishing good luck to the rest.

"Good luck everyone!" He said before taking his leave.

Even after he had left, Hana froze and thought about how her dreams were close to coming true.

"Girl, I envy you." Yeseul jokingly remarked.

"That's okay... I can't feel my legs." Hana spoke, while daydreaming.


After hanging out for sometime with eachother, everyone went home. Well, Hana went to Hyunjin's instead to stay since her mum never wanted to see her face again.

As they entered the house, Hana plopped down onto the sofa and dug her face into the pillows. She practically burst out in tears of joy. The fact that her favourite rapper shook hands with her and offered to feature her in a song really made her happy.

"Are you crying again?" Hyunjin chuckled.

"Yes but this time, I'm so fucking happy." Hana squealed while crying.

Hyunjin sat beside her and took the pillows from her lap.

"What if we win?" He asked, while facing the girl.

"I'd cry again." Hana replied, honestly. Hyunjin laughed and ruffled her hair. He kept smiling because the girl on front of him was just too beautiful to not stare at.

Hyunjin had really thought that this specific person actually had the propensity to change him: his feelings. This was the first time Hyunjin didn't just love someone, but be in love. No matter how diverse they were.

It wasn't her physical appearance but her inner self that really stood out for him. Even if she did seem like a cold bitch at first, she was still warm. It was first time he ever actually knew the person he loved.

He just hoped his feelings would stay this way.

Atleast they would, during her presence.

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