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Hana sighed to herself, continuously thinking about what she had admitted to. What made her think that her feelings for him were absent? She didn't know how to feel or how to think straight.

Even if she did want to be with him, she couldn't all because of conflicts. She didn't know how to exactly tell him and was unsure if she was ready to tell him. Wouldn't it be too risky to go back? How she wished she wasn't caught up in this mess. Only if she was able to control her emotions.

She kept banging her head against the wall, because she is fucking lost and has no idea how the fuck to tell him. Finally, she had built up the courage to make a decision and talk to him, straightforwardly.


Hana silently waited outside the door, waiting for someone to open the door. She kept fidgeting with her fingers, nervously and walked around in circles.

Finally, someone had opened the door.

"H-Hana?" He stuttered, surprised she was at his door.

"Felix, Is Hyunjin here?" Hana asked him.

"Sure. Come in." He let her inside.

The same time she entered their dorm, Hyunjin walked out the bathroom. With just a towel wrapped below his torso. Water dripping from his hair. A fucking sexy expression. ( A/N My future man)

Hana had noticed him and just stared at how visually appealing he looked with the exposure of his fit upper body. As soon as they made eye contact, Hana looked away and Hyunjin covered himself with his arms.

"Fuck. I'll get changed." Hyunjin said, embarrassed. He quickly ran into his room and shut the door.

Meanwhile, Felix burst out laughing noticing how red Hana's cheeks were and her flushed expression.

Hana noticed too how red and hot her cheeks were and quickly covered them with her palms. "Shut up, Felix." Hana said, pouting her lips.

Not so long after, Hyunjin walked out his room, fully covered. His hair was still wet, making him still look sexy. Hyunjin let out a cough and made his way towards Hana.

"What brought you here?" He asked, curious about her sudden appearance.

"Can I not? Anyways where are the rest of the members?" Hana replied.

"Woojin, Chan and Minho have gone out to get food. The others are watching a movie at Changbin's. Felix... Is behind you."

"No I'm not. I'm off to Changbin's too... Have the dorm to yourselves and have fun!" Felix interrupted, heading out. He smirked and winked as he left.

"The fuck." Hana said.

"Anyways what are you doing here?"

"Definitely not to do any haram shit." Hana sarcastically smiled.

"Wow. Haven't seen you act like this since years ago..." Hyunjin grinned.

"Yeah okay whatever. The real reason why I'm here is to talk with you." Hana crossed her arms. "And I'm gonna be straightforward." She added.

"Okay...Am I in trouble again?"


"Then what?"

Hana sighed and took one step closer. "Hwang Hyunjin. I've acknowledged your words and-"

"I'm finally getting a solo dance stage?" Hyunjin's expression lit up with joy.

"No." Hana responded as Hyunjin frowned.

"Hwang Hyunjin I-" She then paused. "Fuck it." A sigh left her lips. She then tip toed and wrapped her arms around his neck, smashing her lips onto his.

Of course, Hyunjin was shocked to see her make such a move. Especially since she went first. Hyunjin kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer until there was no space in between.

Er Hana POV and also the part where you can skip~

The kiss became much more messier, yet passionate as our tongues battled. As we parted to take a breath, Hyunjin looked at me and spoke.

"I don't want to wait any longer." He stated, as he picked me up taking me into his room. As we got into the room, he placed me on the bed. The lighted were dimmed and curtains were closed. He shut the door and climbed onto the bed, hovering over me.

"You sure you're ready for this?" He whispered in my ear, softly. I gulped and nodded, feeling tingles down my back. In an instant, he slowly removed my shirt and I was just left in my bra. Atleast I thought I was going to be. I felt his slender fingers touch my back and firmly grasp onto my bra as he complete torn it. I heard the rip and gasped, shyly covering my chest.

"Don't be shy. Trust me." He whispered, in a seductive yet sincere voice

He moved his mouth, to my cheeks, kissing them softly, moving down to my jawline then to my neck. The kisses became less soft, but with more sucking.

I closed my eyes as he kept kissing my neck and began sucking more harshly, leaving many marks. He then slowly moved towards my collar bone and left soft kisses. I can feel him kiss every inch of my skin, as he moved further down to my chest.

Again, leaving gentle kisses, I felt his breath hitting against my skin as he moved to my stomach. The touch of his lips on my skin were like a drug. Addicting and intoxicating.

I arched my back, as he left kisses everywhere. As he came down to my pants, he sat up and removed his shirt.

"What was the point of putting your clothes on when you're gonna take them off anyways?" I chuckled. He smirked in response and slipped my shorts and panties off, leaving me in just bare and exposed skin. I gasped but exhaled. I had to learn to trust his every move. His touch was what I was desperate for and I had longed for it.

Unexpectedly, he inserted two fingers inside, causing me to let out a loud moan and arch my back. As I did that, I was quickly quietened as he placed his lips on mine.

While from below his fingers were quickening, our tongues entwined. He was changing my breathing with every thrust: I was breathing heavier and heavier.

I let out a moan inside his mouth as he stopped and kissed my neck. He licked every one of his fingers, cleaning up. He then smirked and slipped his pants off. He came closer to my ear; his hot breath hitting against my skin and whispered.

"We'll fuck the pain away."

Er it was my first time writing something so erotic so heh... And yeah the fact that they did it, is significant to the story but if this triggered you, skip the actual scene.

Also, I think this is the only Hyunjin smut on wattpad? LMAO.


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