Bonus chapter 2

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"Don't fucking call me that, its cringe-y"

"Okay then, Hana baby~~"

"Shut the fuck up you hot asshole."


"Haven't heard that in a while but god you make it sound cute." Hana blushed slightly but turned away to hide her face. Hyunjin chuckled and engulfed her into his arms, pecking her lips.

"Congrats, your solo debut charted number 1!" He said quite proud of his wife.

"Thanks" She simply said, pecking him back. "Took you about a year." She then smirked.

"You've offended me." Hyunjin replied with a frown. Hana giggled at his cuteness but suddenly gasped when she felt herself being lifted from her feet.

"Oh my god Hyunjin! Not again! Put me down!" Hana pleaded to let her go but by the time he did, she was placed onto the bed with him hovering over her.

He smirked before moving closer towards her neck, kissing and sucking it. Hana felt the tingles and tried to escape. But it wasn't that easy. She was tightly pinned down onto the bed and couldn't refrain herself from letting out a soft moan.

"H-hyunjin-! Get- off!" She mumbled in between moans.

"Nope." He smirked again. He then removed his shirt and continued kissing his way down to her chest.

"Fine. You win." Hana let out a soft chuckle before, allowing Hyunjin to unbutton her blouse.

Once the blouse was removed, Hyunjin kissed every inch of her skin and even left many marks all over her.

In the midst of that happening, a phone rang. Hyunjin paused and checked to see who was calling.

"No caller ID?" He questioned, confused.

"Its my phone." Hana said, snatching her phone out of his hand.

"I hope you're not cheating on me." Hyunjin said as joke, making Hana roll her eyes.

Then Hana picked up the call as a males voice greeted her.

"Hello, is this Park Hana?"


"Ah, this is RM."

"OMG! Wait, really!?"

"Haha, yeah. I've been really into your latest single and have been wondering if you want to collaborate. Your rapping skills are beyond great and you have such an amazing voice so I was hoping-"

"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!! I'd love to!!! I mean, yes I'd love to!"

"Great! I'm looking forward!"

"Me too!!"

"We've met before haven't we? I must say you've improved!"

"Wait you really remember?"

"Yes! A voice like yours is unforgettable."

"Thank you so much!"

"I'll see you soon!"

"Yes! Have a good day!"

"You too!"

Hana end the call facing Hyunjin who had his jaw dropped.


"You're collaborating... with RM?"

"Heck yes!"

Ya thought they were going to continue? No no no no they're not into haram shit.

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