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Hana woke up in a massive bed, from a long and peaceful sleep. She stretched her arms and yawned loudly, flickering her eyes open. She sighed, as she got out of bed, stretching a bit more.

For some reason, Hana was much more calm and relaxed. Maybe because she finally got to have a peaceful sleep after so long and actually wake up. She felt much better and was in such a positive mood after the reunion with her father.

She decided to take a bubble bath, just because she was in a positive mood. As she turned the tap on, the bath tub began to slowly fill up. At the same time, she added the bubbles, watching them slowly foam up until the bathtub was completely filled up.

Removing her clothes, she untied her hair and plunged herself into the warm bath.

"Well shit, I haven't felt so relaxed since aaaageeesss." She said to herself, closing her eyes. As she did that, she thought about well, being happy. During the past few years, her life was just full of negativity. After waking from her 'deep sleep', she wanted a fresh, positive start.

On the side of the bathtub, was a toy penguin. She picked it up and chuckled lightly.

"Ha. He didn't even bother to look for me after two years... Maybe because he's already moved on and forgotten about me." Her smile slightly turned upside down. "Fuck love life." Her expression turned cold, as she let out a small laugh, chucking the penguin away.

As she did that, she closed her eyes again, letting her body relax for some time.


After her bubble bath, she put on a white bathrobe and wrapped her hair in a towel. She put on the Gucci flip flops, Jaeyoung gave her and headed downstairs.

Once she got downstairs, a sweet aroma hit her nostrils. She headed towards the kitchen to find out what was being made and saw Jaeyoung standing there making pancakes.

"Smells good." Hana said, sniffing the scent of the freshly cooked pancakes.

"Oh Hannie? You're awake." He chuckled, smiling at her.

"Yup and hungry." She pouted, rubbing her stomach.

"Go sit at the dining table. Breakfast is almost done!"

Hana nodded in response, sitting down at the dining table. Once Jaeyoung was finished making breakfast, he came in with a tray full of food.

"Pancakes, croissant, fruit and British tea!" He sat down on the seat next to Hana.

Hana clapped and immediately dug in, eating her food.

"Don't eat too much, you need to save some space in your stomach for later." He giggled. Just then, Hana paused, with a neutral expression. She felt as If someone had already said that to her but she knew who. "Um, Hana did I say anything wrong? I-if you want you can continue eati-"

"I'm fine, I just- Where are we going?" She cut him off, changing the topic.


"Eh? Why are we at the Gucci store?" She questioned him, raising a brow. "I mean I know that you have an obsession with Gucci but wha-"

"Choose a dress." He cut her off.

"The dresses are way too expensive and too over done."

"Then just get some clothes."


"Find a blouse at least. We're going to eat at a restaurant with a friend of mine, so it's best to look formal."

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