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Hana couldn't believe who she was seeing right in front of her, as she had though that her father was dead. What would a dead person be doing here, standing in front of her, saying that 'he misses her'?

Her legs trembled and so did her hands. They wouldn't stop shaking as the truth she was told to believe was actually a lie. In shock of what she was seeing, she brought her hand to her mouth, as tears began to fall.

"Hana dear? Why are you crying?" Her dad walked up to her, holding onto her shoulders. As she made eye contact with her dad, she fell to her knees, still being unable to utter a word. "Hana, don't cry. Dad's home now. You don't need to worry anymore..." He pulled her into a hug.

Hana felt like she was at home, once she was in her father's embrace. His presence felt welcoming but she still had the urge to question why.

"Why?" She mumbled quietly. "Why have you suddenly come back, while I'm in such a state?" She questioned him, her voice cracking.

"Hana listen to me, I would've came back earlier but-"

"Why do you have to come back when my mother is already dead?!" She yelled, pulling away and getting up. Her father stood up and stumbled backwards.

"W-what are you saying?" He stuttered in disbelief of what she had just stated.

"Dad, my mum is dead. Your wife is dead." Hana simply announced. "Why did you leave for god's sake?" She questioned him, with desperate eyes. Her dad held her hands and looked at her.

"Forgive me, please. I admit it is my fault that you're in this state and I will take responsibility for Junghee's death just please forgive me" He begged.

"It's already been two years, you don't need to do anything." She scoffed, shaking his hands off and raging off.

When she got upstairs, she slammed the bedroom door and plopped herself onto the bed. As she did that, she dug her face into the pillows and burst out crying due to the regret.

"Hana, you idiot why did you say that?!" She cried out loudly.

A few hours later~

She soon heard a knock on her door and stopped crying for a bit. She quickly grabbed the tissue box and wiped her face which was was soaked in tears. Opening the door, she was met with the tall guy.

"Hana, are you feeling better now?" Jaeyoung asked her, with full concern.

"What's it to you?" She responded coldly.

"Nothing just... Nevermind cry until you feel better." He assured her with a smile before leaving.

"Wait." Hana made him turn around. "Is he still there?" She asked him.

"Yeah... But it's okay you can cry for a bit longer."

"I can't because I ran out of tears." She caught up with him.

When she got downstairs, she saw her dad sitting down on the couch probably on a call. While he was still on the call, she quietly sat next to him and waited for him to finish. Noticing that his daughter was next to him, he quickly ended the call and faced her.

"Listen, I'm sincerely sorry about everything so please..." He brought his hand up to her cheek. "Please forgive me." He spoke almost breaking down into tears.

Hana quickly noticed and held his hand. "Dad, I'm the one who should be sorry for letting you beg for my forgiveness. I should be sorry for speaking to you in such a way." She muttered.

"My daughter." He burst out crying, facing downwards. Hana turned her face away, trying not to let any of her tears fall.

"But dad..." He looked up at his daughters face. "When will I be able to go back to Korea?" She asked him.

Her dad paused and used his napkin to wipe his soaked face. "Ahh... About that. You will need to stay here for some time because you're still unwell." He said.

"What about Hyunjin? I need to see him!"

"Oh er. Don't worry, Hyunjin already knows that you're here." He assured her with a smile.

"Thank go- wait. Did you meet him?" She questioned.

"Uh yes. He managed to debut and is currently under my company."



Tiredly, the 9 boys kept practicing in the dance practice room until the mirrors were all foggy. Once they had finished, they were all in a sweaty state, quite fatigued after all the non-stop practicing.

One of the members however, still continued to dance no matter badly his body was aching. While he was dancing, he stared into the mirror, at his reflection with a cold glare.

"Hyunjin for god's sake have a rest now atleast." Seungmin told him to, but Hyunjin ignored. "Hyunjin stop punishing yourself like this. I know you're still upset but It's been two years now." He added.

Hyunjin stopped and laid down onto the floor, panting heavily. Seungmin gave him a towel as Hyunjin wiped the sweat.

"You need to move on." Seungmin sighed, sitting next to the boy.

"But I can't because I'm a fucking fool." He laughed.

"I'm pretty sure she'll come back to you. Right now you need to focus on your career."

"I can't focus though. How can I focus when the only thing on my mind is her? Seungmin, you were her best friend, how can you get over it so quickly?"

"I'm not over the fact that she's still missing but I still believe we should move on."

"Well I don't." Hyunjin simply stated.

"I'm going to find her."

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