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3rd Narrative•

It was a weekend and Hana did nothing but lay on her bed all day, scrolling through her instagram. Although Hana was quite popular in school, she was a very introverted person and often stayed inside the house.

The only friend she really had was Seungmin even though they don't attend the same school. Seungmin was a childhood friend of hers who shared similar interests with her and the same dream.

As she was scrolling through her instagram she received an unexpected call.

"Hey hana!"

"Hi seungmin"

"What you doing?"


"Uh.. are you free?"

"Yeah, why...?"

"Great! It's been ages since i've
actually linked up with you! You wanna go to the new ice cream place with me? I want you to meet one of my friends who's just moved into town."

"Um sure? I don't mind. What time?"

"I'll meet you there in half an hour?"


"See ya."

"Yeah bye."

Hana cut the call and sighed heavily. As much as she wanted to stay inside all day and watch BTS cracks all day, she didn't want to miss seeing Seungmin as they haven't seen each other for weeks. Also, she was curious to see who this friend was.

As she got off her bed, she pulled out a simple yet pretty outfit from her wardrobe.

After slipping into her clothes, she put on her shoes and headed towards her door until she was stopped by someone

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After slipping into her clothes, she put on her shoes and headed towards her door until she was stopped by someone.

"Hana where are you going?" Her mother asked, nosily.

"I'm going to the library to study..." Hana politely replied.

"Studying only right?"

"Yes, Mum."

"Okay be back quick before 5."

"Okay." Hana obeyed before exiting the house.

After locking the door, she turned around and saw him again, startled.

"Oh my god! What the hell you're so creepy! Why are you everywhere?" Hana exclaimed, annoyed at Hyunjin.

"Am I in your dreams too?" Hyunjin cheekily grinned at the girl, but Hana only punched his chest making him wince in pain. "Owww! I'm only joking! I was just about to go out..." Hyunjin added.

"Then go." Hana growled.

"Okay okay fine..."

Hana finally began waking her direction, towards the ice cream parlour, but she had noticed that Hyunjin was following her. She turned around once again and huffed.

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