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After the minor arguement in the convenience store, Hana and her mum walked out and sat on the stairs by the entrance.

"Explain to me" Hana sighed wanting an explanation from her mother.

"Explain what sweetie?" Her mum questioned, holding her daughter's cheeks.

"Since when did you work for someone like her?" She gently removed her hands, from her cheeks.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this before, but during the time you were gone...I struggled on my own. I had no choice but to serve others, for your well-being." She frowned.

"For me?! Why did you do that?! Did I ask you to?!" Hana yelled at her mother in disbelief of what she just told her.

"Let me con-"

"Serve others for my well-being?! Didn't I say that I can look after myself?!" Hana ranted, raising her voice even louder. "I don't need anything from you for God's sake!" She left, not being bothered to listen to her Mum anymore.

As Hana raged off, she walked in a fast pace: her heart beating rapidly. Unable to control her emotions, she ran. She started running as fast as she could for some reason. Cold sweat began to form on her forehead and her breathing became heavier.

Panting heavily, she stopped on her tracks to get a hold of her breath. She then lifted her arm and grasped onto her shirt, tightly.

"Why is my heart beating so fast?" She questioned herself, taking small breaths in between. "Why do I feel so guilty?" She asked herself once again. "Why did I say that?" She continued to question herself.

As she continued to question herself, she carried on walking home, carefully. With her hood pulled over, she looked down and stared at her footsteps.

When she got home, she saw Hyunjin lying down on the couch, watching TV. Alarmed, he noticed that she had walked in and sat up.

"Hana, what took you so long?" He looked at her with a worried expression.

"Nothing, the convenience store near us didn't have honey so I had to go to another one." She replied, while taking off her jacket. Hyunjin responded with an 'okay' as she walked into the kitchen.

While making lemon sip, she kept feeling a sense of regret after what had happened earlier. Clearly not paying attention, she accidentally burned herself while pouring boiling water into the mug. She winced in pain and put her hand under the tap.

"Hana, what's taking you so long? Do you need help?" Hyunjin walked into the kitchen, noticing her by the sink. He quickly went over to see what she was doing and noticed a burn on her hand.

"Hana, how did you do this?" He took her hand and gently held it to observe the burn.

"Dumbass, that stupid kettle..." She turned her face the other way.

"C'mon. Let's get an ice pack instead of having you stand by the sink for hours." He took her inside the living room. As they did that, he placed an ice pack over the burn as Hana flinched.

"Hana, tell me." He held her cheek.

"Tell you what?" She replied, casually.

"What actually took you so long?"

"I already told you they ran out of honey..."

"Honey... Just tell me what actually happened."

"Fine. I just got into an argument with someone, that's all."

"Are you sure? Because you seem to be bothered by something."

"Hyunjin please jus-"

"Hana, please just tell me the truth about what actually happened. I'm actually concerned about you these days considering your health."

"Alright... There's been so much things on my mind right now and It's making me so frustrated. Like I have things going on with my mum and my dad and I'm just really really stressed about all my feelings with this and I just want to fucking die."

"You... What?"

"I don't feel like being in this shitty world because it's all full of shitty people and- you're not shitty though! I just... I want to end myself but I can't... Because of you." Hana's voice became smaller to the last sentence, as Hyunjin wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. She rested her head on his chest, as gently he tapped her back.

"Hana, please don't ever think of those things. Who knows what could happen if you aren't with me." Hyunjin spoke, trying not to break down into tears.

5 days later~

It was a school day, Hana woke up early and was already awake getting ready. She then realised that Hyunjin was not in the house, assuming he probably left without her. This wasn't like him as they would always go school together.

While Hana was in the middle of doing her hair, she got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello, is this Park Hana speaking?"

Hana was hesitant about responding, as their voice was unrecognisable.


"This is the hospital speaking."

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