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Yeseul entered the room looking unusually upset. Instead of starting one of her rants, she simply put her bag aside and sighed.

A few minutes later, Hyunjin entered too as his usual self but sat somewhere far from Yeseul. Hana was quick to figure what had happened to Yeseul's mood and why. The whole day, she kept looking at her.

The bell immediately rang, ending the lesson for lunch Lazily, Yeseul packed her stuff and went out. Hana did so too and went with Hyunjin to hang out.

Yeseul went to the hidden corners of the school campus and pulled out a lighter from her bag. She placed the cigarette between her lips and lit the end.

Flashback~ (in Yeseul POV)

I ran, angry with myself for what I had done. The rain heavily poured down and soaked my clothes. My mind was blank but I just continued running, hoping to get away from all this frustration.

Suddenly, I bumped into Hana as she looked at my state continuesly asking what had happened. I was unable to speak but she hesitantly brought me inside her home.

"What happened Yeseul? Tell me now at least." She asked me, fully concerned.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out unknowingly.

"You're what?!"


"That ass..." Hana angrily muttered, trying to comfort me at the same time. Understanding my situation, she tried to calm me down and let me stay the night.

A few months later~

"You did what?!" Hana exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Hana, but I think I wouldn't have been responsible enough..." I mumbled quietly and nervously.

"Its okay, lovely. I was only concerned considering how much of a painful situation you were in. You're only like what?! 15? Aint no one got time for a child at this age when you literally got yourself to take care of. You did the right thing." To my surprise, she responded reassuringly that the choice I made was the right choice. It is my body. (edited bc # pro choice !!!)

Flash back end~ (back to 3rd POV)

"Bang Yeseul, are you smoking on school grounds?" A female voice spoke from behind her. Startled, Yeseul hid her fag and turned around meeting with a familiar face. Relieved, Yeseul continued to smoke, yet she was slightly annoyed.

"What do you want, Park Hana?" She asked, crossing her arms. Hana chuckled and walked closer, snatching the cigarette from between her fingers.
"Nothing. Just the cigarette. Sharing is caring."

Yeseul narrowed her brows and crossed her arms. Meanwhile, Hana sat down and leaned her back against the hard, rough wall. She patted the place next to her, signalling Yeseul to sit beside her. Yeseul rolled her eyes before snatching the cigarette back and sitting down.

"Did something happen between you and Hyunjin?" Hana questioned her.

"Why are you so concerned?" Yeseul responded bitterly.

"I'm not concerned, just checking if Hyunjin's done with you?"

"So you can have him?"


"Fine, we broke up."

"What did I tell yo-"

"You're right. I am still the same." Yeseul cut her off, softly crying. Hana turned to face Yeseul and raised a brow. "I'll never learn if I let boys play me." She added and Hana eventually caught on. Hana tried to ignore Yeseul's soft crying but couldn't. She let her warm side take over and pulled Yeseul into a hug.

"Why are you hugging me?" Yeseul spoke between sobs.

"Can I not feel a bit sympathetic?" Hana replied, trying to show off her attitude.

"I'm so stupid." Yeseul giggled whilst sobbing. She eventually released herself from the hug and held Hana's hands. Hana looked at her confused and tilted her head.

"I'm sorry Hana. I really want us to go back to our past relationship." Yeseul apologised, sincerely. It took some time, but Hana eventually accepted her apology.

"Fine but don't ever do those shitty things again." Hana warned her, jokingly as the two began laughing together again.

"Fighting over a boy is stupid tbfh." Yeseul remarked

"Yeah..." Hana laughed along.

"Especially if he's a total ass pfft"

"Uh yeah." Hana giggled, hiding her actual feelings.


Walking through the corridor, Yeseul and Hana laughed, catching up. Hyunjin saw the two and looked confused, seeing them get along so suddenly. Everyone else had the same reaction too. Hyunjin jogged to catch up with them and nudged Hana, making her flinch. Awkwardly, Yeseul avoided his gaze and just walked on being the third wheel.

"How are you suddenly friends now?" Hyunjin whispered by her ear.

"Long story, short." Hana replied.

"Okay but did you tell her about the band thing."

"Oh shit thanks for reminding me." Hana assured.

Yeseul noticed that the other two stopped on their tracks so she looked back confused.

"Yeseul, can we discuss something for a minute." Hana asked. Yeseul nodded, curious as to where they were going. She silently followed, until she was lead out onto the school campus.

She continued to follow until they finally approached the building. Hyunjin twisted the handle as the door creaked open. Yeseul was confused as to why she was brought here but at the same time, wowed.

She examined the room and roamed around for a bit.

"We want to ask you something if you don't mind." Hyunjin interrupted her. Yeseul suddenly turned around making a bitch face.

"You ain't gonna make me clean this, right?!"

Hana rolled her eyes and shook her head. Yeseul sighed in relief but was still confused.

"We wanted to ask if you want to be in our band." Hyunjin spoke up. Yeseul paused to think about her answer. It didnt take her too long but she eventually agreed.

Hana and Hyunjin jumped in excitement, acting like little children. Yeseul, awkwardly smiled while looking at the two be so happy with one another.


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