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Fully clothed, Hana sat on the opposite side of the bed, her hands in her lap. While Hyunjin was putting his shirt back on, he heard sounds of soft sobs coming from where Hana was sitting. He furrowed his brows, confused as to why there were soft cries and headed towards her.

As he did that, he crouched down and looked up at the girl. "What's the matter?" He questioned her, looking up at her soaked face. Hana sniffled and wiped her tears away, facing him with a soft smile.

"I regret it." Her lips were trembling but remained curved. Hyunjin frowned, and held her cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

"Why? I thought we both wanted this?" He looked at her, deeply.

"I did. But... What if you leave me again?"

Hyunjin let a soft sigh and closed his eyes. "I promise. I won't." He tried to smile widely, holding her hands tightly.

"What's the point of keeping promises when you always break them? Everyone does, in fact. And this is not just about you... What if I leave you? Would it still be meaningless?" She tried explaining to him.

Hyunjin looked down, unsure of how to respond to such questions.

"So please... Please don't promise me. It will only hurt both of us." Hana then added. Hyunjin nodded.

At the same time, the door bursted open and the couple were startled. They looked and saw a group of 8 boys standing by the door. Hana gasped.

"Oops... We didn't mean to disturb you." Chan said, awkwardly.

"I told you not to come home early!" Felix yelled in a whisper.

"THERE'S CONDOMS. DID YOU TWO-" Minho covered Changbin's mouth before he could continue.

"Ya Allah, these children..." Jisung shook his head in disappointment.

"What the fuck Jisung you're the one who encouraged them since highschool!" Seungmin crossed his arms, disgusted at his hypocritical statement.

"To have sex?" Woojin asked.

"You guys have destroyed my innocence." Jeongin covered his ears, leaving the boys.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin and Hana just watched them as they made their assumptions. Atleast to the point where they got too explicit.

"Ehm. I was in the middle of a proposal." Hyunjin spoke up. The boys eventually stopped taking over themselves and realised he was indeed on his knees, holding Hana's hands. They all mouthed an O and continued talking over themselves again.

"Yeah we totally knew that!"
"Congrats bro!"
"Hope you last long together!"
They all chatted amongst themselves.

Hana let out a chuckle and made eye contact with Hyunjin.

"Quick hide them, so they don't suspect a thing." She whispered to him, pointing to the desk where there were a bunch of small packets scattered. Hyunjin winked and quietly and carefully moved.

Unluckily for him, the boys had noticed as Hyunjin stood there awkwardly hiding the packets behind him.

"Stop lying. You didn't propose. You did something else." Minho raised his brows and crossed his arms.

"Spill the tea, sis." Jisung slung an arm over Minho's shoulder, looking at Hana.


Jaeyoung sighed as he kept looking at his phone, as if he was waiting for someone to say something.

Hours went by and he just stared. There were so many things he was confused about. He didn't know who he was waiting for. Suddenly just as his eyes were about to close, a 'ding' sound alarmed him.

He quickly shot his head up and sat straights adjusting his posture. He unlocked his phone and saw a text message.

Helen 😋❤️
Hi Jae, I've arrived in Seoul and I was wondering if you'd want to have dinner with me?

Jaeyoung stared at his text as a lips automatically curved into a smile as wide as the Pacific Ocean. He didn't hesitate and immediately responded with a 'yes'. As soon as he did that, he walked to his wardrobe, wondering what to wear. He carefully looked around his desk, finding what cologne to wear. He went to his pile of shoes, wondering which pair to wear.

Of course, everything Gucci. He wanted everything to seem perfect. He wanted this day to be perfect. He wanted his confession to be perfect. He wanted a perfect answer.


Eventually, Jaeyoung had arrived at has destination which was a restaurant, Helen wanted to have dinner at.

He got out the car, greeted by an old man dressed in a black and white suit. He wore white gloves and bowed to Jaeyoung.

"Miss Helen is waiting for you at the rooftop, sir." The old man informed him. Jaeyoung replied with a thank you and adjusted his clothes.

As soon as he was about to walk off, he remembered that there was something left in the car. He unlocked his car and picked up the large bouquet of deep, red roses and continued to walk.

If he had forgotten them, nothing would've went perfectly.

He entered the large hotel, he entered the elevator and went all the way up to the highest floor; the rooftop.

As he was in the elevator, he took out one of the roses, cut a bit of the stem and put it inside the top pocket of his blazer.

Soon he arrived at the rooftop. He walked out and saw Helen. Except with another man. Jaeyoung was confused as to why. He watched her, about 10 metres away, her red velvety lips form a smile, her teeth shine while laughing and her gaze meet his.

"Jae!" She called, waving at him. Jaeyoung noticed and quickly hid the bouquet behind his back. He sat in the chair and saw another handsome fellow opposite him.

He looked perfect; defiant jawline, bold gaze, clear skin, warm smile, masculine. Everything Jaeyoung wanted to be.

"You are Jaeyoung?" The dude let out his hand, waiting for the other to shake it. Jaeyoung awkwardly smiled and shook his hand.

"Yes. And you are...?" He raised a brow.

"Johnny." He responded. Helen chuckled as she watch the two males already being friendly with one another. But something else was up.

Jaeyoung shifted his gaze to notice Helen's hands interlocked with Johnny's. He was even more confused than before and even more when he saw a glistening ring on ring finger. He was curious.

"Jae?" Helen awoke him from his thoughts, in which Jaeyoung responded with a 'hmm'.

"There something I want to- we want to tell you." She bit her bottom lip, looking at the boy sitting next to her. She cleared her throat and announced something, showing him her ring hand with the ring on.

"Me and Johnny are engaged!" She squealed.

Hearing those words made his heart ache, bleed. He felt her words pierce right through the him, cutting through every limb, muscle, bone. His words were muted. Unable to respond or utter a word.

It wasn't just her words, but the feeling of regret. He felt the regret suffocate him, choke him, strangle him, tangle him in his words.

He was feeling the regret of making someone else feel the same pain.


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