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"Who's Hyunjin?" The young male questioned. Hana tried to clear her vision and slowly got up. She took her time trying to recognise where she was. The hospital, but not the one she is used to.

"Where am I?" She asked the guy in front of her. "Where's my Hyunjin?" She questioned him.

"Hana, who is this Hyunjin guy you keep mentioning?" The male leaned closer, holding her cheek. "Are you feeling alright?" He caressed her cheek, with his thumb.

Hana aggressively removed his hands. "Who the fuck are you and why are you touching me?!" She yelled at him. The young man paused for a second, before holding her hand.

"Hana, you don't remember? It's me, Jaeyoung. Jung Jaeyoung" He tried reminding her. Hana immediately slipped her hands from his hold, and furrowed her brows.

"J-Jaeyoung?" She stuttered, familiar with that name.

"Yeah I forgot what had happened to you sorry...I'll explain everything after you have some rest and get discharged from the hospital." He scratched the nape of his neck, a bit awkwardly. He sighed and was about to take his leave until he felt someone stop him.

"Tell me where I am though and explain to me how I got here..." Hana questioned, wanting a response. He sat back down, exhaling heavily.

"While I was in Seoul for some time, I saw a young girl fall into the river. I couldn't let her drown and quickly tried saving her. Coincidentally it was you. Unfortunately you fell into coma and your health was so severe that you had to be sent to overseas. I offered to do that for you and pay for the fees. Right now you're indeed in another country. The UK to be specific." He explained as Hana listened carefully.

A few days later~

Hana was finally discharged from the hospital, after being prescribed medication and being told to take precautions. Jaeyoung had took decided to take Hana to his. The ride home was quiet but not awkward as they were both lost in their own thoughts.

Jaeyoung took her into his home, which was rather modern-looking and spacious. He placed her belongings to one side of the large living room, allowing Hana to wander round for a bit.

"Make yourself at home." He smiled at her. Hana awkwardly smiled back and nodded, as she headed towards the massive staircase. She decided to head upstairs to explore the place a bit more. The hallways were wide and never-ending. She was practically lost but found her way to a massive bedroom.

The room had an enormous, king sized bed and a large desk on the other side. On one side of the room was a door to an incredibly spacious, walk in closet. His room was very well organised and clean.

There was one specific object that caught her eye, however. She walked closer and picked it up, sitting on the bed.

"So, you've found my room?" Jaeyoung chuckled, leaning against by the door. Hana quickly put away the photo album she was holding, acting as if she had done nothing. Jaeyoung walked towards her, sitting beside her. "And I assume you have already took a glance of the photo album? No need to hide it from me." He laughed again, taking the photo album, opening it.

"That girl in the photograph...-"

"It's you." He cut her off, casually smiling. Meanwhile, Hana was in deep confusion, wondering what connection she had with this guy.

"How... I'm sorry, I don't really remember." She seemed quite lost.

"It's okay, Hannie. I understand what had happened to you, with your memory loss. I apologise for suddenly blurting things out while you were still sick." He gently held her hand.

"Jae?" She looked at him with teary eyes, trying to recall the past she had with him. "The dude 3 years older than me?" She lifted the corners of her lips, forming a gentle smile. Jaeyoung nodded and pulled her into his embrace, carefully rubbing her back.

"Yeah, the one you used to visit every few months. What took you so long, Hannie?" He giggled, making Hana laugh a bit.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long..." Her voice started cracking.

"It's alright. I'm not the only one who waited for you." They separated. Jaeyoung gently placed his hands on her shoulders and stared at her. Meanwhile, Hana was incredibly confused. Who else could've possibly waited for her for this long? "There's someone else and i'm sure they will be here in a bit."

Just then someone had knocked on the bedroom door.

"Master, there is someone here to see you downstairs." One of the maids informed. Jaeyoung replied with a nod, then looking back at Hana.

"I think they are here already." He took her hand as they both headed out the room. Once they got downstairs, there was an old man standing by the door. Hana's vision was still slightly blurry but as she walked closer to identify who this man was she stopped walking.



sorry for updating late, I've been sick for the past few days and still am ): But I will still try to update more frequently

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