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A week after the competition um~
"I've stayed here for a week and you still haven't told me where your mum is." Hana spoke.

"This place belongs to me anyways. My mum was just here for the first few days for me to settle in that's all." Hyunjin explained, tired.

"Oh by the way, Jisung said he wanted to meet the whole group at his." Hana informed Hyunjin while putting on her makeup. Hyunjin nodded while stretching, as he had just woken up from his nap.

"What are we going to be doing?" He yawned.

"I don't know but he said it's important and wanted everyone to be there." Hana replied.

"I'm sorry, I can't come." Hyunjin said, snaking his arms around Hana's waist from behind. Hana turned around, facing Hyunjin and pouted.

"Why not?"

"I'm meeting up with an old friend of mine." Hyunjin spoke, feeling apologetic. Hana frowned and crossed her arms but understood his situation. She then picked up her purse and pecked Hyunjin before leaving.


Hana had eventually arrived at Jisung's and knocked on his door. Within a millisecond, Jisung opened the door and dragged her inside. She saw the others and went over to each of them to say hello.

Seungmin the noticed that Hyunjin wasn't with her and looked confused.

"Why isn't Hyunjin here?" Seungmin questioned Hana, curious.

"He said he needs to meet up with someone." Hana casually explained. Seungmin mouthed an 'ah' and nodded. His expression soon changed as he became rather worried for Hana and suspicious, considering Hyunjin's fuckboy persona.

Trying not to be too concerned, he simply brushed it off.

"So why are we here?" Hana questioned Jisung who pulled out an envelope from underneath the pillow.

"Because of this." He showed everyone the envelope. Everyone was still confused. "You guys are too slow." He rolled his eyes, showing them the letter clearly. "We won the first round!" He yelled loudly and clearly, showing his excitement.

Everyone else finally understood and joined him. They all cheered and celebrated their success as they were one step closer to their dreams.

"So. I decided to host a little party to celebrate!" Jisung cheered, as he blasted the music out. Yeseul and Jisung both danced like crazy once again to make the most of this small achievement. Soon the door bell rang and Jisung immediately ran towards the door and opened it.

He bowed to the person in the door before shutting it. He had a large box of pizza and placed it on the table for everyone to eat.

After eating~

Once Hana had finished her food, she headed towards the kitchen and dialled a number.

Hyunjinnie calling...
Sorry, but the number you are calling is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

She kept calling him numerous times, worried. She tried one last time and he eventually picked up.

Hey Hyunjin!

Oh hi- uh baby

Why haven't you been answering?

Sorry baby girl f- ah my phone
was off

Okay... I just wanted to tell you that we won so if you're free then come over since we are celebrating!

Really- ah that's- uh sh- great
news- fuck... But I can't come

What are you saying?

I- uh gotta go.

He ended the call. Hana became suspicious as to why he was talking in such a way. So, she decided to leave the party early and apologise to the rest.

She stormed out the door and rushed back home.


When she got back home, she slowly and quietly opened the house door just incase so Hyunjin wasn't alarmed.

As she entered the house, she saw the door to Hyunjin's room slightly open. There were sounds of moans and cursing coming from his room. As much as Hana didn't want to do this, she walked nearer to the room and the sounds of heavy breathing became clearer and louder.

She opened the door fully and saw another girl who looked the same age, with just her brassiere. The cursing and moans stopped.

Hana straight up just stared at the sweaty and shirtless Hyunjin in front of her. That fact that he was with another girl and doing something right in front of her, really pissed her off.

"H-hana what are you doing here?" He stuttered, shocked and dumbfounded.

"What the fuck is she doing here, in your fucking bed?!" She yelled being unable to maintain her anger. She did not like what she saw at all.

"Who are you?" The girl questioned, giving her dirty looks. Hana shot death glares back.

"I was his girlfriend..." Hana explained, trying to block her tears. She daint wanna seem like she was broken or what even though she was.

"Hana, please I can explain-"

"Shut the fuck up with them shitty fuckboy excuses, asshole." She cut Hyunjin off, storming out the room and slamming the door behind her.

Once she left, she burst out in tears. Those tears just kept falling out non stop no matter how hard she tried to be strong and not seem like such a weakling about it.

Hana wanted to reset everything. She wished she had never even met him. Never befriended him. Never fall for him. Never be a thing with him.

Yet she fell stupid. Stupid at the fact that she fell for a fuckboy.

Before, she used to wonder,
What is love? It's fake love.

She also used to wonder if two people, who are so different, fall in love.

Well, they can't.

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