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Hyunjin just sat there, his back leaned against the door and kept pulling his hair out in frustration.

"Why am I so still so desperate? Why is she the only one to make me cry?" He hugged his knees together and dug his face in between.

He knew that forgetting wasn't the right solution. How could he be so cold towards the girl he loves?

If he forgot, wouldn't that mean they would both be hurting? Would it be easier if he acknowledged her words and actually go back to being lovers? Wait no, friends.

He nervously picked up his phone and stared at it for some time. Would she be able to forgive his actions and words this easily?


Hana huddled herself in a warm blanket while Yeseul tried to comfort her. She was still determined even if she was hurt by his words. Suddenly, her phone buzzed.

Hana hesitantly picked up her phone and unlocked it as it kept buzzing constantly. She was shook, yet relieved to see who had messaged her.

Hey Hana, I was wondering if we could meet up at the park to talk things out.

Is that alright with you?

Hana thought to herself a bit to think of an answer. Should I say yes? Am I being too nice if I forgive him suddenly? Should I play hard to get? After thinking for some time, she took a deep breath and exhaled.


Hana got up and washed her face which was already soaked in tears. She quickly combed her hair and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Yeseul looked at Hana, confused.

"Just... for a walk." She informed before leaving.

As she approached the park, she saw a tall figure, walking round in circles. As she got closer, his enraged expression was visible on his face, making Hana want to run away. But, she can't. If she did, she'll regret it.

She let out a fake cough, which made the dude turn around and face her. She could see that his eyes were all puffy and his eyes were red, yet they still shimmered brightly under the moonlight.

The first few seconds were a bit awkward as they were face to face after all the shit that happened.

"Look, I'm sor-"

"I don't need your apologies." Hana cut Hyunjin off as he was about to speak. Hyunjin just remained silent as he had nothing to say back. "Why do you suddenly decide to message me after ignoring me? And this time don't tell me a shitty lie."

Hyunjin exhaled before giving her a response.
"I thought it would've been painful for you if I didn't. " He mumbled.

"You're really that concerned about me?" Hana scoffed.


"Speaking truthfully, it was still painful." She tried not to show any tears.

"I think I've realised."

"Is that why you came back?"

"Yes, so you don't feel hurt anymore."

"Who the fuck cares, I was already loving the pain anyways."

"So why do we try?"

"Because I never want to fucking live without it. I've learnt that you can't love without pain..." Hana broke out into tears with a faint smile. Hyunjin suddenly pulled Hana into his embrace and placed his lips onto hers.

Their tears collided as many emotions were felt during the kiss. It was soft and felt passionate yet agonising.

They soon parted and looked into each other's eyes.

"I guess that was painful too right?" Hyunjin muttered. Hana remained silent as tears continued to fall from the corners of her eyes. She then lightly nodded, admitting the fact that it was. The fact that there were no real emotions except bitterness and agony.

"W-we can still be friends right and not lovers?" She nervously asked him.
Hyunjin nodded while generously smiling.

As they walked home together, they decided to catch up with each other and exchanged a conversation.

Hana smiled to herself.

Even if they aren't lovers, atleast they remained friends.

This chapter was so shit but I've just gotten really lazy lately, sorry. Im not that creative anymore.

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