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"Hana, please wake up..." His soft voice spoke.

Some time later, Hana awoke to the feeling of warmth yet an unusual surrounding. Her eyes flickered a few times until they were fully open to see Hyunjin's worried expression.

"Hyunjin, what happened? Why am I in a hospital bed?" She asked looking at the boy who had seemed to be crying earlier. His head quickly shot up as his lips curved into a smile, suddenly pulling her into his embrace.

"I've been so worried! I'm so glad you're finally awake." He exclaimed. Hana was confused at his statement at first but then she suddenly had a flashback of what had happened.

"Ahh... Thanks for your concern." She timidly smiled, while Hyunjin smiled back. He held both her hands tightly and looked at her.

"I'm sorry about my mum... She didn't know what she was saying." He apologised.

"Nah, it's okay... But is it true she actually met my dad?" She questioned the boy.

"I'm not sure to be honest."

"Ahh... When will I be discharged?"

"The doctor said he'll come round in a bit so-"

"HANA MY BABY ARE YOU OKAY?!" Someone barged into the room. Hana was suddenly startled to see Yeseul, Jisung and Seungmin make a loud entrance.

"Jisung! Stop scaring Hana like that!" Seungmin punched Jisung on the arm while Jisung winced in pain.

Meanwhile, Yeseul quickly ran up to Hana, englufing her into a tight hug.

"Hana my dear child, are you okay? You aren't hurt are you? We rushed to the hospital as soon as Hyunjin told us." Yeseul cried.

"Stop being dramatic, I just passed out and yes I'm completely fine." Hana chuckled.

After a while of chatting, there was a knock on the door as one of the nurse's came in.

"Miss Park, we came to get you checked up before we discharge you from the hospital." She spoke. Hana nodded as Hyunjin helped her get up. They both walked out of the room as the other three followed.

"Hana, we'll see you later. Bye." Yeseul hugged her best friend as the others waved goodbye.


"Since she passed out due to stress, we recommend that she rests as soon as she gets home. Also, we've prescribed some pain killers for her migraines." The doctor spoke to Hyunjin, handing him a prescription. Hyunjin nodded and caught up with Hana, throwing an arm over her shoulder.

Hana flinched but then brushed it off. She still had a headache from overthinking.

"Hana, once we get home I'll make you a nice bowl of soup and you can rest well. You don't have to go school for the next few days either." He told her.

Hana stopped on her tracks and faced Hyunjin.
"You go home. I need to sort something out first."


"I'll be back as soon as possible." She cut him off, tiptoeing to give him a quick peck on the lips before running off.


Hana stood there nervously yet she was angry. She was determined to find out the truth so she aggressively banged on the door waiting for someone to open it.

After banging a couple of more times, the door swung open widely as she was pulled into a hug.

"Hana! My poor little daughter, where have you been? Why did you leave me? Mum has been so lonely without you." She cried, while Hana kept a straight face. Her mum had soon pulled away from the hug, and held her cheeks.

"You came back for me right? You didn't want me to be alone did you?" She smiled. Being unable to maintain her anger, she harshly removed her mum's hands off her cheeks. Her mum stood there silently, shocked from her daughter's actions.

"Hana dear? What happened? Have you been alri-"

"I've been fine!" Hana yelled loudly, cutting her off mum's words.

"That's good, sit down and have a seat. I've missed you so much." Her mum took her arm but Hana shook them off. "Dear, are you feeling okay? Mum will make a nice cup of tea for you."

"I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!" Hana screamed. Her mum took a step back and covered her mouth. "I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE FUCKING TRUTH!" She almost let out a cry.

"What truth?"


"But sweety, I already explained to you. Your father's dead which means us two can live peaceful-"

"STOP LYING TO ME!" She pointed a finger.

"What do you mean I'm lying?! Your father is dead!"


"He is! You're crazy! Your father is dead!" She shook her aggressively, looking at her with a piercing glare.


"Hana, please dear! Listen to me!" Her mum hysterically cried, chasing after her as she slammed the door behind her.

Hana's mum couldn't help but to burst out crying to see her daughter leave her like that. All the loneliness ate up her mind. She was becoming mad.


As Hana got home, she slammed the door behind her, leaning her back against the door. She suddenly burst out into tears, letting out all the pain she's been locking in.

As Hyunjin got out the bathroom, he noticed the girl who was crying really badly and ran up to her, pulling her into his arms.

"Hana, what happened? Tell me what happened!" He stroked her head. With her mouth covered, she was unable to let out a word as the guilt and regret muted her to do so. "Shhh, don't cry. I'm here." He wiped tried wiping her tears.

After some time, Hana had eventually calmed down but was still sobbing slightly.

"Tell me what happened." Hyunjin sat her down on the sofa.

"Hyunjin, I feel guilty..." She spoke in a small and inaudible voice.

"Why?" He held her hands tightly, looking in to her eyes.

"For being a bitch." She replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I make everyone run away and ruin people." She looked down. "Why are you still with me when I'm such a bitch?" She questioned Hyunjin, curious about his answer.

Hyunjin took a deep breath and exhaled. "First of all you're not a bitch. You're my first love and I don't regret that you are. My answer is simple and probably may seem insincere but..." He paused for a bit.

"You're my happiness. Yeah it's a bit cheesy for you to hear but seriously. A second without you is really depressing, speaking truthfully." Hana continued to listen to his words with open ears.

"I'm grateful for your existence."

I cringed so much writing this chapter but I hope you enjoyed reading the cheesy shit lol.

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