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While wiping her tears, she rushed into the hospital, bumping into people. When she got to the information desk (?), she was already out of breath.

"Please! Where- are- they!" Hana panted, trying to get the words out of her mouth.

"Miss, calm down and tell me who you are visiting!" The receptionist said. Hana swallowed a lump of air and tried to catch her breath.

"Please...! Tell my where my mother is!" Hana yelled, desperate to know where she is.

"You're the daughter of Park Junghee? She's in the emergency ward on your left." The receptionist explained. Hana muttered a thanks before rushing off again.

Once she got to the ward, she saw Hyunjin sitting on one the chairs looking down. As he sensed the sound of her footsteps, he immediately got up and saw Hana by the door of the room. She tried to open the door but was pushed back by the nurses. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she screamed desperately to at least get a glimpse of her mum.

No matter how hard she tried to get past, the nurses kept pushing her back, causing her to fall onto her knees.

"I just want to see her! Please...!" She cried hysterically. Hyunjin quickly knelt down and wrapped his arms around her, letting her stain his shirt with her tears. He gently stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

"Hana, shush. She'll be alright..." Hyunjin tried to hush her. With her uncontrollable sobbing and continuous tears, she couldn't.

"How do you fucking know?!" She kept punching his chest, aggressively. "Tell me, how this happened?!" She choked on her words. Hyunjin wiped her tears, and helped her get up so they can sit on the chairs instead.

"I think I do have the answer to the second question. You see there's a lot your mum wanted me to tell you too." He replied.

The day before~

While Hana quickly fell asleep, Hyunjin remained awake and continued to watch the movie. Soon, the doorbell rang indicating someone was at the door. Hyunjin wondered who would be here during this hour but still opened the door.

"Hyunjin, do you mind if you come over for a bit?" Hana's mother mumbled. Hyunjin was confused as to why she suddenly wanted to meet with him, especially since she despised him. He eventually nodded, and went next door with her. Meanwhile, Hana was still asleep.

Once Hyunjin entered the house next door, Hana's mum made him sit on the couch and held his hands tightly.

"Hyunjin first of all, I want to apologise for everything I had against you." She apologised, sincerely. Hyunjin formed a gentle smile and hugged her.

"Don't worry about apologising, Mrs Park." He spoke.

"I guess I assumed wrong of you. You really are a nice boy." She chuckled lightly. Hyunjin was flustered by her sudden statement and laughed shyly. "Also, I want to ask you for few favours." She held his cheek.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"First, don't call me Mrs Park, call me Mum. Second..." She paused to take a deep breath. "Take care of my daughter, when i'm gone." Her lips trembled as a single tear rolled down her right cheek. "She's really stubborn and thinks she could take care of herself but please Hyunjin, take care of her. I realised that she really loves you deeply even though she thinks she can depend on herself. You're the only one who can really make her happy so please spend the rest of your life with her. She's really precious to me, so promise me." She broke down into tears.

"Don't worry, I understand. But... what do you mean when you're gone?" Hyunjin furrowed his brows. Hana's mum sniffled and wiped her tears away.

"Don't worry about that, just fulfil my promise." She spoke. Hyunjin nodded and got up. Just as he was about to head out, he heard a thump.


Once Hyunjin was done trying to explain to her, Hana burst out into even more tears. Emotional pain flooded out with every tear as she screamed in grief. Many people stared and were disturbed by the hysterical crying that came from the emergency ward.

"I won't stop you from crying this time, so let it all out." Hyunjin gently patted her back as she choked on her sobs.

"This is all my fault! I'm such a dumb fucking person!" She cried out, blaming herself. Continuously punching Hyunjin's chest, her crying became more wild, unable to control her hysteria. Though it hurt, Hyunjin still allowed her to let out her pain.

After crying until there were no more tears left to cry, Hana sniffled and kept taking deep breaths.

"If anything else happens, I swear I'm gonna jump okay." She stated, crossing her arms and legs. Hyunjin pulled her close and rubbed her arm.

"Don't worry too much, just pray she'll be fine." He tried to make her feel better.

Not too long after, a doctor walked out of the room with an expression that made Hana feel uneasy.

"Fuck off. I don't want to know..." Hana sighed, biting her bottom lip.

"We are really sorry Miss, but she couldn't make it." The doctor stated. Hana bit her lip harder as her bloodshot eyes became teary.

Time of death: 5:46pm
Cause of death: Overdose.


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