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Once Hana arrived back in Korea with her dad, she kept thinking about the incident that occurred not too long ago. While she was in the car, she gazed out looking at the tall buildings but just kept thinking about him.

Why did her greet her in such a way after he didn't bother to find her after 2 years?

"Hana, we're here now. You can get out the car." Her dad opened the door for her. Hana nod her head and stepped out, shutting the door behind her. The driveway was massive and was still the same. The house still looked the same, meaning no changes were made even after several years.

Her heart was beating in a fast pace however, as she was about to step foot into the house she was raised in. The large doors opened as her heels clicked on the marble floor of the large house. She took her time reminiscing the place she used to live in. Her memories started to come back as a smile automatically formed on her faced. The only thing that really changed was the chandelier; it was much larger but that was the smallest change made.

"Let's eat dinner." Her dad suggested.

"Already? But where?" Hana asked her dad.

"At home of course. Someone made it to welcome you back home." Her dad grinned. Hana smiled and nodded as they both went to the dining room.

As she entered the dining room, a girl was sitting there on one the chairs. She had short hair and seemed busy on her phone. Hana's dad let out a cough, interrupting the girl who was on her phone. The girl looked up and paused for a second. So did Hana as she seemed so familiar with her. Soon another woman walked in a fancy outfit.

"Hana, after you're mother left me, I met another woman. I hope you understand." Her dad explained to her.

"I understand but, what is she doing here?" She questioned her father, pointing at the girl who looked the same age as her.

"Her daughter- well our daughter. Your step-sister, Kim Chaewon."

After staring at Chaewon sometime she then looked back at the old woman. She also seemed unusually familiar. Zoning out almost, she took her time to remember everything. She was filled with fury and rage.

"Hana dear, welcome back to the family. Call me 'mum' from now on okay?" The woman smiled at her.

"First of all, I was always part of this family, Second, I won't ever call you mother." Hana refused. "I won't call the murderer of my mum and the mother of a dumb bitch, 'mum'." She stated clearly. Hana's dad was shocked from the words that left her mouth. He was confused and lost.

"Dear, what are you on about-" Chaewon's mum tried holding onto Hana's hands.

"You fucking treated my mum like shit while she worked for you, so don't lay your dirty fingers on me!" Hana threatened, shrugging her hands off of hers. "And your daughter..." She shifted her gaze, glaring coldly at Chaewon.

"You fucking bitch! You took everything from me!" She shouted at her.

"Is this your way of greeting people!?" Chaewon stood up, raising her voice. Hana walked up to her, slapping her harshly on the face.

"This is my way of greeting people who don't know what's theirs and what's not! You fucking took my love, my family, my status and my position of being my father's only daughter!" She screamed in her face. "And your mother took my mum's life, as well as her position of being my father's wife!"

"HANA THAT'S IT! LEAVE AND COME BACK ONCE YOU'VE FIXED YOUR ATTITUDE!" Her dad decided to yell at her, comforting his wife as she was crying.

"Fine but after I do one more thing to release my anger." She remarked, picking up the jug of cold water. She walked up to Chaewon, pouring the jug of ice cold water over her head.

"I've always wanted to do that." She said, before raging out the dining room.

Hana was so relieved to let out the frustration she was holding in for years. She decided to go to the rooftop of her house to get some fresh air as the breeze was blowing coolly.

She sighed and sat down on the bench. "Maybe you did go a bit too far." She said to herself, feeling a bit bad for humiliating Chaewon like that. "Fuck it." She slouched back, shutting her eyes allowing herself to relax her body.

A while later, Chaewon came up to the rooftop and sat beside Hana who had her eyes shut. She wasn't asleep so she had noticed Chaewon's presence. She opened her eyes and sat back up.

"What do you want?" She exhaled.

"I want to apologise and I hope I'm not too late." Chaewon responded, calmly.

"Actually I want to too... for being so greedy." Hana pursed her lips.

"It's okay but I think I'm the one who damaged you more. I'm apologising on my mother's behalf so I hope you can forgive our past actions. I'm really sorry for being a bitch towards you, fighting over Hyunjin- actually speaking of him, did he meet you yet?"

"I forgive you but about Hyunjin. Yes, we did meet. But fuck it. I'm over it and I'm more mature now."

"Oh... Did you...- On good terms or bad terms?"

"Dunno but can we put that aside? I don't want to talk about him. Let's just forget about the past and accept the fact that we're sisters. I don't want us to be moody towards each other just because of an asshole."

"Yeah..." Chaewon chuckled as Hana pulled her into a sisterly hug. Chaewon smiled and muttered something under her breath.

"Naive bitch."

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