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As Hana walked back into the living room, she notices Chaewon's lips attached to Hyunjin's. Unable to maintain her anger, she walked up to Chaewon who was too busy to even notice her.

While listening to Hyunjin constantly mumble her name, she tightly pulled Chaewon's hair, making her lose balance and eventually fall harshly onto the floor. Hana was not the type to hold grudges, so she did what she had to.

"You fucking hoe, how dare you?!" Hana yelled loud enough for her voice to be heard over the blaring music.

"What do you want, bitch?" Chaewon sniggered. At this point, the music stopped playing and everyone's attention was on Chaewon who created a big scene.

"You're fucking disgusting. Taking advantage of my man, while he's completely knocked out?!" Hana shouted.

"So? Why can't I? He didn't even belong to you in the first place."

"Shut the fuck up. I don't need to waste my words on some stuck-up, man stealing whore." She shouted while helping Hyunjin get up. With one arm over Hyunjin's shoulder, she slammed the door behind her as she left.


It was morning and Hana was already up making breakfast. Once she was done, she placed both plates onto the table as Hyunjin entered the living room, stretching.

"What time is it?" Hyunjin yawned, walking towards the bathroom.

"Er, 11am. I let you rest since you're probably tired from yesterday..." Hana replied. "Freshen up so you can have breakfast. I made crepes!" Hana added. After hearing her statement, Hyunjin rushed to the bathroom and came back, eager to eat.

"What's the special occasion?" Hyunjin muffled with a mouthful of food in his mouth.

"Nothing. Just my apology." Hana chuckled, giving him more. Hyunjin paused and tilted his head.

"What apology?"

"Sorry for stressing you out so much by making you worried. And... For encouraging you to drink yesterday." Hana sighed, pouting her lips. Hyunjin ruffled her hair and giggled.

"It's alright."

"Ey, Hyunjin. How about we switch roles today?" Hana insisted. Hyunjin almost choked on his food and paused eating again.

"So you wanna play dominant?" He leaned forward, smirking.

"Eh? No, you're always treating me out, so I want to repay you." She flicked his forehead.

"Ow okay okay! Where?"

"Ta-da!" She pulled out two concert tickets, as Hyunjin quickly snatched them off her.

"Got7 tickets?! You know me really well." He winked at her.


After hours of waiting in the massive queue, they finally got into the concert hall. Luckily, they managed to get to the front row where they were able to get a closer view of the group. After some time, the concert hall was all full.

Soon, 7 handsome and sexy men entered the stage as Hyunjin and Hana both screamed at the top of their lungs, in excitement. Hyunjin being the hyper fanboy, cheered and waved his ahgabong while constantly jumping.

To remember Hyunjin acting like a major fanboy, Hana took out her phone and filmed him as he shouted the lyrics. Hana specifically caught one moment where, Jinyoung had walked up to the edge of stage and Hyunjin absolutely died.


"You're the fucking best." Hyunjin said with his voice cracking. Hana laughed as he pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her.

"You've told me that loads of times, think of a different compliment." She chuckled.

"My dear princess, you're fu-" Hyunjin's voice suddenly turned to an inaudible whisper.

"Have you got a sore throat now?" Hana pouted, pulling his cheek. Hyunjin nodded, frowning. "Aww my baby, don't worry i'll get some honey and lemon from the convenient store and make you some lemon sip." She pecked his cheek, before grabbing her jacket. After putting on her jacket, she immediately headed out and walked to the convenient store that was a block away.

As she got to the convenient store, she walked into the first aisle to try and find honey first.

"Do you know how much that bag costs?! I didn't hire you to chuck my things!"
"I'm really sorry ma'am, I won't do it again..."
"This isn't the first time! You always say this!"
"I'm sincerely sorry..."

While Hana was shopping for her things, she kept hearing yells from the other aisle. Annoyed that she wasn't able to shop in peace, she decided to head over.

"Do you know how much this bag costs?! It costs you more than your yearly wages and you think I'll let you off this easily?!" A middle aged woman was shouting. From the situation, Hana could easily tell that the snobby woman was bullying the other as she was on the floor. She exhaled and walked over, not to butt in but to defend.

"Ey, granny! Why are you creating such a scene in the middle of the store?!" She yelled, her hands in her pockets as she looked down onto the woman who was on the floor.

"Granny?! Young lady, who are you calling granny? Do you know who I am?!" The woman scoffed in disbelief.

"No I don't and I don't care. I'm just bothered by the fact that you're picking on this woman." She stated. The snobby-looking woman crossed her arms and scoffed. The other, turned her head and made an expression as if she heard a familiar voice.

"Why do you care?! Do you know what she did?! She dropped my bag! Do you know how much that costs?!" The granny kept blabbing on.

"So what if she did? Who gave you the right to physically abuse her? For an old granny like you, you shouldn't be this childish!" Hana rolled her eyes.

"I have the right to do anything in defence. She's simply my employee: someone who should understand their position!"

"Defence? You call this defence? Who care's if she's your employee, she's still-" Hana paused while helping the poor woman up until she met with a familiar face. She sighed.

"My mother."


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