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Hana's heart started beating rapidly at a fast pace, as she was being slipped into a long, elegant white dress. She felt very nervously happy. After she was prepared, she walked towards the mirror and smiled to herself.

She saw the mirror reflect her beauty as her cheeks flushed to turn into a rosy pink. Smiling to herself whilst falling into deep thoughts, a knock was heard on the door. She turned to be surprised by the person at her door.

Immediately, her expression changed to something much more bitter.

"Why are you here?" She looked at her father with hateful eyes.


Minutes passed and Hyunjin was stood at the front, waiting for his bride. The other boys as well as Yeseul all anticipated for Hana to eventually walk down the aisle.

Luckily, who they were anticipating for soon arrived. Hyunjin got his back straight as everyone turned their focus to the bride. She wasn't walking alone, as expected. Instead, her arms were linked with him. Her father. And yet, she had a wide smile.

Everyone was confused but glad. Glad, that everything was now falling into place. Everything was going back to normal.

Hana walked down the aisle, with her father but her eyes staring into Hyunjin's. His eyes glistened and shined.

Jisung's eyes glistened too as tears began to fall.

"I'm- so- happy for them." He cried quietly, wiping his tears. Next to him, Minho comforted him to calm him down.

Yeseul also cried, with Seungmin pulling her close to him and comforting her. Yeseul's heart started to beat as she felt her cheeks getting hot.

Maybe a new story was about to be told?

As Hana was stood in front of Hyunjin, she curved her lips into a genuine smile. Shying away slightly, she felt her cheeks blush after seeing his handsome face so up close.

How did she handle this feeling before?

Then the priest cleared his throat as he begun the wedding vows. Everyone listened carefully and silenced themselves.

After the 'I do's' from both Hana and Hyunjin, everyone cheered as they kissed.


After eating, dancing and celebrating it was now time for Hana to throw the bouquet. Just for fun, the boys joined in too as Yeseul was the only girl there.

"You ready?" Hana asked with her back still facing them. Everyone said a 'yes' in unison.

Meanwhile Hyunjin and Seungmin facepalmed, embarrassed especially since Felix looked so serious about it. They counted down until the bouquet was chucked into the air and flew backwards.

Within seconds it was caught in someone's hands.

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT! HA BITCHES!" Seungmin yelled, waving the bouquet. Yeseul pouted and slapped his arm.

"That was meant to be mine!" She whined, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry baby girl, I'll have you holding this bouquet and walking down an aisle soon." He spoke low to her. Yeseul chuckled to herself and blushed, suddenly acting all girly.

Hana noticed Yeseul's strange behaviour and also laughed to herself.

"What is it?" Hyunjin asked, curious. He then shifted his gaze to see the other two flirting and started laughing too.

"I guess that's just the beginning of another story." Hana smiled.

"And another story after I get you out that dress, tonig- Ow!" Hyunjin was cut off as Hana punched his arm. After dying of pain, he then let out a laugh.

"I love you, moody bitch."

"I love you too, hot asshole."



It's okay, as long as you enjoyed it TT

And don't worry, I have another Hyunjin book already out called 'Lucid dreams' and I hope you read it bc tbfh it's better and kinda less cringe-y than this one... Hehe (shameless self promotion)

But other than that, thank you soooooooo much for getting this book to 55k+ reads!!! That's so huge and thank you so much for actually sparing your time to read this fanfic. I'm honestly overwhelmed by the amount of CONTINUOUS support you guys have given me in these few months TT


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