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(A/N sorry but I need to make it a bit cliche lol but don't worry, there will unexpected twists in the story too in future chapters lol)

As time flew by, the two gradually got closer. Hana was also beginning to change her character too ever since they had become friends. Of course, Hana was beginning to get more familiar with Hyunjin's character too.

Hyunjin was quick to become recognised by most of the students, specifically girls. Almost every week, Hyunjin would have a new girlfriend. This was simply because after he had toyed them, he would just leave the girl after some time... Hana usually felt quite annoyed at this first but got used to him eventually.

The bell suddenly rang, alarming the students to head off to their final lesson. As Hana walked into her class she saw Hyunjin already there with yet another girl. The girl however looked too familiar. Hana had already assumed who it was and rolled her eyes before heading towards Hyunjin's direction.

"Hi Hyunjin!" She greeted her friend with a wide smile. She then adjusted her expressions giving the girl a dirty look. "Oh! Bang Yeseul! I'm sorry I didn't see you there, how are you?" She said sarcastically.

"I'm fine, Park Hana. How are you?" She responded, faking a friendly looking smile.

"Wow you two are friends? I thought Hana was too much of a bitch to even make or have friends." Hyunjin interrupted receiving a slap on the head from Hana. Hyunjin pouted and apologised in a cute way, making Hana chuckle. Meanwhile, Yeseul fidgeted with her nails before disturbing the two.

"Sorry Hana, but class is almost starting. Why don't you go to your seat now?" She scoffed, causing Hana to laugh at her hypocritical statement.

"Yeah i've noticed, so get your flat ass off my seat."

"Incase you didn't know, I'm sitting here from now on. As Hyunjin's girlfriend I think I deserve to sit next to him." Yeseul replied in a sassy tone, flipping her hair.

"Fine. But we'll see how long you'll be on that seat for after Hyunjin's done with you and your flat ass." Hana also snapped in a sassy tone, flipping her hair trying to mimic her.

"Hana stop trying to be problematic and just go to your seat. I'll treat you to a drink later." Hyunjin said, whispering the last sentence near her ear.

"Fine." Hana sighed before heading to a different seat, a few seats away from the back.

She pulled their chair from the seat, startling the young boy next to her who was busy writing something on a sheet of paper. As she sat down on her seat, she took a glance at what the boy was writing.

'I'm praying to live as I try to endure
With the piercing eyes on me
I'm going insane
Even if I succeed
I'll be someone's clown
So people tell me to give up on becoming a singer
I'm getting weak
But I keep pushing myself'

Hana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and wondered if the boy was writing a poem or what since this was an English class. She poked the boy's arm receiving a reflex reaction from the squirrel-looking boy. He widened his eyes startled as Hana just raised a brow.

"Are you writing a poem or what?" She asked him, friendly. The boy murmured a 'no' before he continued to write. Hana was still left curious as she asked the boy once again. "Yo kid. I'm trying to be nice and friendly. What's your name for starters?"

The boy turned his head and faced Hana, mumbling his name. "Han Jisung."

"Han Jisoo?"

"No... uhh.. Han JiSUNG." He muttered clearly for her to hear.

"Oh... Han Jisung? So what you writing there?" Hana once again became curious, taking a glimpse of his paper. "I'm on a hellevator, my hellevator..." She mumbled the words from his piece of paper, before looking at him confused. "You're writing poems even though we're revising Macbeth?" She raised a brow at him.

"Umm... No they are actually lyrics..." Jisung explained to her. Hana mouthed an 'O' and raised her brows, looking impressed.


The bell had finally rung once again alarming students that it was now time for them to go home. As Hana left the classroom, she saw Hyunjin waiting for her with Yeseul clinging onto his arm. "Why are you walking home with her?" Yeseul whined, while doing aegyo, making Hana cringe.

"I need to discuss something with Hana so, I'll see you tonight baby girl." Hyunjin winked at her, pecking her lips, making Hana want to puke. Yeseul shot a few death glares before skipping away.

At starbucks because i'm basic~

Hyunjin and Hana sat silently for a bit before their caramel macchiatos arrived. Only sounds of slurping could be heard from the two until Hana decided to break the silence.

"Why are you dating that bitch?" Hana blurted out, making Hyunjin choke on his drink.

"Why can't I?"

"Because she's a bitch." Hana scoffed, fidgeting with her straw.


"She's a bitch. There are tons of other girls who are thirsty for you and you go for some slag?"

"Oh really? Like who?" Hyunjin smirked at her, making Hana avoid his gaze. Suddenly, Hyunjin snatched her drink from her hold and placed his plump, pink lips on the straw, slowly sipping the caramel macchiato. Hana felt his intense stare, as many thoughts came to mind. She had to admit she was quite flustered. Quickly, she took the drink from Hyunjin.

"W-what the hell? Don't you have your own drink?!" She exclaimed, stuttering.
Hyunjin leaned back and sighed.
"I do but..." He paused. "I just wanted a taste." He spoke, biting his bottom lip.

Hyunjin left, leaving the girl feeling confused of what happened. Hana cupped her cheeks with both of her palms and questioned herself numerous times.

"Why the fuck are my cheeks burning?!" She asked herself before she got a short flashback of what has JUST happened.

'Was that an indirect kiss?'

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