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Hana locked herself in her room for almost the whole day and kept scrolling through the comments that were left on the recent article.

Hyunjinism03 Who even is that girl? She seems so rude, especially since she had a cold expression when Hyunjin kissed her.

Replies (78)...

SkzHyunlix_ @ Hyunjinism03 Apparently she's the CEO's daughter which prolly explains her cold and snobby attitude.

IdleKids_Hann @ SkzHyunlix_ That makes me worried... For someone who's snobby and rich she probably has enough power to cut Hyunjin's contract... I'm concerned 😭

Hyunjinyoung723 @Hyunjinism03 I'm curious about their relationship...

Shaytaan482 @ Hyunjinism03 I want to kill this bitch!!!! I swear she's trying to ruin his career!!!!! 😡😡

Hyunjinn_thusiast @ Shaytaan482 Let's not get too crazy... Just wait for JYP to pull a cube 😑

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While she read the comments, she wasn't upset but rather entertained. Who knew that a simple incident would bring her so much attention? Negative attention. She laughed at how stupid people's theories and rumours were.

After going through every single comment, Hana shut her phone off and chucked it on the bed. She spread her arms out and let out a heavy sigh. She was tired. Tired physically and tired of of hearing everyone's bullshit.

Just as she was about to have a nap for the 3rd time, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in..." She said rather lazily. Chaewon had entered the room and sat on her bed.

"Dad wants to meet you at his office and talk to you about something." She informed. "So I suggest you get out your pyjamas and put on something formal." She added, looking at the state of her.

"Why? I'm going to meet my dad not the fucking queen." Hana responded.

"Idiot. You're the CEO's daughter so you can't go out looking like... that. Wear something nice. I have plenty of dresses and several pairs of louboutin heels you can borrow for the meantime."

"Why the fancy designer clothing? Wouldn't that make me seem snobby and like a show off?" Hana questioned her, sighing.

"No. Just get ready for god's sake." Chaewon demanded. Hana rolled her eyes and tiredly got out of bed.

"You're only a few months older than me, yet you act like my fucking auntie." Hana stated.


Hana arrived at the company, partially struggling to walk in the 6 inch red bottoms her 'sister' lent her. Walking like a penguin, she entered the large building and headed straight to the elevator because the stairs were too much effort.

As she got out of the elevator, she waddled like a penguin towards her dad's office. 'Coincidentally', she bumped into the last person she wanted to see. She sent him a death glare before leaving. But, she was stopped as he had grabbed her wrist, making her turn around.

"Hana, can we talk?" He spoke, softly.

"No. Fuck off Hwang Hyunjin." She responded coldly, shaking his hand off her wrist. She continued to head towards her destination as Hyunjin made her stop on her tracks again.

"Have you really already moved on?" He asked her, as she turned around.

"Why does it concern you if I have or not? It's not like you care about me anyways." Hana scoffed, crossing her arms.

"I do-"

"Lies." She cut him off, with a laugh. "Hyunjin. Will you be saying the same lie on your wedding day too? Your lies bore me."

"Why do you refuse to listen to me? Even two years ago, you always refused to listen to me." Hyunjin looked into her eyes with sincerity.

"It's not that I refuse to listen to you but your lies and excuses. It's been two years and you didn't bother to come to see me. Two years ago, you didn't come to save me. Two years ago, you never cared about me. Two years ago you didn't fucking love me enough. Two years ago, you didn't bother to stop me. What's your excuse now, Hwang Hyunjin?" Hana ranted at him. Hyunjin stayed silent and zoned out as memories came back to him, reminding him of his past. "So please. Leave me alone, don't bother about my love life, don't interfere with my life and don't ever call my name again..." She continued. "It'll only make you suffer even more." She left, leaving Hyunjin silent.

As she left, she entered her dad's office where her dad was sitting at his table. He seemed frustrated, sort of but calmer than before. As she shut the door, her dad was alarmed and shot his head up.

"Hana. You're here." He spoke. Hana nodded and sat down on the chair by his large desk. "There's something important I need to discuss with you. Well it's more of a favour..." He explained.

"Sure." Hana listened to him, carefully.

"You see... The stocks recently took a plunge and affected our financial stability. If the stocks continue to go down, we might face the risk of bankruptcy. So..."


"Will you agree to an engagement?" Her dad asked her. Hana was shocked. Why so suddenly and exactly to who? She took time to think of her reply which was debated in her mind. While on the one hand she thought it would help overcome her family's financial struggles but on the other hand, she's going to have to get married to someone who she might not even know or like. Hana hesitated and settled a response, inhaling heavily.

"Yes." She exhaled. A smile eventually crept up her dad's face and his expression became less intimidating. "But to who and of which company?" She asked him.


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