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Prepare some tissues 😭😤 I was listening to the sweetner album and kept 'breathin' on repeat•

"Is it true that you still like me?" Hyunjin asked her with full sincerity, desperate to know her answer.

Hana looked away. "Yes- I mean no." She then took a deep breath. "I fucking love you."

"Then why don't we go back? Why don't we start again? Why can't we just go back to being lovers again if we both love each other?" Hyunjin bombarded her with questions.

Hana gulped and tried holding in her tears. "It's because I'm afraid."

Hyunjin held her hand and held her cheek with his other, making her face him. He looked into her teary eyes, deeply. "What's there to be afraid of?"

"Your feelings."

The atmosphere was silent and empty for a bit. Hyunjin didn't understand her words.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, I love you. I love you a lot. I love you so much that I don't want to ever lose you. I'm afraid that your feelings for me may fade away. If we went back, then would you leave me someday?" Hana spoke in a silent voice, slightly sobbing. "What if you leave me like you did before? I had feelings for you back then, it was just that day. I waited for the right time, but when that time kept coming, I kept missing my chances."

Hyunjin stayed quiet and listened to her words.

"I admit, it is my fault that you're like this and I don't trust your feelings. It's my fault for not confessing during the right time. Right now it may not be the right time either. But I just want to let everything out before I regret. For once, I want to tell you sincerely and be genuine about my feelings for you." She added.

Hyunjin was shocked. He couldn't believe the words she spoke. He was just left without a response. They both stared eachother for bit until Hyunjin decided to break the silence between them.

"This time, I promise I won't leave you and treat you well." Hyunjin tried lifting the corners of his lips to form a gentle smile. He held her cheek and caressed it with his thumb.
"From this day on, will you allow me court you If I'm able to fulfill my promises?" He looked at her with pleading eyes. Hana timidly smiled and nodded.

Hyunjin looked at her tear-stained faced a leaned in to connect his lips with hers. Just in that moment of time, Hana had felt as if time had stopped to reset. But they were both ready to start again. The suffering, pain and agony began to disappear to enter a world with just them.

With his warm lips still firmly pressed against hers, he squeezed the nape of her neck to deepen the kiss, just to enjoy the moment with more passion. Their lips moved in sync as Hana ran her fingers through Hyunjin's hair.

"Hana are you oka-" Jisung yelled, suddenly pausing as soon as he saw the two making out messily. The couple eventually stopped and turned to see Yeseul, Seungmin and Jisung standing by the door.

Hana and Hyunjin looked at the three who were awkwardly smiling.

"I told you not to go straight away!" Seungmin whisper-yelled at Jisung, nudging his arm.

"Shut up, at least we got a glimpse of interesting shit." Jisung quietly shouted back.

"You two idiot's, shut up." Yeseul interrupted the boys. "Heh... We'll leave first..." Yeseul grasped onto Jisung's shirt, pulling him out the door as Seungmin did the same.

Hana and Hyunjin giggled as they watched the others leave. At the same time, the nurse had finally arrived.


With a light breeze blowing, the couple walked together, hand in hand. The first few moments were silent.

"So it is true you like me?" Hyunjin smiled, turning his face to the side.

"Yeah, why? Was that deep shit hard to believe?" Hana replied.

"No, I'm just glad that me and my first love are together." He smiled even wider. Hana slightly chuckled as everything became quiet again.

Suddenly, the sky became grey as rain began to pour heavily. Hyunjin held onto Hana's hand tighter and ran quickly in the rain.

Wanting to protect her from getting soaked, he quickly took her inside his house. Tired from the running, Hyunjin made Hana sit down on the sofa as he wrapped a blanket around her. He then headed to the kitchen to make her a warm drink.

As he entered the living room, he handed her the hot chocolate and sat beside her.
"Once you finish drinking, take off your clothes."

Hana almost chocked on her hot chocolate after hearing that. Did she misunderstood what he said?

"What?" She widened her eyes.

"Your clothes are soaked. Take them off so you can take a warm shower." He chuckled, ruffling her hair. Hana mouthed an 'ah' as she previously thought otherwise.

"What am I going to wear after though..." She nervously asked him.

"My clothes."

Hana nodded as she placed the mug on the table.

She headed towards the bathroom and locked the door.


Hana soon walked out the bathroom in an oversized hoodie while trying to dry her hair with a towel. Hyunjin looked at the girl and smiled at how adorable she looked in his clothes.

Hana herself felt warm and fuzzy wearing her boyfriend's clothes. She gently closed her eyes and sniffed to feel that his scent and warmth was still there. The softness made her feel light and as if her feet were lifted off the ground.

Which they actually were. As she opened her eyes, she was face to face with Hyunjin and noticed that she was being carried in his arms. With her arms wrapped around his neck, she was being taken to a familiar looking room.

Soon, she was placed on a large bed. The warmth of it felt familiar as she realised she was in Hyunjin's bed. She felt Hyunjin pull the duvet over her and leaning in. He gently kissed her forehead and whispered to her.

"Get some rest." He was about to leave until Hana quickly grasped onto his arm.

"I won't be able to, if you're not by my side." She gently smiled. Hyunjin giggled and laid down beside her, pulling her closer until their bodies were touching.

"You did promise not to leave me, right?"

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