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Hana could not believe that the person she would be marrying was her childhood best friend. She sat there, unsure of how to respond.

"But why Jaeyoung? Can I reconsider?" She questioned her dad, furrowing her brows.

"I thought you would be much more comfortable being around with him since you already know each other..." Her dad sighed. Hana bit her bottom lip and thought about it for a second. She did love her dad and was desperate to save the business. Then again, she loves Jaeyoung but not in the same way she loves Hyunjin.

She took her time to think about it and eventually decided to agree.
"Fine." She exhaled. Maybe it would help her forget about Hyunjin.

"I knew I could depend on you! Now, I got a meeting to go to so you can leave and rest at home." He told her, patting her shoulder. Hana smiled and exited the office.

As she did that, she walked through the hallways and made her way into the elevator. At the same time Hyunjin came in.

Hana, stole a glance and moved further into the left corner of the elevator. She pressed the button as the elevator when down from floor 9.

The first few seconds were calm and quiet until the elevator began to shake. As she was wearing 6 inch heels, she couldn't keep her balance and eventually fell, luckily into Hyunjin's arms.

"Are you... Okay?" He asked her. Hana shifted her gaze and pulled herself away from him.

"I said not to bother with me." She said bluntly, moving back into the corner.

"What do you want me to do while we're gonna be stuck in here for God knows how long?!" He said to her, slightly raising his voice.

"I said, don't talk to me."

"I don't care what you say. Why can't we at least be friends?!"

"I don't want anything to do with you for fucks sake!"

"Why not? Its not like I was at faul-"

"You are at fault! You didn't care about and you still want to be friends with me?!"

"Listen to me for fucks sake-"

"No! I just want everything we had to en-" Hana got cut off as Hyunjin placed his lips on hers. Hana widened her eyes at his sudden gesture and tried pushing him away. She tried but Hyunjin took her wrists and pinned her to the wall. As much as she tried to escape, her feelings allowed her to kiss him back, but why?

Soon Hyunjin parted and looked deeply into her eyes, desperate yet furious.

"Hyunjin, what the fuck!? Why did you do that?!" Hana exclaimed, covering her mouth.

"To shut that pretty mouth of yours because the words that left it, pissed me off." He replied, with a serious expression. Hana stood there, unable to utter a word and breathed heavily. "I know you don't want everything to end. You're just saying that because of your marriage with Jaeyoung." He added.

"W-what do you mean?! I'm marrying him because I love him, not you."

"And you tell me not to lie. Hypocritical." Hyunjin sighed, rolling his eyes. "Your dad told you to marry him because of financial struggles. I know you don't really have that sort of affection for him."


"Stop denying it and talk to me seriously."

"Fine. Why didn't you come to me?" She questioned him, her lips trembling.

"How was I meant to come for you when clearly I didn't know where you were? You don't know how much of a mess I was when I were trying to look for you."

"Hyunjin, can I be honest about something?" She asked him, trying to form a smile. Hyunjin nodded.

"I love you." She mumbled, letting a chuckle. Hyunjin was startled after he heard that statement and let out a laugh.

"If you love me then why can't we go back to how we were? Can you deny the proposal and stay with me instead? We can run away, live together and be happy." He held her hands tight.

"What about your group? Your career?"

"I could end all that."

"Fool. Doing all this for me."

"Hana. If you love me, then it's all worth it. I don't care if your dad rips up my contract, as long as I have you, I'm happy."

Hana exhaled before giving him a blunt and honest reply.

"I love you but not in the same way as before."

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