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"I DID WHAT?!!" Hana exclaimed, covering her face in embarrassment.

"Mhm and I even managed to get a video of it, you wanna take a look." Yeseul shoved her phone in Hana's face. Hana burried her face into the bunch of pillows, feeling ashamed.

"How am I going to face him now?" Hana cried, being a bit too dramatic.


So, the whole day during school, Hana tried to avoid Hyunjin. Hoping she wouldn't bump into him, she stayed with Yeseul.

During class, she tried not to make any eye contact with him. She even tried to ignore him because she was worried about his response about what had happened last night.

The whole time during class, she kept overthinking about the fact that she had done something so shameful. Unfocused during the teacher's lecture, she gazed out the window, in the empty world outside. It was so quiet. But what was going on in her mind, wasn't.

Just the scene itself kept popping up, making her so frustrated that she wanted to slap herself so bad.

Suddenly, she felt a whisper. She thought to herself for a second to find out who is trying to get her attention.

"Hana~ Tell me about last night~ Who knew you were so horny~."

Unfortunately the voice sounded too familiar as she suddenly remembered it was the person who she wanted to ignore the most.

So, she brushed it off and went back to her thinking. Atleast, she tried to.

His voice took over completely. It unfortunately got to the point where she couldn't take it anymore.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP TALKING TO ME!!" She stood up raising her voice, loudly. The whole class looked back and stared. The teacher had an annoyed expression.

"Park Hana! Please remove yourself from the classroom!" He yelled.

Hana sighed and raged out.

His voice was still audible however, even though she was far away from him. His image kept popping up in her mind.

Hana continuesly hit her head against the wall, as she couldn't stop thinking about him. Avoiding him was probably the worst idea.

Since there were only 5 minutes till class was about to end, she decided to roam around the school hallways, hoping to get him off her mind.

While she was walking, she suddenly bumped into a familiar face.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Hana yelled, making the girl turn around.

"Park Hana, what a coincidence." The girl smiled, walking up to her. Hana crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing out of lesson?"

"Me? I just wanted to go to the bathroom." She replied. Hana raised her brows and continued with her walk. Until suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Hana, do you mind if we talk?" The girl looked at Hana with generous eyes.

"Fine Chaewon. Speak." Hana exhaled, looking rather bored. Her expression suddenly changed when a palm suddenly hit her cheek. It was tinted a deep red and stung.

"Stay away from Hyunjin." She stared at Hana with a threatening glare.

"Why?" Hana scoffed.

"He's mine, didn't you already know that?"

"He doesn't belong to anyone so how is he yours?"

"Listen you man stealing whore, I've known him since the beginning of high school."

Hana simply laughed at how pathetic she sounded. Seriously since high school?

"What should I do? I've known him since hmmm let's say... Primary. Why do you envy me when we're just friends? Afraid your man will abandon your pancake ass?" Hana snapped, raising a brow. The bell suddenly rang, indicating it was end of lesson, but Hana wasn't done just yet.
"Sorry girl but truth is you're just my replacement... A very sad one." She added.

"You bitch..." Chaewon tried slapping her again, but Hana immediately opposed. Hana wasn't gonna let this go easily, so she was ready to kill this bitch.


"Hyunjin your girlfriend got into a fight!" One of the classmates informed him, but he just ignored. Not bothered, he continued to pack his stuff.

"With Hana." The classmate added. At this point, Hyunjin couldn't ignore and quickly stormed out the classroom.

He soon approached the location of where this was happening and saw many students crowded round. There were two girls violently attacking eachother. Within a second, he barged through the large crowd and got a better and clearer view of what exactly was happening.

"You hoe I told you to stay away!" Chaewon screamed, scratching Hana, trying to get her off. Meanwhile, Hana just continued with her violent attacks until Chaewon would shut that bullshitting mouth of hers.

"STOP!" Hyunjin yelled loudly, making the girls stop. Hana stared this time purposely making eye contact with him. She paused, feeling regret.

Meanwhile Chaewon took her chance to escape and ran up to Hyunjin, hiding behind his back.

"Hyunjin, we were talking until she suddenly attacked me! She hit me really badly." Chaewon cried, clinging onto Hyunjin's arm.

Meanwhile Hana stood there with scratches all over her face.

Hyunjin took Chaewon's arms and aggressively shrugged them off. Instead, he walked towards the girl who was actually hurt.

"Come on Hana." He took her hand and trailed off with her, leaving everyone talking.

Did you see that? He left his girlfriend for Hana?~
I find it funny how Hyunjin's already done with her~
Poor girl got her non-existent ass beat up~


Hyunjin eventually arrived in the school's infirmary, where he placed Hana on the bed.

"By the way, the nurse isn't here yet so I'll stay in the meantime." Hyunjin said, sitting down in the chair beside the bed. Hana nodded in response, still confused about why he decided to care for her after almost murdering his girlfriend.

"Also, about last night-" Hyunjin was cut off.

"PLEASE DON'T MENTION IT, I'M REALLY SORRY. THAT WAS SO SHAMELESS OF ME. I WON'T DO IT AGAI-" Hana was cut off this time as she felt Hyunjin's lips on hers.

Hyunjin took his lips off hers and moved towards her ear to whisper something.

"You should've continued to be honest." He then moved away, biting his lips. Hana was left speechless and didn't know how to respond.

"Aside from that, is it true that you still like me?" He questioned her. Hana looked at his desperate eyes but remained quiet. Would it be better if she admitted the truth? What if they were to go back?

Would it be too risky?

Surprise! This is my way of apologising for updating so late TT Hope you enjoyed reading another juicy chapter. Lol jk... PS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND SUPPORTING MY BOOK. I LOVE YOU GUYS TT

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