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It was Stray Kids first day of the concert in the UK and they were preparing for their final performance. Hyunjin adjusted his battery pack and mic as the makeup artists fixed his makeup. As they were doing that, one of the managers came up to Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin, the CEO wants you back in Korea right away, as soon as possible. He needs to have a meeting with you." He informed him. Hyunjin sighed and bit his bottom lip.

Meanwhile In Korea~

While it was only still 10AM, Chaewon walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Hana making breakfast. Hana had noticed and greeted her step-sister.

"Morning, you want breakfast?" Hana asked her.

"Nah, I can't eat much because i'm on a diet these days." Chaewon responded.

"Ooh. You seem well dressed. You going somewhere?"

"Yeah. Work."

"Oh... What do you work as?"

"Actress. I debuted a year ago and won the rookie actress award last year." She bragged, while Hana just kept nodding. "Well, I need to go. I got a drama shooting soon." She assured Hana, taking an apple from the fruit basket.

Meanwhile at the family's company, the CEO, Park Jungho (A/N The story is fictional so the CEO of JYP is Hana's dad, not Park JinYoung sorry.) kept flipping through the photographs, frustrated.

"That bastard, trying to ruin my company!" He chucked them across the table aggressively. While he was not in the mood, someone had knocked on the door and entered his office.

"Dad, can I talk to you about something?" She took small steps towards the small couch. Her dad exhaled and sat down beside her.

"Go ahead, Chae." He insisted.

"It's about Hana... We've made up now so don't worry." She told him.

"That's a relief, but what was she blabbering on about anyways?" He questioned her, curious about their past together.

"You see the 'love' she was referring to was Hyunjin. She was just mad when she saw me because well she didn't seem to like me while I didn't do anything. Her and Hyunjin didn't really have anything deep, after all she did tell me that she's over him."

"Why did she hate you?"

"I think it was because of Hyunjin. You see he would bully her in school and used her while they were dating. He would humiliate her because he didn't really love her. I mean Hana was quite immature during her school days..."

"How do you know he didn't love her? They've been best friends for ages."

"I don't know why he had a sudden hatred towards her. But I do know that he didn't really love her. You see while they were dating, Hyunjin would always come to me and confess to me but I of course declined him multiple times because I didn't want to hurt Hana. I mean until one time where he kept bothering me and forced me to-... with him. I had no choice really because I sincerely loved Hyunjin, but I decided to leave them be, for the sake of Hana's happiness."

"So you're saying that Hyunjin doesn't really like her."

"I don't want to get into assumptions but maybe the airport incident was because he wanted to humiliate her..." Chaewon said, looking at the photographs in her dad's hand. Her dad sighed.

"What about you? Do you still like him?"

"I mean it's pretty confusing. I do love him, but If I do, I'm afraid it will hurt Hana then again she did mention that she's over him..."

"Then just don't bother with him." Her dad said, chucking the photographs on the floor. Chaewon bit her lip and stood up, bowing to her 'father'.

"I'm sorry of bothering you dad... I'll leave now." She apologised.

"It's okay. At least you told me this, now go prepare for your drama shoot." He replied. Chaewon nodded and left the office as her dad just kept sighing in frustration.

Several hours later~

Hyunjin got out the black van with his face covered. Meanwhile, cameras still kept flashing in front of his face as many people surrounded him. His manager tried to ask people to make a path so he can at least make it inside the building.

Eventually after trying to push past many fangirls, he made it into the building of his company. He got into the elevator and made it to the top floor where the CEO's office was.

Hyunjin mentally prepared himself for him to be scolded and exhaled heavily. He nervously entered the office and saw Mr park sitting on his large leather chair, looking quite pissed. He gently shut the door, as Mr Park was alarmed by his entrance. He got up from his seat and walked up to the taller boy.

"Uncle, look i'm-"

"Don't call me uncle anymore, just Mr Park." Mr Park cut off Hyunjin as he begun to speak.

"Mr Park, I sincerely apologise..." Hyunjin respectively bowed to him.

"Do you think an apology is enough?! The stocks have already went down rapidly! How do you think I am are going to clear this mess up?!"

"I'll try and come out with a statement myself-"

"What statement?! You randomly kissed my daughter, whilst knowing that there were many cameras there! How are you going to clear this?!!"

"Mr Park, just let me talk with Hana personally so we can justify a response."

"Don't bother meeting with her again!" Mr Park yelled at Hyunjin, pointing a finger at him.

"But I need to-"

"If you do, I'll terminate your contract." He then threatened him with a cold glare. Hyunjin indeed felt threatened and remained quiet. "And it's best if you don't mention a thing."

"But i'll clear this mess myself."

"No need to. I've already got a solution and it's best if you stay away from Hana if you want your contract to remain safe."

"Mr Park please... I love her so just please let me talk to her once." Hyunjin knelt down almost begging him.

"She's already moved on and will be engaged pretty soon, so I suggest you stay away."

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