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"Excuse me? What did you just-"

"I'm her fiancé. Is that hard for you to understand?" Jaeyoung interrupted Hyunjin who was extremely lost in confusion. "Come on Hana, let's go home." He intertwined his fingers with her hers, practically pulling her away from Hyunjin's sight.

Hyunjin clenched his fist tight. His nails dug deep into his palm to give himself a better grasp. A tear gently rolled down his cheek, yet a flame of fury burned inside. He felt his heart shatter to a million pieces. How could she do that after resolving things? After making love?

He gritted his teeth as his gaze met her apologetic, crystal eyes. He silently watched her figure fade away into the distance, maintaining his anger for now.

As Hana and Jaeyoung got outside, Hana shook her hand away from his tight grasp and slapped her palm against his cheek, tinting it a crimson red. Jaeyoung held his stinging cheek and let out a laugh. "What was that for?" He said.

"For lying." She huffed. "Look. Jae. I really like you but not more than a friend. Hyunjin is the one I want to be with, not you." She added, heading back to aplogise but Jaeyoung had grabbed her wrist and made her turn around.

"You can't though. It's not like you have a choice."

"What do you mean I don't have a choice to be with him?" Hana scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Well it's not like you don't have a choice but... You do want to save your dad's company, right?" Jaeyoung raised a brow. Hana stood there, lost in her thoughts acknowledging the fact that he was right. She really did have no choice because she loved her father. She didn't want to affect the company and upset her father.

As she zoned out, a 'ding' sound disturbed her thoughts and she snapped back to reality. She saw Jaeyoung check his phone, specifically a text which Hana assumed Jaeyoung was replying to. After that, Jaeyoung closed his phone and spoke to Hana again.

"Our parents want us to meet them at the hotel, in the evening for dinner." He assured her. Hana nodded slightly and headed towards Jaeyoung who had opened the car door for her.

She sat down, leaned back and let out a heavy sigh knowing she was going to regret.


After the short ride, they arrived at a large building, with big bold letters hung above stating: GUCCI.

"Why are we here?" Hana asked.

"To get you something appropriate to wear." Jae responded.

"But I am wearing something appropriate."

"That red Valentino dress won't do. Gucci only. Louis Vuitton is still exceptional, however." Jae quite bluntly stated, sliding his hands into his pockets.


The two arrived at the hotel where they were escorted to a table formerly reserved by Jae's parents.

At the table, both families were present as Jae and Hana sat in the empty seats, beside eachother.

"Right." Hana's dad said. "Let's toast to the engagement of our younger ones and celebrate the unity of our families." He raised his glass of champagne, smiling widely.

Hana tried to form a smile and shyly raised her glass too, gently sipping a bit of champagne. As she put her glass down, her dad turned to her.
"Hana, I'm so happy for you to agree to this engagement." He spoke low but with joy in his tone.

"O-of course. Anything to make you proud." Hana responded, trying to form the correct words out of her mouth.

"Oh and you are aware that the engagement party will be taking place in two weeks? It's just a small occasion, inviting a few of our employees and artists."

"No!" Hana was shook at the sudden arrangements. She was totally unaware that everything was happening so quickly and began to regret everything. Why didn't she cut it off with him earlier? If she did then she would'nt have been tangled up in such a mess.


While it was quite late in the evening already, Hyunjin continued dance the pain away. Though, he was hurting physically: his body was aching so bad to the point where he couldn't feel a muscle. Instead he completely fell onto the floor, tired and out of breath.

His eyes felt heavy and his breathing was heavy. At the same time, the door opened as the sound of heels clicking on the floor became more louder.

"Hyunjin?" A female voice spoke. Hyunjin tries to open his eyes more widely and tried to identify who this beautiful face belonged to. Until he was finally was able to distinguish each of her features, he stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What do you want, Chaewon?" He asked her, coldly.

"Nothing I just came to check on you." She bit her bottom lip, shying away from his cold glare.

"Why?" He then asked, in a more softer tone.

"O-oh... I was worried if you were upset about... You know Hana and Jaeyoung."

"If you're not here to discuss something more useful then I'll leave." He spoke before heading towards the door.

Suddenly, he stopped on his tracks as he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his torso.
"I understand your pain." She spoke softly.

"W-what the fuck are you saying?" He removed her arms, turning around to face her.

"Hyunjin. I want to help cure your pain."

"You're acting as if I have some kind of illness-"

"Heartbreak. I'm not that stupid." She scoffed. "Forget about her for god's sake. She isn't gonna do nothing but hurt you even more. She cares about someone else now, anyways." She then added.

"What about you then?"

"Me? Hyunjin I still love you." She then said in a more sincere tone, cupping his cheek with her palm. She looked into his eyes but he tried to shift his gaze.

"I want us to go back."

Sorry this chapter was boring.

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